Pyne Poynt Plans All-Day 4th Party

Camden Courier-Post – June 2, 1933

Program to Have ‘Something’ on Continuously, Day and Night

Plans for the thirty-third anniversary of the Pyne Poynt Athletic Association to be observed with an all ­day program at Pyne Poynt Park July 4 were discussed last night at a meeting in the Pyne Poynt Social Club, 929 North Fifth Street.

Among the features tentatively planned are a children’s parade at 9.30 a. m., under the supervision of Isaac Kyler; memorial service at 11 a. m., under direction of William B. Sullender; sporting events for men, women and children to start at 1.30 p. m., under direction of Alfred J. Ross, Jr.; outdoor motion pictures starting at 9 p. m., under supervision of Robert J. Nelson and a dance in charge of Samuel G. Dickinson, Jr., starting at 10.30 p. m.

Committee chairmen chosen by Frank J. Hartmann, Jr., president, are: Grounds, Foster Willis; program, Otto E. Braun; police, Clifford Flennard; dancing, Samuel G. Dickinson, Jr.; first aid, Dr. Joseph E. Nowrey and William Hughes; transportation, Samuel J. Edwards; public speakers, William B. Sullender; motion pictures, Robert J. Nelson; decorations, Walter A. Reyno; sports, Alfred J. Ross, Jr.; ways and means, Frank J. Hartmann, Jr.; publicity, Walter S. Agin; parade marshal, Isaac Kyler; refreshments, George Washington Ash; light, William Hilton, and music, Frank Kelley.

Children of the Sheltering Arms Home, Home for Friendless Children and the Detention Home will be guests of the association during the day. Samuel J. Edwards will be in charge of their entertainment.

The association will meet again next Thursday night.