Shrine Club’s Relief Fund is Swelled as 4000 Applaud at One of Greatest Shows

Camden Courier-Post – October 15, 1931

Convention Hall Crowded, Several Thousand Dollars Realized

Beatrice Funk Most Popular

Event So Successful It May Become Annual Affair

The relief fund of the Camden Shrine Club, which will aid its unemployed and distressed members, was swelled by several thousand dollars last night from the receipts of one of the greatest vaudeville shows ever seen in the Convention Hall.

The applause, of more than 4000 persons who crowded the auditorium signified that the patrons had been amply rewarded for their attendance in the cause of charity. In addition to the paid admissions, 400 Camden newsboys were made happy with paste boards that admitted them free to the show. This was arranged through Harry G.” Happy” Rathbone, of the Camden Post-Courier circulation department, and those directing the frolic.

Miss Funk Wins Contest

At the close of the show a popularity contest from among 18 South Jersey girls, who vied for the honor of being selected as Miss Camden Shrine Club, was awarded to Beatrice Funk 1618 Broadway, who obtained 12,970 votes.

The contest was directed by Mrs. Norman Nutting and the fortunate young woman was presented with a diamond ring and crowned with pomp and ceremony. She then participated in the grand march that followed.

Votes of other contestants were:

  • Helen Carr, 10,800;
  • Helen Robinson, 7560;
  • Adaline Short, 7185,
  • Roberta Johnson, 6235;
  • Helen Reed, 5500;
  • Alice Nary, 4600;
  • Dorothy Haines, 4545;
  • Anne Bowers, 4035;
  • Lillian Davies, 3995;
  • Thelma Farr, 3945;
  • Lois Seidelman, 3235;
  • Nellie Lucas, 2125;
  • Jessie Franklin, 1040 and
  • Gertrude Long, 999.

The entertainment was opened with selections from the Camden Shrine club band, which was directed by Joseph Bossle, Jr., and assisted by Paul R. West.

Harry Taylor’s syncopators provided orchestra music for the vaudeville and later rendered selections for the dance. The vaudeville was presided over by Margaret Freeman, who acted as mistress of ceremonies. Among the artists appearing was Will Morris, in “Fun On a Bike;” Marion Gibney, who talked about her neighbors; Smith, Strong and Lee, in a novelty number; Bonell and Bay European sensations from a New York club; Deluxe Quintette in comedy singing and musical novelty, and a dance revue. Miss Freeman pleased the audience with several songs

Baehr Directs Show

Jerry Baehr directed the show, and Harry G. Hinchman was general chairman of the committee on arrangements. He was assisted by John H. Sibley, as secretary, and Harry M. Dease as treasurer.

The committee expressed itself as being well satisfied with the attendance and success of the show. It was the first one of its type attempted by the Shriners and plans will be made to make it an annual affair.

The committeemen were:

  • Publicity, Mayor Roy R. Stewart, George W. Williams, Jr., Mike Greenetz and Silas Boyer;
  • tickets, Charles W. Lacey, Paul R. West, Clarence Ford and William Mathews;
  • show, John H. Sibley, Joseph Bossie, Abe Applebaum, Harry F. Ecky and Walter C. Cullin;
  • advertising, Frank B. Hanna, Ernest Bartlett, C. Fowler Cline and J. Fred James;
  • reception, George C. Shallcross, Howard J. Dudley and J. Blair Cuthbert;
  • ushers, George J. Schneider, Sr., Arthur E. Armitage, Francis B. Bodine and Richard Baumiller, Jr.


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