Tag: Central Avenue

  • Budd Street

    Budd Street is situated in Camden’s Centerville neighborhood and made its first appearance in City Directories in 1878. However, the first house with a Budd Street address did not appear until 1891. According to a 1914 map, Budd Street ran east from Ninth Street to the rear fence of Evergreen Cemetery, positioned between Ferry Avenue…

  • Raymond T. Amos

    Raymond T. Amos

    RAYMOND T. AMOS was born in Frankford, Delaware on December 28, 1905 to Albert and Catherine Amos. His father was a minister. The family had moved to Camden by the summer of 1910 and taken up residence at 1004 Central Avenue. The family had moved to 825 Walnut Street in South Camden by January of…

  • Two Hurt as Truck Upsets Auto in South Camden

    Two Hurt as Truck Upsets Auto in South Camden

    Camden Courier-Post – July 1, 1941 William Boyle, 19, of Ashland, and his grandmother, Mrs. Margaret Aubacher, 63, of Osage, were pulled through the door of their car, shown above, yesterday after a crash at Eight street and Central avenue. They were treated at West Jersey Hospital for cuts and shock. Driver of the truck,…

  • Roxie Allen Held as One of Gang in Dice Game Holdup

    Roxie Allen Held as One of Gang in Dice Game Holdup

    Camden Morning Post – December 8, 1930 Pugilist and Pal Identified as 2 of 4 bandits in Landisville Robbery Players Lined Up, Relieved of $200 Robbers Flee in Stolen Car With Crippled Man at Wheel Roxie Allen, Camden’s famed welterweight boxer, and one of his pals were arrested last night and Identified, according to police,…

  • Bail Is Denied Roxie Allen in Robbery of 15 in Craps Game

    Bail Is Denied Roxie Allen in Robbery of 15 in Craps Game

    Camden Evening Courier – December 8, 1930 Three Pals of Camden Boxer Also Jailed at Shore for Grand Jury Quartet Identified by Poolroom Owner Limp Betrays Fighter at Landisville – Says He Did Not Aid Holdup Identified as four of the five bandits who held up and robbed 15 men at a craps game in…