Tag: John B. Kates
Howard Carrow
HOWARD CARROW was born in Camden, Kent County, Delaware on September 30, 1860 to Margaret and Edward Carrow. Howard Carrow’s forebears were of Scotch-Irish and English extractions. They were principally farmers and lived in Maryland and Delaware for several generations. Mr. Carrow’s family came to Bridgeton right after the Civil War and resided there until…
Centennial Mirror 1828-1928
Centennial Mirror of the City of Camden, NJ Published in the interest of a growing city, nineteen twenty-eight. THE City Commissioners of Camden extend their Greetings to all citizens of the City, State and Nation who may visualize the Camden of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, through this volume which is dedicated to the Cause of…
Camden’s Chamber of Commerce
The Camden Chamber of Commerce is the clearing house of civic activities. The offices are in the Hotel Walt Whitman Annex on Cooper Street near Broadway. It is supported by the business, professional and civic interests of Camden. The Chamber of Commerce was formed in April, 1919, through a reorganization of the old Camden Board…
Broadway Trust
Broadway Trust, also known as Broadway Merchants Trust 938-944 Broadway, Camden, NJ The Broadway Trust Company building was built prior to World War I. The architect was Phillip Merz who was based in Rochester NY and the building was constructed by the J. Henry Miller Co. of Baltimore MD, who also built the building which…
Broadway Trust Company – March-December 1916
Broadway Trust Company Broadway below Walnut St. Camden, N.J. J.J. BURLEIGH President ANTHONY KOBUS Vice President WM. J.COOPER Vice President BURLEIGH H. DRAPER Secretary and Treasurer Directors: REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Broadway Trust Company of Camden, N. J., Broadway below Walnut St, at the close of business March 7, 1916. RESOURCES.Bonds and Mortgages…………………………