Tag: William H. Iszard
Camden Elks Hope to Get Convention
Camden Courier-Post – June 2, 1933 Advisory Committee Will Present Formal Invitation for State Meet The twenty-first annual reunion and the convention of the New Jersey State Elks Association will be held in Camden next June if efforts of the advisory board of Camden Lodge of Elks are successful at the state meeting in Newark…
Camden Elks to Honor Past Exalted Rulers
Camden Courier-Post – February 8, 1933 Past exalted rulers will be honored tonight by Camden Lodge of Elks with a dinner, ceremonial and entertainment. The program will be nation-wide. A dinner will be served at 6:00 PM, followed by a business session. Harry G. Robinson, present exalted ruler, will open the ceremonial and turn the…
Eighteen New Firemen Named
Camden Post-Telegram – December 3, 1904 City Council’s Fire Committee last night named 18 new firemen, Sixteen of these men Will not go on duty until July 1 next, at which time the new fire house will be ready for service, while the other two, who were named to fill vacancies, will begin duty the…
First Ward Club Had a Jolly Time
Annual Election and Feast of Fun Held Last Night Camden Courier-Post – January 12, 1904 Hospitality was rampant at the First Ward Young Republican Club last night. The occasion was the annual meeting. Following the election of officers there was a delightful entertainment and a splendid feast, the honors being done by Captain William E.…