Tag: William J. Lyons

  • Changes Ordered In Camden Police

    Changes Ordered In Camden Police

    Philadelphia Inquirer – November 26, 1922 Council Body Directs Solicitor Bleakly to Plan Re-organization of Department Following an extended conference, the police committee of Camden City Council yesterday directed Solicitor Bleakly to prepare an ordinance for a partial reorganization of the Police Department. The new ordinance will provide for the captain and three lieutenants to…

  • Police Carnival was a Gigantic Success

    Police Carnival was a Gigantic Success

    Philadelphia Inquirer – February 16, 1914 POLICE CARNIVAL WAS A GIGANTIC SUCCESS Considered one of the most successful events ever given in Camden, the second annual industrial show and carnival of the Camden Police Beneficial Association came to a close in the Third Regiment Armory Saturday night with the crowning of the queen. Miss Margaret…

  • First Ward Club Had a Jolly Time

    First Ward Club Had a Jolly Time

    Annual Election and Feast of Fun Held Last Night Camden Courier-Post – January 12, 1904 Hospitality was rampant at the First Ward Young Republican Club last night. The occasion was the annual meeting. Following the election of officers there was a delightful entertainment and a splendid feast, the honors being done by Captain William E.…