Police Carnival was a Gigantic Success

Philadelphia Inquirer – February 16, 1914


Considered one of the most successful events ever given in Camden, the second annual industrial show and carnival of the Camden Police Beneficial Association came to a close in the Third Regiment Armory Saturday night with the crowning of the queen. Miss Margaret Rudolph, daughter of Chas Rudolph, of Master street, was accorded that honor. It is estimated that during the week more than 50,000 persons visited the armory and participated in the festivities.

The committee that had charge of the affair included Milton Stanley, Captain Edward Hyde, Sergeant E. B. McClong, Frank Crawford, Peter Gondolf, William Lyons, Harry Miller, Arthur Colsey, Thomas Reed, William Potter, Tabor Quinn, Charles Whaland, George Anderson, Albert Shaw, Sergeant Horner and Thomas Cunningham.


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