3 Policemen Hurt As Car Hits Ambulance

Philadelphia Inquirer – December 14, 1915

Collision Occurs as Machine Speeds to Home of Man Who Attempted Suicide

Three Camden policemen were injured, one of them seriously, last night, when the First district auto ambulance was struck by a trolley car while responding to a call from 2310 Carman street, where Bodine Stratton, 39 years old, had shot himself over the heart. All were taken to Cooper Hospital.

Policeman Harry Newton, of Twenty-sixth and Sherman avenue, received a probable fracture of the skull; Policeman George R. Thompson, of 251 Mt. Vernon street, had his face and head badly lacerated, while Policeman Robert Abbott, of 110 North Twenty-third street, was cut and bruised. Stratton was seriously hurt by his self-inflicted wound.

When the call for aid came the ambulance, on charge of Patrolmen J. Oscar Weaver and Thompson, was sent to the Stratton house. It was crossing Westfield avenue at Thirtieth when a trolley car crashed into the rear. The three injured men were thrown against the side of the machine, although it was not wrecked. Weaver and Sergeant Golden took them to the hospital.

Stratton had been despondent, according to his wife, and it was while she was in the yard that she heard the shot finding her husband lying on the floor with a bullet wound over his heart.


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