6 To Make Pleas Next Monday to Murder Charges

Camden Courier-Post – September 30, 1933

Baldwin Will Move for Speedy Trials Before Judge Shay

Number Largest in Last 20 Years

Several Reported Ready to Throw Themselves on Mercy of Court

Six alleged slayers will appear in Camden Criminal Court Monday to enter pleas to indictments.

That is the largest number of persons charged with murder to appear in the court at one time for more than 20 years.

Prosecutor Clifford A. Baldwin intends to move for speedy trial of defendants who will plead not guilty. It is expected that several of the alleged slayers will enter pleas of non vult and throw themselves on the mercy of the court. Prosecutor Baldwin would not reveal today whether he would accept such pleas. Those who will stand trial will be tried before Judge Samuel M. Shay, who has been designated by Supreme Court Justice Frank T. Lloyd to conduct the murder trials alone.

Among those who will plead will be William Schiller, of East Camden, who is charged with shooting and killing his father, Jacob Schiller, 72, former Republican leader of the Twelfth Ward and city light inspector. Schiller shot and killed his father is his home at Twenty-fourth and Carman Streets two weeks ago when he went to the elder Schiller’s home, armed with a revolver seeking his estranged wife. Schiller fired several shots at his wife.

Three youths also will face Judge Shay on a murder charge. They are John Petracci, Sam DiGiacomo and Stanzo Palumbo, who are charged with beating Archie Pidgeon to death at Fourth and Berkley Streets several weeks ago and robbing him of 40 cents.

Peter Citeroni who shot and killed his sweetheart, Jennie Zucchi, at Wright and Haddon Avenues on the night or August 13, will plead to a murder indictment. Citeroni, who is in the county jail, tried to kill himself by bumping his head against the walls of his cell and slashing his throat. He was not injured seriously and has fully recovered.

Other defendants who have pleaded not guilty and who are scheduled to be placed on trial Monday are:

Joseph Hendricks and Edward Hendricks, charged with possession of stolen goods; Robert Carey, assault and battery; Tony Tzaskowski, embezzlement; James Jordan, assault and battery; Ray Weaver, embezzlement; Lacy Mooney, Joseph Rizzo and Hackle Gamble, attempted larceny; Harry Sheer and John McShany, larceny and breaking and entering.

On Tuesday these defendants are scheduled to go on trial: Raymond Ballenger, statutory charge; Harry Blaetz, Martin Burns, William Patten, Jerry Fagen, non support.


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