Tag: Edward S. Hyde
Changes Ordered In Camden Police
Philadelphia Inquirer – November 26, 1922 Council Body Directs Solicitor Bleakly to Plan Re-organization of Department Following an extended conference, the police committee of Camden City Council yesterday directed Solicitor Bleakly to prepare an ordinance for a partial reorganization of the Police Department. The new ordinance will provide for the captain and three lieutenants to…
Police to Probe $200,000 Kaighn Ave. Fire
Camden Courier-Post – January 18, 1922 Fire Captain May Die, Four Others Injured; Damage Is $200,000 Economy Store and Other Buildings Near Broadway Swept by Flames Early This Morning Falling Debris Carries Men Through Roof And Into Cellar Sleeping Inmates of Apartments Roused and Invalid Carried to Safety Mayor Sees Rescues Mayor [Charles H.] Ellis…
Camden Courier-Post – September 7, 1919 Battle Flags Wave in Triumph O’er Parade Reviewed by Admiral Gray Veterans of G. A. R. and Wounded Ride; Centopath [sic] Passes in Reverential Hush The Peace with victory which Camden’s sons along with millions of other soldiers of all the Allied countries helped to bring home was celebrated…
Revolver, Smuggling It in Covered By Fruit, Murderer’s Wife Supplied It
Camden Post Telegram – July 19, 1916 Confessing Supplying Pistol, in Spike of Husband’s Denial That She Was Guiltless, Mrs. Ashbridge Is Held Without Bail on Charge of Conspiracy in Aiding and Abetting Escape From Jail With Wilson T. Ashbridge under guard in a cell in what was formerly known as Murderer’s Row, the police…
Murders and Forger Escape Jail After Shooting Keepers, Killing One
Camden Post-Telegram – July 18, 1916 Wilson Ashbridge, Who Shot and Killed Mrs. Elizabeth Dunbar and George E. Thompson, Check Swindler, Trap Jailor Hibbs by a Ruse and After Slaying Him Shoot Joe Ellis Who Intercepted Them in Flight. Used Revolver Smuggled Into Prison by Confederates and Leave Jail Wide Open in Their Flight, a…
Police Carnival was a Gigantic Success
Philadelphia Inquirer – February 16, 1914 POLICE CARNIVAL WAS A GIGANTIC SUCCESS Considered one of the most successful events ever given in Camden, the second annual industrial show and carnival of the Camden Police Beneficial Association came to a close in the Third Regiment Armory Saturday night with the crowning of the queen. Miss Margaret…
Police Pension Fund Election
Philadelphia Inquirer – January 14, 1910 There was a spirited contest at the annual election of officers of the Camden Police Pension Fund yesterday. J. Oscar Weaver won out for the presidency of the fund over George Anderson. The other officers elected follow: Vice presidents James Clay; recording secretary, Edward Hyde; financial secretary, James E.…
Camden’s Pride Parades Before City’s People
Philadelphia Inquirer – February 23, 1901 Policemen and Firemen Make Their Initial Turnout and Present a Creditable Appearance – Reviewed by Officials – How the Departments Have Grown With a line up that could not be surpassed by the famous “Broadway Squad” of New York, Camden’s policemen, or most of them, turned out in review…
Two Men Shot in a Race Riot in Camden
Philadelphia Inquirer – July 6, 1897 Both Victims Are Colored and One Is Probably Fatally Wounded. POLICE USED PISTOLS They Were Fired at When They Tried to Arrest the Fighters, “Crap” Game Started the Trouble. In a race riot between white and colored men in South Camden last evening two colored men were shot. One…