Charles G. Berry

In the directories of Camden City from 1887-1888, 1888-1889, and 1890-1891, Charles G. Berry is listed as a resident of 226 Point Street, working as a shoemaker in Philadelphia. It appears that he received an appointment to the Camden Fire Department in 1890 and was assigned to Engine Company 4, being one of its original members.

Engine Company 4 was established on June 1, 1890, located at 320 Vine Street in North Camden. The company had a two-hitch, second-class Button steam engine and a one-hitch Button hose carriage. The initial members of the company included Amedee S. Middleton as the Company Foreman, Francis Turner as the engineer, C. Barney Harvey as the stoker, Edward Hartman as the driver, and Walter W. Browning and Charles Berry as hosemen.

Unfortunately, Charles Berry’s health took a turn for the worse, and he apparently contracted tuberculosis. His exposure to the elements while fighting a fire on November 1, 1892, worsened his condition. Charles Berry passed away at his residence on Point Street on March 21, 1893.

It should be noted that a newspaper article indicates Fireman Berry’s address as “236 Paint Street,” but multiple City Directories list him at 226 Point Street. The latter address is likely the correct one.

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    Charles G. Berry

    In the directories of Camden City from 1887-1888, 1888-1889, and 1890-1891, Charles G. Berry is listed as a resident of 226 Point Street, working as a shoemaker in Philadelphia. It appears that he received an appointment to the Camden Fire Department in 1890 and was assigned to Engine Company 4, being one of its original…

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