Camden Terrace was a small street in Camden's Eighth Ward, running south from Fairview Street between South 6th Street and Master Street. It is absent from the 1906, 1914, and 1918 City Directories but does appear in the 1924 edition. However, there are no homes listed on Camden Terrace in the reverse directories from 1924 through the final one published in 1947. The street was eventually eliminated when the I-676 interstate highway was constructed.
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Camden Terrace
Camden Terrace was a small street in Camden's Eighth Ward, running south from Fairview Street between South 6th Street and Master Street. It is absent from the 1906, 1914, and 1918 City Directories but does appear in the 1924 edition. However, there are no homes listed on Camden Terrace in the reverse directories from 1924…
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