Tag: 18th Street

  • Oscar Gibbs’ Sinclair Gas Station

    Oscar Gibbs’ Sinclair Gas Station

    The gas station, on the southwest corner of 18th and Federal, was razed sometime in the 1970s. The Dimedio Lime Company, which is across Federal Street, bought the property and erected a new building on the site.

  • The Streets of Camden

    Note: All numbered streets in Camden, NJ are “North” if above Federal Street and “South” if below Federal St. As an example, “North 4th Street” would mean that it’s north of Federal, while South 8th street would mean it is south of Federal. Street Name Also Known As First Appears Last Appears Notes 2nd Street…

  • Israel B. Adams, Jr.

    ISRAEL BUTLER ADAMS JR. was born on October 23, 1859, one of twelve children born to Israel and Adeline Cox Adams. The elder Adams was a farmer. By the spring of 1860 the family was living in Camden County’s Stockton Township, quite possibly in or near the Delair section of what is now Pennsauken. His…

  • Stockton Annexed Against Protest of Democrats

    Camden Courier-Post – March 24, 1949 Fifty years ago, the old town of Stockton was annexed to the City of Camden over the protests of Democratic members of the town council. But a Republican Legislature approved a bill introduced by former Justice Frank T. Lloyd on March 24, 1899. He was a member of the…