Tag: C. Lawrence Gregorio

  • C. Lawrence Gregorio

    C. Lawrence Gregorio

    C. Lawrence Gregorio, originally born as Christopher Lawrence Digregario in Pennsylvania in 1899, was a notable figure in Camden’s legal community. His family moved to Camden when he was three, settling at 326 Sycamore Street in South Camden. His father, John, worked as a laborer, and his mother, Laura, was a homemaker. Being the eldest…

  • Jobless Son Kills Jake Schiller Wo Saves Boys Wife From Gun

    Jobless Son Kills Jake Schiller Wo Saves Boys Wife From Gun

    Camden Courier-Post – September 18, 1933 SLAYER CRAZED BY SEPARATION, RELATIVES SAY Dazedly Insists He Had No Intention of Shooting Sire ESTRANGED WIFE SEEN IN SUICIDE TRY Slain Man Long Was Prominent Figure in Camden Politics Jacob Schiller, 72, for 45 years a political figure here, is dead, shot by his own son. The slayer,…

  • Five Women Faint As Court Jails Men

    Five Women Faint As Court Jails Men

    Camden Courier-Post – August 16, 1933 Turmoil Caused as Judge Acts to End Vandalism in County A court room crowded to the doors was thrown into a turmoil of excitement yesterday when five women became hysterical upon hearing Judge Samuel M. Shay impose prison terms on three men who pleaded guilty to vandalism in special…

  • Freda Brown Asks for Maintenance

    Camden Courier-Post – June 26, 1933 Wife of Druggist Suing for Divorce Petitions Advisory Master Mrs. Freda Brown, wife of Joseph E. Brown, druggist at Third and Market Streets, who is suing her for divorce, appeared before William J. Kraft, advisory master in chancery, yesterday and asked for maintenance for herself and their two children.…

  • Held in Robbery of Byron P. Cobb

    Held in Robbery of Byron P. Cobb

    Camden Courier-Post – June 6, 1933 Beaten Awning Maker Says $47, Not $4700, Was Taken From Pocket Three men accused of kidnapping, beating and robbing Byron P. Cobb, 62, of 427 Benson Street, yesterday were held without bail for the grand jury by Police Judge [Garfield S.] Pancoast after they pleaded not guilty. They gave…

  • ‘Blackie’ Battino Gets 3 to 5 Years

    ‘Blackie’ Battino Gets 3 to 5 Years

    Camden Courier-Post – February 2, 1933 Sentenced by Judge Shay After Pleading Guilty to Holdup Charge Pleading guilty in criminal court to holding up two South Camden men last February, and to a gun toting charge Louis “Blackie” Battino, 23, of 805 South Fifth street, was sentenced to three to five years in state prison…

  • Democrats to Hold Meetings Tonight

    Camden Courier-Post – October 29, 1931 Candidacy of Moore to be Expounded at Meetings in City and Suburbs The campaign foe A. Harry Moore, gubernatorial candidate, and local Democratic candidates, will be carried into six wards of the city and in seven communities or the county tonight. All meetings and speakers are as follows: Second…

  • 7 Democrats Rallies in County Tonight

    7 Democrats Rallies in County Tonight

    Camden Courier-Post – October 23, 1931 Democratic speakers, urging suffrage in the interest of A. Harry Moore, gubernatorial candidate, and the local Democratic ticket, will invade seven political clubs in the city and county tonight. County meetings, all at 8 p. m. and speakers are as follows:

  • Sincerity of G.O.P Flayed By French

    Camden Courier-Post – October 21, 1931 Former Bridge Official in Speech Asks Baird Seven Questions Directing questions at David Baird, Republican candidate for governor, Samuel T. French, former president of the New Jersey Bridge and Tunnel Commission, last night attacked the sincerity of Baird’s campaign speeches. French addressed more than 200 voters at the headquarters,…

  • Democrats to Stage Meetings Tonight

    Camden Courier-Post – October 20, 1931 Six meetings, three in the city and three in the county, will be conducted by Democrats tonight in the interest of A. Harry Moore, gubernatorial candidate, and local candidates on the Democratic ticket. The meetings are: Tenth Ward Democratic Club, Camden, 822 North Eighth Street, Firmin Michel andFrank Connors, speakers.…

  • Old Doc Hyghcock Nabbed with Ancient Sedan, Gun

    Old Doc Hyghcock Nabbed with Ancient Sedan, Gun

    Camden Courier-Post – January 7, 1928 "Doctor" Reyouque E.H.H. Hyghcock, whose underground "House of Terror" at 415 Liberty Street brought him much publicity and a prison cell two years ago, was arrested today in Collingswood. He was charged with having a loaded revolver in his possession and driving a motorcar without a license. When the…

  • Judge Shay to be Next Prosecutor

    Judge Shay to be Next Prosecutor

    Camden Courier-Post – January 31, 1928 Camden Trenton Bureau Trenton, Jan. 31 – The name of Judge Samuel M. Shay, of the Camden County Court of Common Pleas, has been handed to Governor Moore as the choice of the Camden Democratic organization for prosecutor, succeeding Ethan Wescott. The name was submitted to Governor Moore last…