Tag: James E. Tatem

  • David S. Rhone

    David S. Rhone

    Dr. David Samuel Rhone was born in Pennsylvania on March 5, 1878. Around 1920, he and his wife Florence relocated to Camden, NJ, where he established a medical practice and a pharmacy known as the Crescent Drug Company, situated at 1202 Haddon Avenue. As a member of the Republican Party, Dr. Rhone achieved electoral success…

  • Police Invite Bandits to Nice Shooting Party

    Police Invite Bandits to Nice Shooting Party

    Camden Courier-Post – February 4, 1928 But Yeggs Must Leave Gats at Home While Cops Practice With Camden’s new Desperado Eliminators Wanted: Targets for Camden's new desperado eliminators. Bandits, burglars, snipers and their ilk are requested by Chief of Police James E. Tatem to apply at police headquarters Monday morning at 10 o'clock, when a…

  • Jewelry Clerk Held in Robbery of Store

    Jewelry Clerk Held in Robbery of Store

    Camden Courier-Post – January 7, 1928 Loot Values at $2000 Taken from Broaday Shop; Second Visit of Thieves Climbing to the roof of a shed in the rear of the Greenetz & Pellicoff jewelry store, 833 Broadway, burglars entered the shop early today and carried away $2,000 in loot. At noon today, Joseph Shapiro, 29…

  • Camden Voodo Man Once Kept Den in Norfolk, VA

    Camden Voodo Man Once Kept Den in Norfolk, VA

    Camden Courier-Post – April 14, 1925 Police Learn Hyghcock Ran Another Underground Hotel Years Ago Driven Out of Town Came to Philadelphia Excavation of Cellar Here for Bodies Starts as Owner Gives Consent Mayor King to Direct Armed with picks, axes, and shovels a detail of police and firemen started this afternoon to tear up…

  • Voodoo Man Confesses Bigamy

    Voodoo Man Confesses Bigamy

    Camden Courier – April 10, 1925 Cops Discover Secret Vault, Baby Skeleton Police investigating the “voodoo den” of H.H. Hyghcock, 413-15 Liberty Street, whose arrest on suspicion of murder made several important discoveries today. They are: When informed of the finding of the supposed vault, Director Tempest instructed Captain Gordon to “tear it out if…

  • Changes Ordered In Camden Police

    Changes Ordered In Camden Police

    Philadelphia Inquirer – November 26, 1922 Council Body Directs Solicitor Bleakly to Plan Re-organization of Department Following an extended conference, the police committee of Camden City Council yesterday directed Solicitor Bleakly to prepare an ordinance for a partial reorganization of the Police Department. The new ordinance will provide for the captain and three lieutenants to…

  • Police Pension Fund Election

    Police Pension Fund Election

    Philadelphia Inquirer – January 14, 1910 There was a spirited contest at the annual election of officers of the Camden Police Pension Fund yesterday. J. Oscar Weaver won out for the presidency of the fund over George Anderson. The other officers elected follow: Vice presidents James Clay; recording secretary, Edward Hyde; financial secretary, James E.…