Philadelphia Inquirer – July 28, 1890
Plenty of Liquor and As Faro Layout Secured by the Police
A Murderous Negro Creates a Commotion
Incendiaries and Work—Other News Across the Delaware
The Camden police made another raid early yesterday morning. About 1 o’clock a detail consisting of Officers Pederick, Lee, Anderson, Horner, Baker, and Chief Dodd raided a “speak-easy” and gambling den in a boathouse at the end of North Second street. When the policemen arrived a quiet little game of faro was in progress in the second story.
The proprietor, William Parker, Maurice Hinchman, Charles Mead and Mabel Gray were captured and taken to the City Hall. Sixteen boxes of beer, three gallons of whisky and a homemade faro layout were also captured. All of the men arrested were released yesterday but Parker, who was held on the charge of keeping a disorderly house and selling liquor without a license.
A funny incident occurred after the raid had been made. While the patrol was making its first trip to the City Hall previous to the removal of the liquor and gambling implements, Officer Pederick was detailed to watch the place. The policeman had only been in charge a few moments when a gang of men came in and called for a drink. “I can’t sell you anything,” said Pederick.
“Why?” asked one of the thirsty men.
“I got no license,” answered the officer.
“That’s all right; Billy had no license, but we got the ‘booz’ just the same,” said one of the would-be purchasers. Pederick pulled back the flap of his coat and showed them his star. The thirsty men made a hasty retreat.
A Negro on the Warpath
William Thomas, alias King, is known among all of the tough colored element of the Fifth ward. Late on Saturday he started out to “do up” every person who ventured to come within the vicinity of Third and Spruce streets. His first move was to draw a revolver and tell Mary Blee, an old female companion, that he was going to kill her. Mary succeeded in escaping.
He then went into the saloon of John Jennings and called for a drink. The saloon-keeper refused him, whereupon he picked up glasses and bottles and flung them at his head and finally compelled him to rush into the street for safety. Policeman Streeper was summoned and was about to take the prisoner to the patrol box when he picked up a cobble stone and hit the officer a terrible blow in the back. He was sent to jail by the Mayor yesterday in default of $1,500 bail.
Tried to Burn the Building
While Policeman Harvey was patrolling his beat about twenty minutes of 4 o’clock yesterday morning, he noticed a man coming out of the butcher establishment of Samuel K. Hires, on Kaighn avenue above Third Street. He paid little attention to the man, as it is usual for men to work there all night. A few minutes later the entire building was discovered enveloped in a mass of flames. The mysterious man, who had only a few minutes previous left, had been an incendiary and had smeared lard over the floors and then set it on fire. The Fire Department saved the building.
Brief ‘Cross River Notes
Eva Butts, alias “Siss,” Mary Dingle, Emma Adams and Anna Brady were arrested by Officer Butts early yesterday morning on the charge of keeping a disorderly house on Mount Ephraim avenue, between Chestnut and Sycamore streets. They are held for a further hearing.
Jacob Welsh, aged 17 years, living in South Camden, got into an altercation with his brother yesterday, when he nearly bit his finger off. He is locked up at the City Hall.
While intoxicated Frank Wilson, a Philadelphian, got into a fight at Haddonfield yesterday morning. During the fracas he was cut in the face and eye with a razor.
Thirty-six arrests were made in Camden during Saturday night and yesterday.
Contractor Aaron Ward yesterday completed the big sewer on Sixth street, when he built the last part under the Pennsylvania Railroad tracks.
Kate Manning, of Stockton township, was committed in default of bail for a further hearing by Justice Hope yesterday, for assault on Andrew Mullin. Mullin states that the woman had been drinking, and threw a stick of wood at him, and when he remonstrated with her she drew a knife from under her dress, and cut him in the head with it. The woman denied having a knife in her possession, and stated that she only pushed the man for having made an insulting remark to her.

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