New Firemen Assigned for Two Platoons

Camden Post-Telegram – December 30, 1920

Double Shift System Becomes Effective at 8 O’clock on Saturday Morning

Saturday morning at 8 o’clock the two-platoon system of the Fire Department becomes effective. At that hour the first shift will go on duty and remain until 6 p.m. when the second squad goes on, remaining until 8 a.m. That will be the procedure in the department henceforth, the schedule being so arranged that every third day there will be a 24-hour shift to let the other off. Every man will have 24 hours off every sixth day.

The arrangements were completed last night at a meeting of Council’s Fire Committee, when assignments were made of the fifty-six recent appointees to the department. With Chief Carter at headquarters will be stationed in resective [sic] shifts Deputy Chiefs Nicholas and Patterson. Battalion Chiefs Wade and Browninw [sic] will be stationed with their shifts at No. 3 engine house.

At last night’s meeting Congressman F. F. Patterson, Jr., Mayor Charles H. Ellis, President of Council David Jester and Chairman of the Fire Committee Joseph Forsyth made addresses in which they all spoke appreciatively of the fire-fighting force and offered their congratulations to the men in getting what they had sought after many years of effort. Chief Carter was particularly praised for the efficient manner in which he has developed the department. The chief also spoke, thanking the representatives of the city in behalf of the men for the boon given them in the two-platoon system, which means the fire fighters will be able to spend more time with their families.

Everything has been worked out to the least detail and it is anticipated the new system will work without any difficulties.

The assignment of the new men to the various companies follow:

Engine Company No. 1 – Alfred E. Green, Charles Errickson, Charles Cook, Leroy Hatchett.

Engine Company No. 2 – Howard Lamdon, Edgar Ellander, John K. Voll, Harold E. Loring, Chester J. Andreas, Harry G. Layton.

Engine Company No. 3 – Charles Haines, August Haverkamp, Lous Quinton, Chas. S. Clements, Frank Kuda.

Engine Company No. 4 – Frank A. Obermann, Walter P. Gray, Albert Ruber, Fred Schucker, Harry Kleinfelder.

Engine Company No. 5 – Richard A. Ferris, Frank Fennrio.

Engine Company No. 6 – William H. Reed, Manuel J. Kane, Edward Perairia, Thomas Shanahan, Rocco di Varino.

Engine Company No. 7 – August Scholl, Lawrence H. Matthews, Micholas Romain.

Engine Company No. 8 – Adam Mead, Frank Sapp, William J. Taylor, William Wood, Samuel Oshushek, Edward C. Crane.

Engine Company No. 9 – Keenard Naylor, Daniel McSurdy, John Mohofeld.

Engine Company No. 10 – William Swarts, Hugh Rementer, Harry Greenan, Rocco Abbott.

Hose and Chemical Company No 2 – Lawrence Newton, Edward Hauser, William Getner.

Hook and Ladder Company No. 1 – Tom Cunningham, Leonard Magee.

Hook and Ladder Company No. 2 – John Gaylor, Walter G. White.

Hook and Ladder Company No. 3 – David Ellis, George A. Addison, John Mulligan, David Humphreys, Albert Dukes.

Hook and Ladder Company No. 4 – George A. Quimby.

Chief’s Driver – Tenny G. Hutchinson


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