Davis Street

Davis Street runs southeast from a point north of Sheridan Street, intersecting with Copewood Street, and continuing until it ends at Ferry Avenue. Although Davis Street was not residential, it hosted several significant businesses and institutions in Camden. In the 1960s, following the opening of the Ferry Avenue station of the PATCO high-speed line, a garden apartment complex called the Ferry Station Apartments was built on the west side of Davis Street below Sayrs Avenue, along with a high-rise office building. On the east side, another office building was erected, and a large parking lot was created to serve PATCO commuters.

The businesses and institutions on Davis Street included the Municipal Hospital for Contagious Diseases for the City of Camden, which later became the South Jersey Medical Research Foundation and was subsequently renamed the Coriell Institute for Medical Research. Other establishments included the Radio Condenser Corporation (now RF Products, Inc.), the Morgan Village Little League clubhouse, Thomas Nelson Inc. (a publisher of Bibles and religious works, whose building is now the Dr. Charles Brimm Medical Arts High School), and the City Line Lumber Company (now the site of the Speedline Station). Around 2000, the Ferry Station Apartments were renamed Tamarack Station Apartments, and around 2004, the field where the Morgan Village Little League was located was renamed Whitman Park, despite an existing Whitman Park at Louis and Everett Streets.

Davis Street was named after Dr. Henry Hill Davis, a notable figure in Camden’s medical community. Dr. Davis practiced medicine, served on the school board, was the county coroner, Camden’s first medical inspector, and first chief medical inspector. He served for many years on Camden’s Board of Health and was president when the Municipal Hospital for Contagious Diseases was planned and built. He was also the Chief of the Medical Department of Camden’s public schools and the first School Medical Inspector in New Jersey. Additionally, the Henry H. Davis School, built in 1925 at 3425 Cramer Street in East Camden and once the largest elementary school in Camden, was named in his honor.


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