Tag: Linden Street

  • Linden Street

    Linden Street runs east from the Delaware River to North 12th Street. Over the years, large portions of the street have been demolished to accommodate the construction of the Benjamin Franklin Bridge, Rutgers University, the toll plaza, and related infrastructure projects.

  • James McDade

    James McDade

    James McDade was born in Pennsylvania in September 1860 and had moved to Camden by 1884. His wife, Emma Ferkler, was seven years older than him. Together, they had three children: James Jr., born in October 1886; Joseph, born in May 1887; and Emma, born in March 1892. During this period, the family lived at…

  • Florence “Sally” Horner

    Florence “Sally” Horner: A Tragic Story of Abduction and Inspiration Florence “Sally” Horner lived with her widowed mother, Ella Horner, at 944 Linden Street in North Camden when, in June 1948, she was abducted by Frank LaSalle. LaSalle, a 50-year-old convicted pedophile, held Sally captive for 21 months, taking her across the country before she…

  • George Birch

    George Birch

    George Birch was born on May 10, 1905, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His father either passed away or abandoned the family, leaving George’s mother, Katherine Halligan, an illiterate Irish immigrant, to raise him alone. Around age 10 or 11, George suffered a head injury that left him deaf, a condition that was medically irreversible at the…

  • Betty Jean Turner

    Betty Jean Turner

    Betty Jean Turner was born on August 12, 1944, in Metter, Georgia, to Willie Pearl and H.S. Turner. The Turner family eventually migrated north and settled in Penns Grove, New Jersey, where Betty received her formal education. Later, she moved to Camden, New Jersey, where she held various jobs. In the late 1980s and 1990s,…

  • Rex Place

    Rex Place

    Rex Place, a short thoroughfare, extended eastward from the vicinity of 317 North 5th Street, concluding its course at 309 North 6th Street, neatly positioned between Penn and Linden Street. The northern side of Rex Place provided rear access to residences in the 500 block of Linden Street, while the southern side, commencing at North…

  • Old Cooper Street

    Old Cooper Street

    Reprinted from the series of stories of Camden’s earlier days, under the title Sixty Years in Camden County – Gosh! by Will Paul, appearing in The Community news, of Merchantville, NJ. In an earlier chapter I suggested that a young writer seeking a subject for a story could take any Camden street that leads to…

  • Main Street

    Main Street

    Main Street is a diagonal street situated in North Camden, running southeast from the intersection of State Street and Point Street. Its historical presence can be traced back to the Camden City Directory in 1878, where it was listed as starting from the entrance of the Vine Street Ferry. Notably, Main Street is characterized by…

  • Dominick Persiani Rites Arranged for Saturday

    Dominick Persiani Rites Arranged for Saturday

    Camden Courier-Post – May 21, 1953 High Mass for Dominick J. Persiani, 35, will be sung Saturday at 9 a.m. in the Sacred Heart R. C. Church. Relatives in the funeral home of Joseph A. Falco, 1020 S. 4th st., where friends may call Friday night. Burial will be in Calvary Cemetery. Mr. Persiani, a…

  • 2 Jailed for Begging Money from Autoists

    Camden Courier-Post – June 25, 1933 Charged with being drunk and disorderly, James Kelly, 34, of 324 Penn Street, and Charles Murphy, 59, of 423 Stevens Street, were each sentenced to 60 days in jail Saturday by Police Judge Garfield Pancoast. They were arrested at Eleventh and Linden streets yesterday on complaint of motorists who…

  • Bridge Board to Take 27 Properties as Safety Zone for Rail Underpass

    Bridge Board to Take 27 Properties as Safety Zone for Rail Underpass

    Camden Courier-Post – February 4, 1933 Fourth Street Houses Between Main and Linden Considered Valuation Last Year set at $133,875, But May Go to $110,000 For 1933 Landmarks Included Twenty-seven properties, some of which are landmarks of generations past, are to be acquired by the Delaware River Joint Commission to make way for the proposed…

  • Sixteen Appointed to Fire Department

    Sixteen Appointed to Fire Department

    Camden Evening Courier – December 3, 1904 On account of the illness of its chairman, Dr. Frank Neall Robinson, the fire committee of City Council last night met at Dr. Robinson’s residence, 518 Linden street. The principal object of the meeting was to recommend names for additional appointments in the Fire Department. Among the sixteen…

  • Election Frauds in Camden

    Election Frauds in Camden

    Philadelphia Inquirer – November 8, 1885 RETURNS ALTERED TO FAVOR THE DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY CLERK Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 7, 1885.–At a quarter after twelve o’clock today a warrant was sworn out before Magistrate Cassady, of Camden, for the arrest of Harry Gallagher, the democratic judge of the First precinct of the Seventh ward, on…