1890 Review of Camden, New Jersey – Part 3

This page is part of the 1890 Historical and Industrial Review of Camden, New Jersey. Please also see the following pages which continue the publication:

Part 1 – Introduction
Part 2 – Businesses
Part 3 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 4 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 5 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 6 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 7 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 8 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 9 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 10 – Conclusion



In the production of fine grocers’ specialties, no trade mark has become more familiar with the higher class of the trade than that which bears the trademark “Society,” which is practically synonymous with purity, high quality, and artistic make up, in the preparation of the goods placed upon the market by the house under review.

About four years ago, the idea was conceived by Mr. R.S. F. Heath, that there was ample room for improvement in the matter of fact slap dash style in which “Specialties,” to use a technical term were manufactured and offered for sale to the grocery trade.

With characteristic energy and enterprise, he called to his aid Mr. L. F. Delacroix who has been associated with him as superintendent, proceeded to put his design into practical form.

The large building at 28 Market street was secured, and the work of adapting it to the form necessary, immediately begun, and with what success and energy it was pushed to execution. The handsome salesroom, the spacious laboratory and the half dozen smaller work rooms, occupied in the four story structure having a frontage of 25 and a depth of 100 feet in which are constantly employed over a dozen hands, will best bear witness.

It is almost impossible to give a complete list of the multitude of articles which are turned out, as any such list must necessarily be incomplete as additions are constantly being made to the list, as experience and request of patrons may suggest, but among those that have won the widest recognition are: Society Ammonia, Society Russet Leather Cleanser, Society Strip Blueing for Laundry purposes, Society Liquid Blueing for Laundry purposes, Society Polish for Starch and Laundry purposes, Society Polish for Ladies’ and Children’s shoes, Society Polish Liquid for Stoves, Ranges etc., Society Shoe Dressing for Russet Leather, Society Polish Dry for Stoves, Ranges, etc., Society Pudding Powder, Climax Shoe Dressing, Society Soap, Society Concentrated Coffee, Society Gelatin.

Probably no citizen of Camden is better or more favorably known, than the owner of this establishment. A native of the town and a life long resident of Camden he has been prominently identified with every movement looking to the town’s welfare, and his admiring fellow citizens have frequently thrust upon him official honors and responsibilities, having but recently completed a term in the New Jersey Legislature and at the present time being Camden’s able and effective Recorder of Deeds. He is a member of innumerable societies, including the Masons, Odd Fellows, Chosen Friends.

Of course so busy a man as Mr. Heath is obliged to depend on his superintendent to a great extent in the detail work of the Society Company, and it is our pleasant duty to be able to congratulate him on possessing so able, affable and enthusiastically energetic a manager as Mr. L.F. Delacroix, who is never weary of singing the praises of “Society,” or display with laudable pride, the Diplomas and Medals received from the Pure Food Society of Philadelphia, and the innumerable kindred organizations.



Perhaps there is no habit in which the American people indulge so much as smoking and this fact accounts to a considerable degree for the many bright and attractive cigar stores which the city of Camden abounds in, and none is more advantageously situated than that kept by Mr. B. D. Archer at No. 3 Market street, within a stones throw of the ferry.

It is a neat and well apportioned store 25 x 12 in dimensions and containing such brands of Cigars, Tobaccos, Snuffs, Pipes and Smokers supplies generally, as have won the approval of the most critical. Mr. Archer being a connoisseur in this line. For the accommodation of patrons the morning and evening papers are carried, and every effort is apparently made to win its patrons approval.

The store itself is among the oldest in its line in the city, having been founded many years ago by George S. Grant. The present proprietor who is a most affable and genial gentleman, has now owned it for a little over a year and his unvarying urbanity and attention to business have made him many friends.

He is a high standing member of the Improved Order Red Men of Wyoming Tribe No. 55.



Camden is particularly fortunate both in the number and excellence of her restaurants, and the man of slender means need never experience any difficulty in being well fed and at a small cost; but few places furnish so much excellent food for so small a sum as the establishment conducted by Mr. N. Brion, at 40 and 42 Delaware Avenue.

The restaurant was established about eight years ago by William Clark, the present proprietor succeeding to its ownership last October, since which time he has conducted an admirably managed place in every respect.

The restaurant is 20 by 28 feet in dimensions, and is neatly and attractively furnished with all modem conveniences, three efficient assistants being constantly. employed, and a surprisingly good meal is furnished for the small sum of 15 cents. An excellent line of Cigars is also carried.

Mr. Brion is a native of Camden county, and well adapted, both by experience and social qualities, for conducting a place of this description, and well merits his success.



ONE of the most favorably known stores in this line is that of Mr. W. G. Shemeley. This courteous gentleman opened this establishment in 1887, and has met with great success since the opening.

The store is about 20 by 30 feet in dimensions and fitted in the best possible manner. A large refrigerator occupies one corner. This has a capacity of 1800, and one 600 lbs. of ice at once. Here may be found City Dressed Meat of all kinds, arid a full line of fresh Fruits and Provisions. Five beeves are killed weekly as well as a great amount of smaller stock. One assistant is employed continually and a team is kept busy.

Mr. Shemeley is a practical man, having had a life’s experience in this business. He is a native of Mt. Holly, New Jersey.



ONE of the oldest and most favorably known houses in this line, is that of Mr. W. C. Hansell. This business was established by the present proprietor in 1876, and has been under his own management ever since.

The store is about 20 by 40 feet in dimensions, and contains a large and varied selection of all kinds of Wall Paper, Window Shades and Shade cloth. A specialty is made of large work and contract work. Estimates are cheerfully furnished. Six skilled workmen are constantly employed.

Mr. Hansell holds a war record that is one of the best in the city, he having been in twenty-three battles and 18 skirmishes. Among the principal are South Mountain, Antietam,Vicksburgh, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor and many others. He enlisted in 1861, Co. F, Fifty-first Pennsylvania Volunteers, and received an honorable discharge on August, 1865, he is an active member of Post 5, in this city. His admiring fellow citizens have just elected him a member of the Board of Freeholders, from the First Ward.



Among the many successful stores in Camden devoted to the sale of Groceries, few carry a larger or better line of goods than that under review.

A commodious store, 26 by 30 feet in dimensions, is amply stocked with a stock of the finest and purest Family Groceries, including Canned and Bottled Goods Fancy Cakes, etc. Three affable and energetic employees are constantly employed, and a team is kept for delivery purposes. The patronage enjoyed is both select and extensive and an air of refinement and cleanliness permeates the entire premises.

The proprietor, Mr. C. P. Bowyer, is one of our shrewdest and most energetic merchants. Prior to engaging in his present business he was interested in the sale of provisions. During the late civil war he enlisted in 1861, in Co. E, Fourth New Jersey Infantry, thus being among the first to respond to President Lincoln’s call for volunteers for 90 days. On August 13th, 1862, he re-enlisted in the Fifteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, serving until the close of the war, and participating honorably in the battles of Chickamauga, Stone River and Nashville, besides several minor engagements.

His present handsome and attractive store has been established since 1865 and is a model place of business in every respect.



OLD-FASHIONED “tailor-shops” are among the things of the past. From a trade it has grown to a business ; one no more buys the cloth and leaves it with his measure at the tailor’s, but goes to the merchant tailor, selects his goods, either in the piece or by sample, and the work is done without further trouble to the customer.

The business with which this article has to do was Started by John Ross in 1838, and in 1864 passed into the hands of Twoes & Jones. In 1870 Owen R. Jones became the sole proprietor and conducted it with great success until 1886, when it was assumed by Owen R. Jones’ Sons, the present proprietors.

The business room is 20 x 16 feet in dimensions and the workshop 22 x 14 feet. An average of six hands are employed and the work is exclusively merchant tailoring. It is the oldest stand in the city and has a fine trade.

Owen R. Jones was born in Wales, and has lived a useful life, respected by his fellow citizens; has been a member of the City Council and Commissary Sergeant of the 6th Regiment Infantry, New Jersey National Guard.

John R. Jones was born in Camden, and is Captain of the Gatling Gun Company, attached to the 2d Brigade, New Jersey National Guard.

Owen B. Jones is also a native of Camden, and 1st Sergeant of the Gatling Gun Company, commanded by his brother.

The father and sons are all tailors by trade. Their place of business is at 118 Federal street.



REPRESENTATIVE industry is the Camden Machine Works, whose big building on the corner of Cooper street and Delaware avenue, is 50 x 150 feet in dimensions, while the yard space controlled is 160 x 1000 feet.

Originally established in 1863, by the present firm of Derby & Wetherby, a general business of its kind is satisfactorily handled. Repair work, dredges and machinery of all kinds is here looked after. Engines, boilers, machinery and shafting being made. Ample roof accommodations exist for machine work of which a specialty is made. The whole place impresses the visitor with a sense of vastness, and it is evident to the person who has no mechanical turn of mind whatever that he is in an establishment that stands preeminent in its special field.

The individual members of the firm are Charles E. Derby, and J. P. Wetherby, the former a native of Massachusetts while the latter hails from the city of Camden. Both gentlemen are highly esteemed and regarded as representative business men. Mr. Wetherby, being connected with the Masonic Fraternity.



FEW words in compliment to one of the most reliable and capable of the local merchant tailors will not be amiss. In 1864 this business was started by H. B. Twoes, and was carried on successfully by him until 1889, when H. W. Twoes became the proprietor. Being a practical man, Mr. Twoes conducts his business — a large one — with success and profit and employs eight hands. The establishment does only custom or ordered work for a numerous and desirable list of patrons, principally residents of the City.

The premises are a neat reception room of 16×32 feet and a rear workshop of 16×28 feet. The stock of piece goods and samples comprises about everything that is approved by fashion and the people. The cutting department is under the immediate personal supervision of the proprietor.

This place is admirably located at 130 Federal Street.



ONE of the neatest and most attractive business places in the city is the store of G. F. Casselman, at No. 336 Federal street, dealer in Fine Boots and Shoes — a general assortment for ladies, gentlemen and children, including slippers of all kinds and rubbers. The business was established by the father of the present proprietor in 1855, who was succeeded by his son in 1877. The store is 18 x 32 feet dimensions, and the trade is of course chiefly local. Beside the ready-made goods, custom work and repairing have their department, which is in charge of an assistant.

Mr. Casselman is a native of Philadelphia, and has been all his life a shoe dealer, consequently understands every detail of the business, and is able to buy and sell to the best advantage. He is prominently identified with the I.O.O. F. and the A.O.U.W., two organizations having a large membership in Camden.



THE art of Photography has been developed to a marvelous degree of excellence. In Camden one of the most reliable and successful of artists is W.R. Fearn, who has his studio at 326 Federal Street, where it was established about seven years ago by Mr. Fearn, who was succeeded by his brother, Frederick Fearn, who carried it on for six years, when it again came into the hands of its present proprietor. It occupies the second floor. The establishment is fitted up with every appliance for the execution of the best work. Four experienced and competent assistants are employed, and a high class of work has made the house celebrated.

Mr. Fearn was born in New York, and has twenty-five years experience; has been in Camden eighteen years.



THIS excellent Laundry, which was established here only three months ago, has already won for itself a reputation for excellence that is highly flattering. The proprietor is both energetic and enterprising, and is a native of Camden. He successfully conducted a laundry in Bordentown prior to his opening here.

A specialty is made of Lace Curtains and other fine work, everything being done by hand. Six competent and efficient employees are always at work and a team used for delivery purposes.



Away back in 1860 Mr. A. McCully established the business which bears this name. The founder is now deceased, the firm consisting of his son, W.A. McCully and Eli T. Garrison, who succeeded to the proprietorship on his death, last September.

The large three-story structure, 22 Market street, With a frontage of 25 and a depth of 110 feet, is occupied entire, and an extensive business is done, fifteen employees being kept constantly at work in its spacious work-rooms on the second and third floors.

The sales-rooms and offices occupy the entire first floor, and are handsomely fitted up with samples of the stock manufactured and carried, embracing everything in horse furnishings of all possible grades and prices. Complete sets of harness or portions of a horse’s equipment, such as collars, saddles, blankets, whips, sheets, robes, fly-nets, lap-rugs, etc., are here displayed in infinite variety.

Both of the young and energetic proprietors are natives of Camden, and highly respected in both social and business circles.



ONE of the best known Candy stores, both wholesale and retail, in this section, is that of Mr. F. Zenneck. This genial and courteous gentleman opened the business here in 1887, and has since become most favorably thought of.

The store proper is about 20 x 30 feet in dimensions with a large workroom in the rear. All the candy is manufactured on the premises, and is always sure to be pure, as it is all under the strict supervision of the proprietor himself.

All kinds of candy is kept- Mixtures, Taffies and Stick Candy. When running normally, two skilled workmen are constantly employed.

Mr. Zenneck is a native of Germany. He was a resident of Philadelphia for some time before coming here to reside.



AMONG the many pioneers of this neighborhood, Mr. Ross has been as successful as any. Six years ago this gentleman opened a small store just opposite, devoted exclusively to the sale of men’s hats and caps, and finding that the business was growing, larger quarters were secured two years ago at the present beautiful store. The store proper is about 25 by 35 feet.

Mr. Ross has been a life-long resident of Camden, and the days of the old Fire Department was one of the many faithful watchers who looked so carefully after the house-owners’ interest. Later he has connected himself with the Red Men, Golden Eagles, Odd Fellows, and the Independent Order of Mechanics.



PERHAPS no physician in the city has a larger and more lucrative practice than Dr. Collins, and yet he finds time in his spare moments to keep an eye on his large Drug business.

About three years ago he purchased the store from Dr. Haney, now deceased. A large store is occupied, the dimensions of which are 20 feet front on Kaighn’s Avenue and 35 feet deep. All the fresh Drugs are kept on hand; a specialty is made of carefully filling prescriptions. A full line of all Fancy Goods is kept — all kinds of Perfumery, Soaps, etc.; all the best brands of Cigars, and a large Soda Fountain. Three capable assistants are employed.

Dr. Collins is a graduate of the Jefferson Medical College, and is a native of Delaware, but has become one of Camden’s esteemed citizens. He is prominently connected with the Masons and other organizations of the same character.



ONE are more genial and pleasant than the well known proprietor of this establishment. He has a pleasant word for all who come in, whether they purchase much or little.

Mr. Silance went into business fifteen years ago, and his store today tells whether he has been successful or not. The building occupied is 25 by 100 feet. A fine line of Imported and Domestic Cigars are always kept on hand, and one thing sure to be, they are always fresh. All kinds of smoking and chewing Tobaccos and smokers’ articles-such as pipes, cigar and cigarette holders are displayed.

Mr. Silance also holds a valuable position with the Pennsylvania Railroad. He is a native of the city, and an active member of both the Red Men and the United League.



THE sales-room proper is 18 by 14; feet in dimensions, with the shop in the rear, having all the facilities for the prosecution of this business. Several assistants are employed, and every means taken that will foster the interests of the patron.

A fine selection of genuine home-made Umbrellas, made from the best materials and guaranteed fast colors- gloria silk with gold mounted sticks, alpaca, mohair and gingham goods of every description made to order and repaired with skillfulness and dispatch. Engraving executed. New ribs, sticks, caps, and all kinds of repairing done on the premises, at prices low and considerate for execution of workmanship and materials used.

The advantage of dealing direct with the maker is to secure reliable goods at a minimum of expenditure, and those in quest of such goods will consult their own best interests by forming business relations with the subject of this article, a gentleman of experience in. this direction, and a reliable manufacturer and dealer.



THERE is not a better or more favorably known. store than that conducted by Mr. Bennett. The business has been established for about three years, and has already obtained an enviable reputation for fine goods and fair dealing. The store occupied has a. frontage of 15 feet and a depth of about 40 feet, and is. fitted in the newest and most approved style.

A full line of all Groceries may be found here — all grades of Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Spices, etc. All kinds of Salt and Smoked Meats, Hams, Tongues, etc., are handled extensively. All the Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Butter and Eggs, are brought in every day.

A specialty is made of Poultry, which is dressed to order. The firm handle Canned Goods to a large extent, which are all preserved by his own family, and are sure· to be free from all impurities. Three capable assistants are employed.

Mr. Bennett has been a resident of Camden for the past sixteen years, and few gentlemen have such a record as he has. He is a prominent member of the’ Masons and Red Men, and Past Grand Architect of the Independent Order of Mechanics. He was in Co. K, 104th regiment of Penn. Vols., and after serving three’ years was discharged; he is a Past Post Commander of Post 37, G. A. R., in the city, and was sent by them as a delegate to the convention in San Francisco four years ago.



THERE are few better known stores in the city than Braun’s Broadway Bargain Store. This store was. opened three years ago by the present proprietor, with the one Idea of small profits and quick sales; the size and well-arranged stock go to show how the people· have appreciated his untiring efforts.

The property is 25 by 125 feet in area, and contains a well-selected stock of Dry Goods. Notions and Fancy Articles are kept, and full lines of each one, no half and half business; all kinds of Hosiery and Underwear are constantly kept.

Mr. Braun is a native of Austria, but came to this. country twenty years ago to stay, he thinks that there is no place like Camden to do business in.



ONE of the oldest established Livery Stables in Camden is the one now under review, founded by his father; the present proprietor, Mr. H. W. Campbell, succeeded him in its ownership on September 23, 1882. It occupies an area of 90 by 80 feet in dimensions, and is admirably equipped in every particular, having accommodations for sixty head of horses.

A general Livery Stable business is done, including sales, hiring of teams for business or pleasure; also boarding, permanent and transient; eight skilled and efficient assistants being employed, and every facility for comfort and convenience being placed at the disposal of the public, including telephonic communication with all sections of the city and suburbs.

The proprietor, Mr. H. W. Campbell, is a native and life-long resident of Camden, and is deservedly popular in the community, for some time before his father’s demise he was actively associated with him in the conduct of the business, of which his life-long experience has made him an adept. No better judge of horse-flesh is to be found anywhere, and it would be very hard indeed, to give this gentleman any “pointers” on the appurtenances necessary to a fine “turn out” These are the largest stables in the town.

In addition to his business, the proprietor also owns Camden National Odorless Excavating and Fertilizing Company for cleaning wells, sinks, cesspools, and cellars, which has branch offices at N. E. corner Second and Federal streets and 340 Kaighn’s Avenue. Telephone 147.



PROBABLY there is not a better known store in this section than that of Mr. J. G. Colsey. The business here has been established but a short time the store was formerly located at 6th and Elm streets, and as the quarters were too small; these large and commodious ones were engaged. The store is known as “The Arcade,” and has a area of about 25 by 50 feet, and is handsomely fitted up. Here may be found a very heavy stock of all kinds of Dry Goods, Notions, Hosiery, Underwear, Pins, Needles, and all the many and multitudinous varieties of small wares, as well as a large and varied stock of Boots and Shoes. Six capable and pleasant assistants are constantly employed.

Mr. Colsey is a native of England, and has been a resident of this city for the past seventeen years; he: is a prominent member of the Sons of St. George and the Masons.



THIS gentleman established himself on Second street in 1882, removing to his present place on the 15th of March of this year. It is 20 by 30 feet in dimensions, and is well stocked with Cigars, Pipes, Chewing Tobaccos, Snuffs, etc., of a standard grade and excellence. The whole building is occupied in the transaction of business; three able and skilled assistants. being employed in the work-rooms in which cigars are manufactured, and sold all over Camden to the wholesale trade, which also includes all of southern New Jersey.

Mr. Leon is a native of New York, and came to Camden in 1875, since which time he has been prominently identified with the business developments of the city, being at the present time constable of the First Ward; is also a United States deputy marshal, and is a member of many secret societies.



THE above place of business was established fifteen. years ago by the late Michael C. Lyons, on whose demise last year, his two sons, Andrew M. Lyons and. Simon M. Lyons, succeeded to its proprietorship.

Adjoining a neatly appointed office, 8 by 12 feet in dimensions, is the spacious display ground and working yard of the concern, which is handsomely ornamented with a display of the samples of the beautiful monumental work turned out. Every description of marble work is attended to here, including monumental work and building trimmings in either marble or granite. Ten skillful and competent assistants are employed, and two double teams are used to facilitate the transaction of business.

The present proprietors are both young men of <energy and enterprise, who, by their life-long experience in this line of business, are admirably adapted to successfully conduct the large trade which they possess, being expert and practical workmen, whose subsequent success may be safely predicted.



IT is an unmistakably favorable comment upon a man’s methods when the increase of patronage necessitates an enlargement of his business facilities.” This has been the case with Samuel J. Hart, Merchant Tailor, 225 Federal street, where he stationed in 1886, prior to which time he had been at 120 Federal street.

Mr. Hart is an Englishman, and up to six years ago had the management of a leading clothing house in Birmingham. Leaving that position he came to America and worked at his trade, that of a tailor, on fine work. He is a progressive man and has found our institutions agree with him, and our customs suited his natural tastes. He has dealt fairly and been fairly dealt with. His friends and his patrons have multiplied and he has obtained the success he earned. He now does a large business in fine Merchant Tailoring and employs nine hands. The premises devoted to the,business are a salesroom of 18 x 16 feet, a Cutting room in its rear of 16 x 16 feet and a workshop of 18 x 60 feet on the third floor. He has taken 1100 measures in two years. He is strictly honorable, and claims to the best trade in Camden. Mr. Hart is a civil, military and naval tailor- was for five years and nine months a tailor in the British navy. During his naval experience he brought from Africa a cape made of birds’ feathers, made by a savage. Lady Cavendish desired to become its owner at any price. It attracted universal attention when placed on exhibition in Aston Hall, Birmingham, and is now the
property of Mrs. Hart.



THE wall-paper trade has attained gigantic proportions, and as it has increased in extent there has, been much more than a corresponding increase in the character of the work and the quality of the material employed.

To observe the degree of excellence that has been reached in this department of industry, one need only call at 233 Federal street, and look over the splendid display that is always to be seen at the large and handsome establishment of George W. Smith, who carries the finest line and the biggest stock of wallpapers, wind-shades and oil-cloths in the city.

The establishment named was started many years ago by Read & Brothers. In 1881 it was Read & Smith and in 1889 became the property of the present owner.

The salesroom is 12×80 feet in dimensions, and has the largest stock of these goods in the city. Mr. Smith makes a specialty of the finest work, and usually employs a number of hands.

He was born here, and has been in this business 28 years. He is widely known and highly esteemed among his fellow citizens, for his honorable methods in business as well as personal merit.



MISS B. HERTZ is well known in this city and has for the past five years successfully conducted a large business at 334 Federal street, in Candies, Ice Cream, etc., of her own manufacture. There is no more popular establishment in Camden, though this is the lady’s first business venture. The ice cream capacity of the house is 700 to 800 quarts a week. She deals also in Fancy Cakes, Water-Ices, Frozen Fruit, etc., and serves weddings, parties, balls and picnic, by the aid of competent assistants. Her experience has been obtained within a total period of twelve years. The premises occupied by Miss Hertz, are a main sales room of 16 x 30 feet, and a rear reception room that is capable of seating 30 patrons at one time. She was born in Cincinnati, but has made
many friends for herself among the people of Camden who have during her business career extended to her a generous patronage.



ONE of the handsomest barber shops in the city is. that conducted by Mr. Oscar Gentzsch, who is. one of those versatile and talented tonsorial artists that. are so seldom met with. The present proprietor purchased the business in. 1885 from Mr. Haffacker.

The shop is about 18 x 25 feet in dimensions and fitted in the most approved style. The chairs are kept. full all the time, and often many patrons are waiting for that welcome word “next.” A specialty is male of ladies’ and children’s hair cutting. A full line of all kinds of cigars are always kept on hand. Three capable and genial assistants are always busy.

Mr. Gentzsch has been a life-long resident of the City.


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