Philadelphia Inquirer – December 22, 1898
Articles of incorporation were filed yesterday by the American Metal Edge Box Company.
The police were notified yesterday that William Ilgenfritz, 14 years old, of 1121 Mickle street, was missing.
Jacob N. Wise, 63 years old, fell from a step at Delaware and Market streets yesterday and broke his shin. He was taken to to the Cooper Hospital.
A number of church people have filed a remonstrance with the excise Commission against granting a liquor license to Charles Gorden, of Ninth street and Ferry avenue.
Mrs. Victor Kline, of 526 Vine street, discovered a burglar in the house early Tuesday morning, but the thief fled at her approach, leaving a lot of clothing and silverware which he had bundled up, ready to take away.
Charles E. Wilson was committed by Recorder Mowrey [sic] last night, charged with stealing two overcoats from the Camden Turning Mill, at Front and Arch streets. He was captured at the Federal Street Ferry by Policeman Hartman.
Bessie Hughes was held by Justice Schmits yesterday for further bearing on a charge of stealing household goods from the boarding house of Mrs. Marshall, at 121 Market Street. Some of the missing goods were found at the defendant’s home.
Among the latest victims of the grip in Camden are Mayor Hatch, Chief of Police Foster, City Clerk Worry Kramer, former City Counsel J. Wiliard Morgan, Charles R. Baron, New Jersey editor of the Philadelphia Record, and Policemen George Cooper, Harry Miller, James Ware and George Anderson.

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