Tag: River Avenue

  • Cambridge Street

    Cambridge Street, also known as Cambridge Avenue, begins at the Delaware River in what was once the Pavonia section, now considered part of Cramer Hill. It runs eastward, crossing Harrison Avenue, Pierce Avenue, Wayne Avenue, and River Avenue, before intersecting with North 27th Street, located between North 26th Street and Dupont Street. Along with Dupont…

  • Howell Street

    Howell Street is located in East Camden. Today, it starts at 20th Street, just east of East State Street, near the bridge that spans the railroad yard. In the past, a few houses stood below State Street. Howell Street runs parallel to the railroad tracks until 27th Street, then continues across 27th to 30th Street.…

  • Orris W. Smith

    Orris W. Smith was born in Camden on September 8, 1920, to Edward and Catherine Smith. The 1924 City Directory lists the family at 1113 Carpenter Street. By 1929, they had moved to 2827 Concord Avenue in Cramer Hill, and by April of the following year, they had relocated next door to 2825 Concord Avenue.…

  • Lincoln School

    Lincoln School

    aka Claudius W. Bradshaw School;aka Challenge Square Academy;aka Met East High School 1151 Kaighn Avenue Camden had become an industrial city by the 1880s, and although the country went into an economic slump in the early 1890s, generally referred to as “the panic of 1893,” the city continued to grow and with it the need…

  • Bergen Avenue

    Bergen Avenue is located in Camden’s Cramer Hill section, east of North 32nd Street. It runs north from Cleveland Avenue, crossing Hayes Avenue, River Road, and Harrison Avenue toward the Delaware River, and ends at Farragut Avenue. Bergen Avenue is likely named after either Martin V. Bergen or Christopher A. Bergen, both prominent figures in…

  • 29th Street

    29th Street

    Twenty-Ninth Street extends from the Delaware River southward, crossing River Avenue to the Pavonia railroad switching yards. It resumes at Pleasant Street, proceeding to Westfield Avenue. Further, it resumes at Federal Street, extending southward to Clinton Street. Similar to all numbered streets in Camden, it is referred to as North 29th Street above Federal and…

  • Cramer Hill

    Cramer Hill

    Cramer Hill derives its name from Alfred Cramer, who in the late 19th century purchased large tracts of farmland, for the most part between Federal Street and the Delaware River in what was then Stockton Township, subdivided the land into building lots, and sold them on an installment basis to people of average means. This…

  • More Bergen Avenue Memories

    I just reviewed the Bergen Avenue site again. Ok, so my parents bought 1021 Bergen from the Kennedy family in 1953. My parents lived in the white house, one house from Engles Lot. There was a red house that is gone between my parents house and that lot. My dad passed away in 1982 and…

  • 3 Kings bring glee to children

    3 Kings bring glee to children

    Camden Courier Post – January 7, 2000 By ANGELA RUCKER, Courier-Post Staff CAMDEN — Six-year-old Danny Dombkowski paused briefly — very briefly — after scooting out of the McGuire Gardens Community Center with his arms wrapped around a box filled with toy cars and other contraptions. It was a little like Christmas all over again…

  • Stockton Annexed Against Protest of Democrats

    Camden Courier-Post – March 24, 1949 Fifty years ago, the old town of Stockton was annexed to the City of Camden over the protests of Democratic members of the town council. But a Republican Legislature approved a bill introduced by former Justice Frank T. Lloyd on March 24, 1899. He was a member of the…

  • Underpass Sought for Cramer Hill

    Camden Courier-Post – February 1, 1938 Possibility of amending existing statutes providing state aid for elimination or grade crossings to permit financing, an underpass in Cramer Hill was suggested by City Commissioner Hartmann to State Senator Burling and Assemblymen Lawrence H. Ellis and Millard E. Allen at the weekly legislative forum. Hartmann, attending the session…

  • Old Stockton’s Three Parks Kept Police Force on Jump

    Old Stockton’s Three Parks Kept Police Force on Jump

    Camden Courier-Post – April 3, 1931 Sergeant Horner Recalls Days When Horse-Drawn Patrol Toted Woozy Celebrants From Moist Recreation Centers to City Hall East Camden used to have three parks “in the old days” — and to hear a veteran like Police Sergeant William C. Horner tell it — they certainly kept the police force…

  • Guns Await Sniper in Suburban Towns

    Guns Await Sniper in Suburban Towns

    Camden Courier-Post – February 4, 1928 Mystery Marks 16th Effort as Victim Gives Fake Address With orders to “shoot on sight” issued to suburban police in their search for South Jersey’s “phantom sniper,” that mysterious individual today had a “phantom victim,” At the Haddon Heights police station is a piece of glass with the notation…