This page is part of the 1890 Historical and Industrial Review of Camden, New Jersey. Please also see the following pages which continue the publication:
Part 1 – Introduction
Part 2 – Businesses
Part 3 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 4 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 5 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 6 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 7 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 8 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 9 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 10 – Conclusion
WILLIAM R. Bennett is the proprietor of the establishment so frequently mentioned by the people of Camden, and vicinity as “Bennett’s Jewelry Store,” It is situated at 544 Federal street, and was opened, in October, 1887, by Mr. Bennett. The salesroom is 18 x 34 feet in size and is literally filled with a magnificent stock of Jewelry, Diamonds, Clocks, Watches — all the regular stock of a high-class store in this line of trade; together every thing attractive in jeweler’s specialties, including an unsurpassed assortment of. Optical Goods. He employs twelve assistants, all of whom are accomplished and experienced workmen in their several departments.
Repairing of all kinds belonging to this trade, forms one of said departments, and has done much in extending the fame of the house. The proprietor was formerly superintendent of the Keystone Watch Case Factory, for H. T. Muhr’s Sons, Philadelphia, and has been in the jewelry business for the past 20 years. He traveled five years throughout the United States; was located in Chicago and made the biggest sales ever made in that city in one year. Was also, at one time located in. New Orleans. He is a manufacturing jeweler, and makes all Cuff Buttons, Scarf Pins, Marks and Pins of all descriptions and makes signs and symbols to order. He is the sole agent for the patent Tension Ring, for crocheting purposes. Six of his hands are constantly employed in the manufacturing department. His trade lies all over this section of the United States and keeps six men on the road, selling goods to watch clubs, the trade, etc. He is the only manufacturing jeweler in Camden. Telephone call 139.
Mr. Bennett is a native of New York City; a graduate of the Philadelphia Opthalmic Institute, class of ’89 [1889, just to be clear. –ed.], and fills with honor the position of First Lieutenant of B company, 6th Reg. Infantry, N. G., N. J.
His father, Mr. Simeon Bennett, was present at Inkerman, Sebastopol and Balaklava, and was the last survivor in this country of the latter battle.
SINCE the introduction of tobacco to civilization’s folds the business of selling this commodity has become one of the greatest industries of this country, and among the many prominent ones in the city we would refer to Mr. G. B. Anderson. About two years ago he, seeing that the population was moving this way, opened his new store at the corner of Second and Erie streets.
The store itself is about 25 x 40 feet. All kinds of the best brands of Cigars and Tobacco are kept. A full line of Confectionery is also kept on hand and always fresh. Mr. Anderson employs two assistants, as he himself is in business in Philadelphia.
He has been a life long resident of Camden.
MESSRS. LEE & CO., Stationers, Blank-book Manufacturers and dealers in Newspapers, periodicals, &c., are doing a large business. The place was established fourteen years ago by Howard Lee, but has been conducted by the present firm for the past ten years. The building has been enlarged and reconstructed three times within fourteen years and is yet too small. The salesroom has a frontage of 14 feet by a depth of 60 feet, and the firm has ample storage room.
A comprehensive stock of general Stationery, Fancy Goods, Toys and Bric-a-brac is carried.
There are three persons engaged as assistance in serving the extensive patronage, which grows steadily and comes from all quarters of the city. Howard Lee is the sole proprietor and is well known to the trade and the people.
Mr. Lee is a native of Philadelphia, but is satisfied with the prosperity he has achieved on this side of the Delaware and with the numerous friends and patrons he has made here.
THE D. Louis Ireton Paint and Glass Company is much the largest Paint Works in the city, and though only established in 1889, has assumed already an important position among the local industries, and bids fair to attain unusual prominence in this portion of the State.
The salesroom is situated at 212 Federal street, and is 16 x 30 feet in size, with an office on the second floor and a large cellar for storage. The company manufactures all kinds of Paints — the best for all purposes now in the market — both outside and inside work, tin, wood and iron. Every description of Glass, Brushes, and Family Supplies of every sort in stock, for wholesale and retail trade.
Five assistants and one team are now employed, and a continuous run of orders tests the capacity of the factory.
The individual members of the company are D. Louis Ireton, formerly connected with glass manufactory, and with the Pennsylvania Railroad, now Secretary and Treasurer of this Company; John E. Dawson and William Patterson, all men of undoubted capacity and skill.
THERE is nothing in which more skilled labor is required than that of a druggist. Mr. Borten has been in this line for many years and has made Pharmacy his special study. He has succeeded in perfecting himself so well that he is known as one of the most reliable Apothecaries in the city.
He purchased the establishment about fifteen years ago, from Dr. Ireland. The business has increased to a large extent since he has taken a hold of it. He carries in stock a full line of all the freshest Drugs, Perfumenes, Soaps and Fancy Articles of all descriptions.
Dr. Walter S. Bray, one of the rising young physicians, has an office in the same building with Mr. Borten.
Mr. Borten is at present Assistant Collector of the Port of Camden. He is a director of the Homestead Building and Loans Association, one of the staunchest building associations in the city. He is a compounder of several patent articles, Borten’s Cholera Mixture, Borten’s Pectoral Syrup, Borten’s Sarsaparilla and Borten’s Pellets.
AMONG the best known houses in this neighborhood may be mentioned that of Mr. B. L. Dudley.
This gentleman opened the business here about a year ago, and thus far success has been with him. The store is about 20 feet square, with a large refrigerator in the rear. A large and varied stock of Groceries is carried comprising everything in the line. Coal and Wood are also sold extensively. Butter, Eggs and Milk are made a specialty of. One capable assistant is employed.
Mr. Dudley has been a resident of the city for the past fifteen years. He is an active member of the Red Men and the Independent Order of Mechanics.
AMONG the best known and most favorably spoken of houses in this section may be that of Mrs. R. Bunting. This estimable lady opened this store some years ago, and has met with the greatest success. The store is a corner one with a frontage of 20 feet and a depth of 35 feet. It is fitted in the best manner.
A heavy stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Hosiery, Underwear, Ribbons Fancy Goods, and small wares is carried; in fact, all the many articles that come under this head. Three capable and skillful assistants are constantly employed.
Mrs. Bunting has been an esteemed and respected resident of this city for the past thirty-six years.
Mr. Richard Bunting has been in the express business nearly forty years and is one of the oldest businessmen.
AMONG the prominent stores in this neighborhood may be mentioned that of Mr. D. P. Williams. This gentleman purchased the business but a short time ago from Messrs. J. Leeming & Son, who established it some time since. The salesroom is about 25 x 40 feet in dimensions and fitted in the best manner.
Here may be found a large line of Groceries — all Sugars, Teas, Coffees, Spices, Flour, Canned Goods, and the many other things that go to make a full stock. Fresh Fruits and Provisions can always be obtained here; special care is taken of this branch. Two capable assistants are employed.
Mr. Williams is a native of the State, and has been a resident of the city for the past five years. He is a prominent member of the Odd Fellows, Camden Council, L. O. R. C.
AMONG all the refreshment houses in Camden none is probably more favorably known than Fred Turner’s Oyster and Chop House, established by him four years ago at 210 Federal street. It comprises a reception and reading room in front of 16 x 32 feet, and a dining room in the rear of 16 x 12 feet. Oysters are served in every style, and the bill of fare includes Chops, Steaks, Cutlets, Tea, Coffee, etc., prepared from the best in the markets, by competent and careful cooks. A specialty is made of Fried Oysters.
The trade is very select, and employs, in addition to the personal services of the proprietor, those of several assistants. The dining-room will comfortably seat forty persons at one time, and the business hours are from 8 A. M. to 1 A. M.
Mr. Turner is a native of England, and by trade a ship carpenter. He has been thirty years in America.
AMONG the many stores in our neighborhood few have been more successful than that conducted by Mr. H. L. North. This business has been established some little time and has met with great success. It was established by the present proprietor about four years ago. The store proper is about 20 x 35 feet in dimensions and is furnished with the best taste possible.
Here may be found a very complete stock of Dry Goods, Notions and Fancy Goods. A special run is made on ribbons, in which stock there may be found all shades and widths that is desired. Two capable assistants are given constant employment.
Mr. North is a native of this State and has been connected with the city’s best interests for some time. He is a prominent member of the Red Cross.
AMONG the oldest and best known houses in this line is this one. The business was originally started by the proprietor’s father over a quarter of a century, and the present owner succeeding him about ten years ago. It has always been known for its fair dealing and promptness. The store proper is 20 x 90 feet in dimensions, where may be found all the newest and best styles of Heaters and Ranges. A specialty is made of these goods, as well as Repairing and all kinds of Tin Roofing.
In the rear is a large shop about 30 x 90 feet in dimensions, three floors, in which all the inside work is done. This is filled with the newest and best machinery. When running normally the business gives employment to fifteen skilled workmen, and two teams are kept busy.
Mr. Austermuhl has always been one of Camden’s foremost citizens, being an industrious and prosperous business man.
THIS is the oldest drug-store in North Camden, having been established in 1865. It came into the possession of its present energetic proprietor about a year ago.
A handsomely fitted up store is well stocked with a complete line of Fresh Drugs, Perfumery, Soaps, Toilet Articles and Fancy Goods, together with a fine line of Cigars. A magnificent Soda Fountain adds to the completeness of the store furnishings. In the rear of the store is a well fitted up Laboratory.
Mr. Peachin is a graduate of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, and is a young man of rare tact and business ability. For the convenience of patrons a stamp agency is kept in his place and an able and efficient employee is constantly kept at work.
WHEN a business house remains in existence for over one-third of a century, as is the case with the present concern, it is pretty conclusive evidence of the merit and stability of the goods manufactured or disposed of.
It was way back in 1857, when Mr. Erdman established in business, and his uniform success during this long period is the just reward of merit and enterprise. A handsome three-story structure with a frontage of 25 feet and a depth of 100 feet, together with a big store house in the rear, is fully occupied by the business. The stock carried consists of a superb line of Stoves, Ranges and Tin-roofing materials of all grades and various prices. Ten competent employees are kept constantly busy and two teams are used in the successful prosecution of business.
Mr. Erdman has a number of specialties which he manufactures and of which he is justly proud, among them being the celebrated ”Giant Heater,” “Junior Heater,” and the “Combination Range.”
He is a native of Pennsylvania, and is extremely popular, both in social and business circles, and is a prominent member of the Masonic Fraternity, having taken the various degrees up to No. 22 therein.
AMONG the well-known and favorably spoken of houses in this neighborhood may be mentioned that of Mrs. E. M. Long. This estimable lady opened here about three years ago. The store is about 20 x 30 feet in dimensions, and filled in the best manner. Here may be found a large and varied stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Hosiery, Underwear, Fancy Goods and Small Wares.
Three capable assistants are employed at all times. Mrs. Long has always been a well-known resident of the city.
ONE of the largest and most favorably known stores in the city is that of Mr. Schlorer, located at the corner of Second and Arch streets. The business done is one of the largest and best in the city. The present proprietor purchased the business from Mr. Bachrach about six or seven years ago, and has since conducted it with great success.
The store is 25 x 50 feet in dimensions, and fitted in the most commodious manner possible.
A full stock of all kinds of Meats is carried, and here may be found the choice cuts that are the epicure’s delight. Fruits and Provisions are always best as they come in fresh every morning.
Four assistants that are capable and efficient are employed and two teams are kept to deliver goods to any part of the city.
Mr. Schlorer is a native of Germany, but has been almost a life-long resident of the city. Mr. Schlorer kills all his own stock purchased in this State, Chester and Lancaster counties, Pa., and does a large wholesale trade.
ONE of the most prominent establishments in this line, in the neighborhood, is that of Mr. Theb. Pinyard. The business has been here for some time, the present proprietor having established it in 1878. The store occupied is about 20 x 35 feet in dimensions, and contains a large and well selected stock of Wall Papers.
Many of the largest houses in the city bear evidence of the taste and skill of Mr. Pinyard. All kinds of Wall Papering is done ‘as well as Fancy Decorations and Frescoing. When running normally the services of six skilled workmen are required.
Mr. Pinyard has always been an esteemed resident of the city.
AMONG the largest stores in the city may be mentioned that of J. R. Eastlack. This genial and courteous gentleman, opened the business here in 1878, and has met with the most flattering success.
This building is about 25 x 100 in dimensions, the whole structure being used. A large branch is also carried on at 4th and Elm streets. The main store is fitted up in the handsomest manner. all beautiful hard wood work being used. Electric lights and a steam power elevator lend comfort to the establishment.
In both stores may be found a large and varied stock of Groceries- all grades of Teas, Sugars, Coffees, Spices, Flour, being handled; Butter, Eggs and Cheese being extensively sold. A specialty is made of Canned Goods, in which line the choicest of the market are kept. Nine skilled assistants are employed and three delivery teams are kept running. This store is the finest and largest in this line in this section of the state.
Mr. Eastlack is a native of Gloucester county, but has been an esteemed and respected resident of this city for some years past.
AMONG the many new houses in this section, none have been more successful than Mr. E. M. Fox. This gentleman opened the store here about six months ago. The store itself is about 20 x 40 feet in dimensions, and is fitted in the newest and best manner.
Here may be found a full stock of Meats and Provisions-all the choicest cuts of meat are constantly on hand, as well as a full stock of provisions, Canned Goods, Fruits, etc.
Mr. Fox has been a life-long resident of the city, and has always been identified with its best interests.
IN the last few years the great demand for things electrical has so increased that many establishments of this kind have been started. Among the many, few have been more successful than the above.
This business was started by the gentlemen whose name it bears, in 1881, in this city, and in 1887 incorporated under the Laws of New Jersey.
The Officers of this organization are: Adeas Gordon, President; Charles Richter, Treasurer and W. Davis, Secretary.
This Company manufacturers every thing that pertains to electricity, all kinds of Dynamos for Plating and Electric Railways. They have a valuable patent on the railway and one of these will soon be running, experiments have shown that this is one of the best in existence.
One floor is used, about 50 x 90 feet in dimensions in which is shown all the newest and most approved machinery.
When running normally twelve capable and skilled workmen are employed. The officers of this concern are citizens of Camden and form an estimable triumvirate of prosperous and industrious citizens. Mr. Davis is engaged in the real estate business. Mr. Gordon was formerly in the publishing business, and Mr. Richter is general manager of the establishment.
The Richter electroplating and electrotype machine possesses great advantages over all others, and the Richter system of lighting, invented by Mr. Charles Richter, includes both Arc and Incandescent light. The powerful volume of light that is produced by the former makes it especially adapted for exterior illumination or of large interior spaces, the latter is more suitable for household and general interior illumination. The Richter system covers both these systems of lighting and embodies many important and valuable improvements, by means of which much greater economy and simplicity of construction and higher efficiency may be obtained.
AMONG the best known houses in this section is that of Mr. H. Gercke. This business was established here by the present proprietor about five years ago and has met with the greatest success. The store occupied is about 20 x 30 feet in dimensions, and is fitted up in the best possible manner.
Confectionery in all its phases may be found Ice Cream made a specialty of, it being sold at wholesale as well as retail. In the summer season the average production is about 800 quarts a week. The workrooms are all located in the rear.A full line of Flowers and Plants is also carried. Three capable assistants are constantly employed, and one team is kept busy.
Mr. Gercke is a native of Philadelphia, but has become identified with Camden’s best interests.
FEW persons have established a better reputation than Mr. Joseph Herman. There is no tailor more favorably known than this talented and versatile gentleman. He and one team member is kept busy. He is well known for his fair dealing and the good value that he gives for a small price.
The business was established by himself three years ago, and has grown to a very great extent. The store occupied is about 20 x 25 feet in dimensions, and her may be seen all the newest and latest importations that are possible to be shown. All the new Plaids, Stripes and Cheviots are shown in large variety.
All the work is done by custom made only. No stock of made-up clothing is carried. Three skilled workmen are constantly employed and sometimes many more.
Mr. Herman has been an esteemed resident of the city for the past three years.
MUCH of the beautiful monumental work which adorns the cemeteries of Camden and Philadelphia is from the establishment of Webster Krips, and a review of Camden’s representative business houses would be incomplete without some reference to that gentleman’s place.
His office and show yards, 528 Federal street, occupy a space of 18 x 50 feet, the latter being filled with fine specimens of his work. Seven skilled assistants are constantly employed, and every feature of the business, which includes House Trimmings, Lettering, etc., as well as ornamental work, receives careful, personal attention from the proprietor, who has had an experience in his line of over half a century. The place he now occupies was established by Charles Kelley when Mr. Krips succeeded in 1867, and it is admirably adapted to the purpose for which it is used.
Mr. Krips is a native of Philadelphia, but has been m Camden, since 1867. Personally, he is highly esteemed by hosts of friends, in both business and social circles.
THIS store was originally opened by J. P. Fowler & Son, the present proprietor in 1885 coming into possession. The store occupied is about 20 x 35 feet in dimensions, and is finished in a most beautiful manner. A large and heavy stock is carried. All the petty details of his business are carefully looked after and as a consequence the stock is one of the best possible. All kinds of Builders’ Hardware is kept as well as a full line of House Furnishing Goods.
Two capable assistants are constantly employed.
Mr. Williams has been a life-long resident of the City.
THOUGH the manufacture of glass is generally supposed to be a comparatively modern invention or discovery, the growth for the last few hundred years or so, it is not so, but only a rediscovery, since the Dark Ages, of what was known and practiced in almost prehistoric times. Paintings of the reign of Osritasen I., at Beni-Hassan, representing glassblowers making a very large vase, show conclusively that nearly 4,000 years ago — before the Hebrew exodus, and before profane history commenced — the Egyptians were proficient in this art. In the arts, the word “glass” originally applied to all shining bodies, is limited to compounds of sand, potash or soda, and lime. Oxide of manganese, litharge and red lead are also sometimes used.
In Camden, the firm engaged in this industry is that of A. C. Lamar, of 9-½ Market street. This well known house manufactures all kinds of glass, both for building and ornamental purposes, including window, plate, colored, enameled, stained, fluted, ribbed, hammered, embossed, and cathedral glass, and also looking-glass plates, of the finer grades, this latter being a specialty. The quality is always kept at the highest standard, in order to compete successfully with that imported from France and Belgium. Bottles and glass hollow-ware of all sorts are also made.
The factory is at Woodbury, a few miles from Camden, and covers a site of several acres. The buildings comprise two large furnace-houses, a flattening-house, with cutting-room attached, engine and boiler-house, a pot-house, where the pots for melting are made, together with blacksmith-shop, packing-house, warehouse and offices, and the necessary stables, out-buildings, etc.
The tracks of the West Jersey Railroad run into the factory ground, by which means all the shipments are made. The entire plant is of modern improved construction, and complete in all details, with every requisite appliance for turning out the best work. The number of men employed is 150. Sixteen tons of glass are melted daily, and one hundred tons of coal and coke are consumed every week, about forty weeks constitute the working year in this industry. The output of manufactured glass per week amounts to about 160, 000 feet, averaging the value of $5,000.
The process of manufacture begins in the pot-house where the melting pots are made. These are large vessels of about four feet high, and three and a half in diameter, and of the capacity of an ordinary hogshead, made of imported German clay, mixed with the burnt clay of the pots that have been used and worn out both clays being first reduced to a rough powder:
These “pots” are heated before being put in the furnaces and then glazed with the glass known as “cullet,” each furnace taking eight pots. The intense heat of the furnace renders the pots unserviceable after about 8 or 10 weeks. The molten glass, when taken from the furnace is blown into cylindrical form, and after,cooling, taken to the flattening-house and placed on large flat stones-made of the same clay as the pots, which revolve on a table in the flattening oven. It is in due course cut, and when properly flattened, taken out of the oven by machinery. When cooled, the large flat sheets are cut with a diamond in the cutting-room to the necessary sizes, and subsequently packed and shipped.
In addition to the manufacture of all the many and various descriptions of glass known to commerce, Mr. Lamar is a large wholesale and retail dealer in paints and painters’ materials of all kinds, having always on hand a complete general stock of paints, dry and in oil, and ready mixed paints, varnishes, linseed oil, white lead, coach and house-painters’ supplies, hard-oil finish, turpentine, glue, chamois, sponges, liquid gold paint, artists’ supplies, and all other details pertaining to this line. In the item of white lead alone, 200 tons are sold annually. In both these staple branches this house is the representative one in this section, and enjoys an extensive and growing trade. The total value: of the annual production is about a quarter of a million.
Mr. Lamar is a prominent citizen, standing in the front rank in both business and social circles.
THE very popular and reliable confectionery store of Mrs. Reed has been known to the people of Camden for the past thirty-eight years. Of this long period the last thirty-five years Mrs. Reed has carried on the business at her present stand, 419 Federal street. Prior to removal to its present location it was at Coopers Point and Kaighn’s Point. The business is general Confectionery, to which is added, during the summer season, soft drinks.
One assistant is employed. Mrs. Reed is a native of Germany but has been here forty-seven years.
ABOUT twelve years ago Mr. Braddock opened this beautiful establishment, that is one of the best appointed in the city.
He makes a specialty of filling prescriptions very carefully and correctly. His laboratory is in the rear of the store. He carries in stock a full line of all Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Cigars, etc. The Soda Water Fountain is quite an attraction for the young folks in the summer time.
Among the many specialties that come from the establishment are Braddock’s Sarsaparilla, White Birch Liniment, Cough Syrup and Imperial Balsam.
Mr. Braddock is a graduate of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. He has reached the thirty-second degree of Masonry, which means that he has spent many years in the organization.
AMONG the well-known houses in this section may be mentioned that of Mr. G. W. Tucker. This courteous and pleasant gentleman opened this business about twenty years ago and has met with great success since.
The store occupied is about 20 x 40 feet in dimensions and fitted in the best manner. The cellar is used as a storage warehouse.
Here may be found a very heavy stock of this kind, all grades of Imported, Key West and Domestic Cigars, as well as a full line of Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos and Snuff. A large line of smokers’ articles is also handled. The trade lies all-over Camden and the surrounding counties.
Three capable assistants are continually employed and a team is busy delivering the many orders.
Mr. Tucker is a native of the city and has always been favorably known and is a public-spirited gentleman.
WHEN a Dry Goods house is conducted by a lady the business is certainly in good hands and its work sure to be well done. All the complications and intricacies of the trade are simple enough to a lady, and no one can mislead her as to qualities and kinds of material in any given fabric.
Agnes Nash, formerly a teacher, has been established here for the past twenty-one years, in the general Dry Goods and Notion business. Her stock is very select, and is displayed in a salesroom of 14 x 28 feet. Two assistants are employed, and the patrons of the store come from all parts of the city, drawn hither by the high reputation that has been so abundantly earned by Miss Nash in the conscientious prosecution of her business.
MR. CHALFANT, who is a native of Pennsylvania, and served in the late war for a period of nine months, with Company F, 124th Regiment, P. V., is also the proprietor of the Camden Carpet Cleaning Works at Front and Arch streets — the only carpet cleaning concern in Camden — has been so connected since 1884. The capacity for doing this work is 1,000 yards a day. Carpets are cleaned in all kinds of weather. They can be taken up, cleaned, altered and re-laid, and no charge is made for collecting and delivering carpets. Satisfaction guaranteed. He also controls a cracker trade which covers a territory of fifty miles in any direction from Camden. In the entire business four hands and three teams are employed.
The Camden Carpet Cleaning Works, has no equal in the United States. Don’t go to Philadelphia to get your carpets cleaned at cheap prices when you can get them cleaned much better here. It is the best and most reliable and cheapest in the end. We will tell you why it is. It is more trouble to take up carpets and put them down again than all the other part of house cleaning. We claim then, that while you have your carpets up they should be above all things thoroughly cleaned, free from dust, moth and germs, before they are put down again. This you do not get from cheap work done elsewhere. Therefore we claim it pays you to have your carpets well cleaned at the Camden Carpet Cleaning Works, instead of half-cleaned at low prices elsewhere. You may think you are saving money by having your carpets half-cleaned at cheap prices, which is a grand mistake. We claim to give entire satisfaction, or no charges. We make no charge for collecting and delivering carpets. Send postal to office, 423 Federal street, Camden, N. J., and we will call for and deliver your carpets. free of charge. We clean carpets in wet as well as dry weather.
Carpets taken up, cleaned and re-laid, 10 cents per yard. Carpets cleaned and re-laid 9 cents per yard. Carpets altered to fit other rooms by experienced workmen.
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