Vets in Colorful Memorial Crowd Convention Hall

Camden Courier-Post – June 4, 1933

Military and Civic Organizations Parade in Camden and Join Services Addressed by Clergy and Congressman Wolverton

More than 2500 persons attended a joint veterans memorial observance in Convention Hall which followed a parade of veterans and civic organizations yesterday afternoon.

To the martial strains of bands and bugle corps, the participants marched from Fifth and Cooper to Seventh Street; south to Haddon avenue, then to Line Street and the Convention Hall.

The parade was headed by a squad of motorcycle police under Acting Sergeant William Taylor. They were followed by the band, headquarters, howitzer, medical and service companies of the 114th Infantry in command of Capt. Mahlon F. Ivins, Jr.

Then came the massed colors, National Guard, Naval Reserve, Disabled American Veterans, John J. Pershing Camp No.9, United War Veterans, Gen. John A. Mather Post No. 18, Spanish War Veterans with their fife and drum corps and the Clara E. Waller Auxiliary; Posts 518 and 980 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and their bugle corps; Mt. Ephraim Junior Legion, No. 150; and, bugle corps; Public Service American Legion Post and bugle corps; Westmont American Legion Post and bugle corps; 50 Pennsylvania Gold Star Mothers led by Mrs. Mary E. Hewson; Elks color guard and the Salvation Army and band.

G. A. R. Vets In Line

Three veterans of the G. A. R., in flag-draped automobiles, participated in the parade. They were John W. Coleman, 76, of 31 North Thirty-fifth street, who served with the 19th Pennsylvania Cavalry; William A. Morgan, 93, of Clementon, who was with the 104th Doylestown Infantry, and Leonard L. Roray, 89, of Glassboro, who served with Company H, Third New Jersey Cavalry.

Ceremonies at Convention Hall opened with advance of the colors to the stage and invocation by Rabbi Nachmann Arnoff.

Rev. Charles Bratten Du Bell, former chaplain of the 114th Infantry, delivered a memorial address, taking as his subject the career of General “Stonewall” Jackson.

Congressman Charles A. Wolverton after paying tribute to the G. A. R., Spanish American and World War veterans, promised that Congress would make provisions to support widows and orphans of veterans who need aid before adjournment this Summer.

Criticizes Veteran Cuts

He attacked any plan for balancing the national budget which does so at the expense of the veterans.

“There are two ways to balance the budget,’” he said. “One is to take the money from the veterans and federal employees. The other is to require wealth to help.”

American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars and United Spanish War Veterans memorial services and rituals also featured the program. Rev. Lewis A. Hayes, of Westmont, pronounced the benediction. C. Richard Allen, past county commander of the American Legion, was master of ceremonies.

The committee included Samuel Magill, Jr., chairman; Edward A. Stark, A. F. Klein, Joseph A. Kohler, Joseph Whylings, James J. Burke, Norval McHenry, Charles Buzine, William Amberg, James Milne, William P. Breen, William Miller, William Reinholdt; Edward J. Wintering, William Eisele, William Lloyd, Joseph F. Markley, Frank Ellis, D. J. Connors, Joseph Lounsberry and Charles M. Jefferies.


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