This page is part of the 1890 Historical and Industrial Review of Camden, New Jersey. Please also see the following pages which continue the publication:
Part 1 – Introduction
Part 2 – Businesses
Part 3 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 4 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 5 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 6 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 7 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 8 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 9 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 10 – Conclusion
S.S.E. Cowperthwaite, Sewing Machines, etc.
221 Federal Street
ONE of the oldest business concerns in Camden is that of S.S. E. Cowperthwaite, located at No. 221 Federal St., and well known throughout the city and country. It was established by Mr. Cowperthwaite in 1840. The salesroom is 16 x 28 feet in size, has, of course, such adjuncts for storage, etc., as are necessary.
The stock is large and varied, comprising Sewing Machines and Fancy Goods. Among the several lines of goods handled are Demorest’s Sewing Machines, Demorest’s Patterns, Oils, Needles, and a complete assortment of Sewing Machine Supplies; and, as a specialty, Humphrey’s Homeopathic Specifics. One assistant is employed.
Mr. Cowperthwaite is a native of Camden, and is by trade a steel engraver. He was, for three years, a member of the Excise Board, in which position he acquitted himself in a manner gratifying to his constituents.

THIS lady has a commodious and beautiful store of large dimensions, 25×40 feet. Her specialty is Millinery. She has in stock a full line of all the latest styles and newest designs. Her business of Trimming Bonnets for special order is very large. She also has a full line of Notions, Ribbons, and small wares. Miss McNeill gives employment to four capable assistants.
She has always been a resident of the city.
THIS business was established by Mr. M. H. Sachs,, and the present proprietor took hold of it about two years ago.
The store, proper, is about 20 by 35 feet in dimensions, and is fitted up in the handsomest manner possible. All kinds of Pies, Cakes, Bread and Pastry is turned out; many barrels of flour being used every week. A specialty is made of catering for weddings, banquets and parties of all kinds. A large wholesale and retail Ice Cream business is also carried on.
Mr. Adams is a native of Beverly, this State, and a thoroughly practical and capable man in the catering line.
THE consumption of liquors in the United States is so vast that the trade necessarily involves considerations of the greatest importance. Among the reliable and influential wholesale liquor dealers in Camden the gentleman whose name heads this article, claims attention in these columns. Originally established as Schuster & Korn, in January, 1889, the latter gentleman retired and Mr. Schuster continued in sole proprietorship. The salesroom occupied for the purposes of business, is 20 by 60 feet in area, and is completely stocked with a fine line of Rye and Bourbon Whiskeys, French Brandies, Holland Gins, rich, old and mellow Wines of home and foreign manufacture, and everything appertaining to a first-class stock of these goods.
In connection with this, Mr. Schuster also prosecutes the bottling business. This department is situated at Nos. 1120 and 1122 South Front street, and in area is 52 by 210 feet. All the latest and most approved appliances are here enjoyed, among them being an immense wash machine for cleansing bottles. All kinds of soft drinks are here bottled as well as Lager Beer and Porter. An enormous amount of stuff is annually turned, out, and during the season 5,000 dozen bottles are shipped to the consuming trade every week.
For the execution of this immense amount of work, four men are constantly employed, and three teams utilized in delivering to the trade, all over Camden, Gloucester, and adjoining counties.
Born in Germany, Mr. Schuster has been a resident of this country since 1850, and spent upwards of twenty years at his present business. Prior to this he was engaged in the shoe business, and is prominently identified in commercial circles as a responsible dealer.
A NEAT and attractive place of business is that of William P. Weiser. A salesroom 18 by 25 feet in dimensions is amply stocked with a line of fresh, pure Drugs, of unexcelled quality, and variety. A fine line of Cigars, Confectionery. Toilet Articles, etc., are also carried. A very handsome Soda Water Fountain is-a feature of the place. Two assistants are employed, and special care is taken in compounding physicians’ prescriptions; one being a registered pharmacist.
The proprietor has been in the drug business over twenty years, establishing the present place of business in 1888. He is a graduate of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy.
W AS established by W. W. Hollis, in 1889, who was succeeded two months later by the present proprietor. Mr. O’Donald manufactures all kinds of Candies and sells them all at retail. He does a thriving business that requires several assistants, and is transacted in two stores, the second being situated at the corner of Fourth and Federal streets. The absolute purity of all the products of the concern is guaranteed. Mr. O’Donald is himself a practical candy maker and all is made on the premises. Before establishing himself here he was, for some time, manager of New Jersey territory of the Singer Manufacturing Company.
THIS cozy little restaurant, which its neat, cleanly and home-like appearance makes so attractive, was established by Mr. G. W. Huff about one year ago. It is 20 by 15 feet in dimensions and is very neatly fitted up.
A specialty is made of meals at the exceedingly low price of 15 cents, which, in point of quality and quantity, one equal in every respect to much more pretentious establishments. A line of the most popular standard Segars and Tobaccos are also handled.
Mr. Huff is a native of Philadelphia, and is highly esteemed, both socially and in a business sense. He is a member of the G.A.R. and of the Odd Fellows. In the conduct of the restaurant he is ably assisted by his wife, who is a lady of tact and business grasp.
PERHAPS there is no calling which requires more delicate tact and experience on the part of those practicing it than that of the undertaker. When our hearts are surcharged with sorrow over the decease of our loved and cherished ones, it is comforting to see the last sad rites performed with the rare good tact and judgment which always characterizes the funerals conducted by this well-known gentleman.
Mr. Middleton has had a life-long experience in his chosen art, having been associated with his late lamented father. About fourteen years ago the present place was secured. The portion devoted to business consists of two apartments, which are well stocked with all the equipments of his mournful office. Caskets, Burial Robes, Mourning Livery and, in fact, everything appertaining to his profession are shown in infinite variety—are here for the inspection of patrons ; in addition to which a specialty is made of manufacturing to order anything desired. Mr. Middleton is an adept in the art of embalming. An assistant is regularly employed and a dead wagon and handsomely appointed hearse is used.
Mr. Middleton is a native of Camden and is highly respected by our citizens. He has officiated at the obsequies of many of our leading citizens.
ONE of the newest acquisitions that have been received is the store of Mr. C. Tonneson, at Broadway and Clinton street. The business was opened some time ago by Mr. Shapley West and the present owner purchased his interest within the past month.
The store is about 20 x 25 feet in dimensions, with a large and commodious dining room in the rear, with a seating capacity of about 40 persons. All kinds of fine candies are kept in stock, all varieties of mixtures, taffies, etc. All the the ice cream is manufactured on the premises, in the rear, and has already established himself in the public’s favor. Three capable and skilled assistants are employed.
Mr. Tonneson is a native of Norway, and has been in this country for 16 years, but the progress he has made is very large.
A WELL conducted hotel does much for a town’s prosperity and it is pleasant to be able to bestow unstinted praise upon the leading house in this line in Camden, The West Jersey Hotel.
A large four story structure on the corner of Delaware Avenue and Market street, which has a frontage of 50 feet and a depth of 120 feet, containing 50 well kept sleeping apartments, while the cuisine is in charge of a competent chef who prepares daily the various delicacies of the table for the delectation of guests. The service and other accommodations being on a par with that of leading New York and Philadelphia houses.
Originally established by Israel English in 1850, it is one of the best known hotels in New Jersey. In 1884 the present proprietor, Mr. Stephen Parsons, succeeded to its proprietorship.
A native of New Jersey, and a hotel man for nearly half a century. Mr. Parsons was well equipped both by associations and experience to conduct this magnificent establishment and his success has been fully commensurate with his merit.
The bar is well stocked with the choicest brands of champagnes, wines, liquors, and cigars. Nearly 23 employees are required to manage this mammoth enterprise and the successful prosecution of the business reflects just credit on all concerned.
THIS gentleman established here in 1886 and does harness making of all kinds, making a specialty however, of the manufacture of collars of which he is an adept. He occupies a neat place 15 x 12 feet in dimensions which is admirably adapted to his purpose.
He is a native of Nova Scotia, and is popular both in business and social circles, being a member of the Masonic Fraternity, and of the anti-Papal society of Philadelphia.
He is the maker of the well-known Rutherford’s Universal Enamel. This enamel can be applied to wood, iron or leather that is free from grease. For restoring enameled leather, gum cloth or enameled cloth, wagon curtains or for old patent leather, such as saddle skirts, bridle winkers, dashers, etc., etc., It has no equal.
It is just what is wanted in every repair, Trunk, Wagon or Harness Shops. By its use any man can paint his own buggy or wagons. It gives a beautiful lustre to smooth iron surface; such as smoke stacks, locomotive or iron machinery of every description.
It is the only Enamel in existence that works equally as well on iron, wood or leather. It will not crack, blister or chip off, and holds its lustre as well as new enamel.
It is impervious to water and a buggy top enameled with it will not require oil, and if properly applied ought to last at least two years. It will not work on oiled harness or shoe leather.
AMONG the many stores that have been established in the past year, few have been more successful than Mr. F. X. Braun. This estimable gentleman opened here last September, and has since met with great success.
The store occupied is about 20 x 25 feet in dimensions. Here may be found one of the choicest selections of Foreign and Domestic Worsted Suitings. Mr. Braun numbers among his customers some of the best and most stylishly dressed men in the city. Six capable work-people are constantly employed. Mr. Braun is a thoroughly practical man.
He is a native of Germany, coming here about nine years ago.
AMONG the most prominent stores in this section none have been more successful than Mr. Cowgill, who opened this establishment about three years ago with the idea of selling Patent Medicines at a small profit, and he has succeeded in demonstrating the fact that small profits and quick sales is one of the best elements of business.
Nearly all the numerous reputable proprietary Patent Medicines put up are to be found in his place, together with Toilet Articles, Perfumery, etc., and all at very low figures.
The store is about 20 x 30 feet in dimensions and literally filled with the stock. A Soda Water fountain is also running to afford his many patrons with pure, refreshing drinks. Three capable assistants are employed.
Mr. Cowgill is a native of the State and has been an esteemed resident of the city for some time.
Though this business was established with no capital whatever it has been found necessary to open a branch store at 443 South Fifth street which has been equally successful, and the energetic proprietor contemplates opening another store.
THE firm of W. H. Haegele & Son has two establishments — the one located at 411 Federal street, the other at 504 Market street — both established in September, 1889, and already doing an immense business in Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Veal and Poultry in season. They kill all their own meats and consequently understand the virtues and value of their stock. The business employs the proprietors and several assistants, besides two teams that are constantly occupied. Their refrigerators have a capacity of 5,000 pounds of ice, and their meats, both fresh and salt, have a high reputation, founded upon their excellence.
W. H. Haegele, Sr., was born in Philadelphia, enlisted in 1861, before the Northern atmosphere was vitiated by unpleasant drafts, in C Company, 82d Pennsylvania Volunteers, and is a comrade of William B. Hatch Post, 37, Department of N. J., G. A. R.
W. H. Haegele, Jr., is also a native of Philadelphia, and has never been in any other business. He is a past officer of the K. G. E.
AMONG the most prominent houses in the city may be mentioned that of Mr. R. C. Mason. The business was established by the present proprietor about three years ago (although Mr. Mason had for many years handled and sold various makes of pianos, for other houses), and has met with the greatest success. The building is about 25 x 90 feet in dimensions. The first floor is used solely as a piano wareroom, and the second floor for organs.
Mr. Mason was born in Camden, and has both worked and done business in this city all his life. When a boy he was put at the piano, and received a good musical education; in later years started as teacher, and by degrees drifted into the dealing and selling of Pianos and Organs. Through perseverance and honest dealings he managed to start in business for himself at the above address with a small stock of Pianos and Organs. ‘The business has steadily increased.
Mr. Mason is the agent for many of the best makes of Pianos and Organs, among them the celebrated Sohmer Piano, Hardman, Colby & Co., Jacob Bros., Trowbridge Pianos, and the Story & Clark Organ.
Within the past year a repairing and rebuilding department has been added to the already established business, giving employment to about ten hands. This new feature of the business has so rapidly grown that a contract has already been given for the erection of a handsome repairing factory.
In the employ of Mr. Mason are six of the best workmen in the different branches of piano making that can be secured, they all coming from the best factories in New York. He is a prominent man in social, commercial and political circles, being a member of the band of Freeholders and Chairman of the Court House Committee.
The illustration with this article is a reproduction of the famous Sohmer Piano, at present the most popular and preferred by all leading artists.

THIS house was established in 1882, and is doing a cash and installment business in Dry Goods, Furniture, Bedding, Stoves, ladies’ and children’s Cloaks, Refrigerators, Baby-Coaches, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Jewelry, etc. The principal salesroom has a front of 18 feet by a depth of 60 feet, and the warerooms occupy four stories, the whole making with its large, varied and valuable stock an uncommonly attractive place. He was formerly in the employ of,the celebrated Philadelphia house of Phil. J. Walsh, and commands a very large trade in Camden and adjacent counties, employing five or six assistants and five wagons.
AMONG the best known houses in this section may be mentioned that of Mr. Nottebrock. This gentleman purchased this business from Mr. Jacob Stokley in 1880. The store is about 20 x 20 feet in dimensions and fitted in the best manner. A large room in the rear is used as a manufacturing room.
The stock is large and varied, consisting of all the popular brands of Imported and Domestic Cigars, Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos, Snuff and Smoker articles. About 200,000 cigars are made annually by the three skilled workmen that are employed.
Mr. Nottebrock is a native of Germany. He came here in 1866. He is a prominent member of the Odd Fellows and other organizations.
THE business now carried on at 421 Federal street was established in 1876 by C. M. Ferat, who is widely known as a manufacturer of Fine Candies, cream chocolates, caramels, corn balls, all kinds of bar and molasses candies and all the articles known to the trade, including penny goods, prize packages, etc., for the wholesale and retail trade.
The salesroom is 16 x 55 feet in size, and the trade is drawn from all parts of the State. Three floors, constituting the entire building, are occupied for this manufacture, and six men, six boys and two teams are employed in the transaction of the business.
Mr. Ferat, is a practical man in the business, as were his father and grandfather before him. He spends much of his time on the road, in taking orders for the product of his works.
He is a director of Camden Cemetery.
THE City of Camden has for a period past, been identified with the flour and grain trade, as a distributing point to the consumer of these products, and her merchants in this branch of commercial pursuit, enjoy a widespread reputation for the facilities they have introduced as a means of supplying the trade with fresh and choice goods.
One of the oldest establishment in this section is that founded by E.B. Kaighn in 1879, and succeeded by the present firm in 1886.
The office and warehouse occupied for business purposes, stands on a plot 40 x 125 feet in area. Every facility is here enjoyed for the prompt handling of grain and feed.
The various apartments are supplied with bins, shutes [sic], elevators, scales etc., and all the modern accessories known to the trade are here enjoyed, Telephone No. 48, being in use. A heavy stock embracing fine family and bakers’ flour in bag or barrel, meal, mill feed, oats, corn, rye, barley, wheat, and farm seeds of every description, as well as implements. Oats are a specialty.
The trade is wide-spread and growing, and all the transactions are characterized by liberality and equity. In the successful prosecution of the business eleven assistants are employed, and two double and one single team, utilized for hauling and delivery purposes.
A. M. & F. B. Sitley, are the individual members of the firm, both gentlemen are natives of New Jersey, and prior to engaging in their mercantile venture, pursued the avocation of agriculturists.
Since establishing here, they are regarded high in commercial circles, as responsible dealers, progressive, enterprising citizens, who enjoy the confidence of all with whom they have business relations, and well merit the success attending their efforts.
THE best attractions in choice Confectionery, Ice-Cream, Fancy Cakes and pies, with their due accompaniment of imported and domestic fresh and dried Fruits, Nuts, etc., may be always found at the very elegant place of Charles Foulon, 524 Federal street, established by Charles Foulon & Co., in 1886. About two years ago the firm was dissolved and Mr. Foulon became the sole proprietor. This gentleman caters successfully for balls, weddings, etc., and is prepared to supply banquets anywhere and at all times. He sells during the season an average of 1000 quarts a week of ice-cream.
He employs nine assistants, and runs a delivery wagon in the interest of his customers. His salesroom is 18×28 feet in dimensions, and is a model of good taste and neatness in its equipment. Mr. Foulon was born in Mulheim, on the Rhine, but has resided in America since 1868.
THERE is no more prosperous concern in this section of Camden than that conducted by Messrs. W. W. Armstrong & Bro. The business was established about seven years ago by the present head of the firm, and later he took his brother in as a partner. The store at the corner of Sixth and State streets is a branch of this concern, started a short time ago, as the business grew too large for the up-town store.
Full lines of all Fresh and Salt Meats, Groceries, Canned Goods, Fruits and Provisions are carried in both the main and branch store.
Seven capable and genial assistants are employed. One team is kept very busy delivering orders.
Mr. Armstrong is a native of Salem, N. J., but has been a resident of Camden for ten years. He is prominently connected with the Iron Hall Order of Tonti and other organizations.
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