New Buildings Going Up

Camden Daily Courier – November 15, 1890

Many Houses Now Being Erected

Camden builders do not seem to be deterred by the fear of financial panic or an idea that the McKinley bill presages disaster in business. New operations are in progress, and several extensive ones are contemplated early in the coming year.

Charles W. Cox is finishing a row of twenty-one dwellings on Willard street, in the Second ward, and is excavating the cellars for ten more at Eighth and Vine streets. These, when finished, will make eighty-seven new buildings erected by him in that locality during the season. William C. Aitken is walling the cellars of thirteen new brick dwellings at Tenth and Carpenter streets, and having purchased of the Cooper estate the balance of the block on Cooper street above Ninth, will early in the spring erect a row of first-class dwellings thereon.

Adolph Segal is pushing to completion sixty-six dwellings on Segal street, in the First ward, and is negotiating for land adjacent, preparatory to commencing a larger operation.

William T. Bailey has nearly completed ten stone front dwellings at Sixth and York streets, and has fifty more in various stages of completion at Wrightsville, one of Camden’s thriving suburbs.

In the manufacturing line Howland Croft, Sons & Co., are building a one hundred foot four story addition to their woolen mill at Broadway and Jefferson streets, which when completed will give employment to at least one hundred and fifty employes [sic].

At Pavonia, Cramer Hill, Fairview and Dudley many new buildings are in course of erection and completion and building mechanics are busy and in demand at good wages.

Material men and the sash and door manufactories are doing a rushing business, many of them being behind with their orders, while brick testers and quarrymen are as busy as the rest furnishing the material in their line.

The announcement was made this morning that George Holl has consummated negotiations with the Cooper estate for the purchase of the large block of land bordered by Sixth and Seventh streets and Benson and Washington. Another well-known operator made very strong efforts to secure the property, but Mr. Holl had an option on it and closed at $30,000.” The ground is vacant with the exception of nine houses owned by the Real Estate Investment Company. Mr. Holl has been in a number of large and successful building operations in this city, but this one will perhaps be the heaviest in which he has yet engaged. A street is to be cut through the block running north and south between Sixth and Seventh streets on which the houses will be set back twenty feet. All of the houses on the block will be three-storied in height and will be equipped with all of the newest improvements. Should the winter hold off, work may be commenced in a few weeks, but it is more than likely that nothing can be done until spring.


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