1890 Review of Camden, New Jersey – Part 9

This page is part of the 1890 Historical and Industrial Review of Camden, New Jersey. Please also see the following pages which continue the publication:

Part 1 – Introduction
Part 2 – Businesses
Part 3 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 4 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 5 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 6 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 7 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 8 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 9 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 10 – Conclusion



Among the worsted and woolen mills of Camden a conspicuous building is that belonging to Messrs. Howland Croft, Sons & Co., formerly Croft & Priestley, known as the Linden Worsted Mills, now located at Broadway and Jefferson Avenue. The factory was established in 1880, under the present style, at the corner of Front and Linden streets, whence its name. It was a successful institution from the commencement, and remained at the old location until 1885, when the fine new building now occupied was erected on ground purchased for the purpose. The area of the ground occupied is 200 by 415 feet, and the buildings — all of brick and four stories in height — consist of three separate structures, each one being devote I to its own special department. They are: the mill proper, of the extent of 50 by 240 feet; the wool warehouse, of 100 by 40 feet, and the offices and storerooms, of the size of 80 by 30 feet. The force of hands is 400.

The goods manufactured are worsted and woolen yarns in all the various grades and colors, and the brands of their goods enjoy a high reputation in the market.

The members of the firm at first were Howland Croft and Herbert Priestley. In November, 1886, Mr. Priestley died, and thence until March 1, 1889, the management devolved upon Mr. Croft. At the latter date the three sons of Mr. Croft, were joined with him in partnership, and the firm style became Howland Croft, Sons & Co. The names of the junior members are Mr. John William Croft, Mr. George Howland Croft and Mr. Samuel Granger Croft.

The handsome engravings accompanying this too brief sketch of what is undoubtedly the leading commercial undertaking of South Camden, consist of a reproduction of the spacious buildings and of a portrait of Mr. Howland Croft. A journey through the numerous apartments of the mills shows that not only is the machinery and all appointments of the concern of the latest and most approved character that modern ingenuity and skill, backed by the most ample capital, could attain and operated by a colossal engine, whose mammoth proportions excite the wonder and amazement of all observers, and seems by its magnitude to rival the glories of the celebrated Corliss engine at the Centennial Exposition at Philadelphia; but its sanitary condition is carefully looked after, and a more contented and happier set of work-people is seldom seen in a large industrial enterprise.

The story of Mr. Croft’s life would be more readable than a romance, illustrating as it does the immense possibilities which the present age holds in trust for men of energy, pluck, perseverance and tried integrity, upon whom it heaps its richest rewards and crowns with its loftiest esteem. From the present summit of his well-won success, Mr. Croft cannot fail to contemplate, with feelings of the most entire satisfaction, the roadway over which he has journeyed and which is strewn with the conquests of laudable ambition over all difficulties. Personally one of the most genial and courteous of men, his simple and unostentatious habits of life have never been perverted by his great wealth and influence, and this fact tends to endear him to all with whom he is brought in contact, both in a business sense and socially.

After earnest solicitation, he has consented to act as Vice-President of the Board of Trade of the City of Camden, and by his presence in that body will add to its dignity and the force of its membership, being a practical man whose executive ability has never been questioned, while his enthusiastic endorsement of every movement looking to the City of Camden’s interest is widely appreciated.



This large and popular store and factory is the well known center of a business that was established here in 1855. The premises occupied for the purposes of the business are a fine salesroom of ample dimensions and a factory in the rear. Here the proprietor and seven or eight assistants are employed in the manufacture of Silk, Soft and Stiff Felt Hats. The trade embraces beside Hats a complete line of Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Satchels, Traveling Bags and Dressing Cases. A very fine stock designed expressly for retail trade. A special feature is done in the manufacture of Trunks. Mr. Titus is a native of the State and is a hatter by trade; is highly respected among his fellow-citizens as a gentleman of worth and integrity.

Emerson P. Osborn is the manager, and has been with Mr. Titus for the past twenty-seven years as a salesman, a fact that speaks highly for both of them. Indeed, it would be difficult to find two men in business together for so long a period without recognizing the sterling worth that makes such a relation, so long continued, possible.

Chas. E. Graham is an able assistant connected with the house for many years and a gentleman of worth and business integrity. Since establishing here they have won the esteem of all with whom they hold business relations.



An old established stand is this, and the gentleman whose name leads this review took possession of the place nearly one year ago. The salesroom occupied for the purposes of the business is 12 x 16 feet in dimensions, and the stock embraces all the leading brands of Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos, Snuffs, Pipes, Cigarettes and Smokers’ Articles generally. A fine line of Confectionery and Fruit is also kept, and in the summer season all kinds of soft drinks, as well as Flowers. To facilitate the progress of the work, a competent assistant is employed.

Born in France, Mr. Mann has been a resident of this country for the past thirty years, part of which was spent in the United States Navy, as well as in the Merchants’ service since 1868.

Since establishing here he has won the esteem of all with whom he deals, and is respected in trade circles as a responsible dealer.



These courteous gentlemen are well acquainted with the care of horses, and make it their special business to look after the stock driven by some of the best people in town. They have a very commodious stable, with a frontage of 40 feet on Front street and a depth of no feet. They have about twenty-five head of horses and between thirty and forty wagons at present, and are constantly adding more to their stock.

Mr. Brant is a native of Gloucester county, but has been a resident of Camden for some time.



Originally founded by Charles C. Hess, the lady whose name heads this article succeeded him five years ago.

The salesroom occupied is 16 x 28 feet in dimensions, containing a choice line of Groceries and Provisions, Canned and Bottled Goods, Syrups, fine English and Breakfast Teas, free from dust or deleterious substances; pure Spices and Coffees, laundry and Toilet requisites, Fresh and Salt Meats, and all the goods usually found in a first-class stock of groceries, as well as Fancy Cakes, Pies, Cigars and Tobaccos. In the prosecution of this business, an assistant is employed, and no means spared that will in any way foster the interests of the patron.

Daniel Lamb, her son, manages the establishment, and through his endeavors a select trade is enjoyed. Mrs. Lamb has spent some seven years in the grocery business.

A native of Turnersville, N. J., Mrs. Lamb has proven herself a conscientious business woman, and both mother and son are respected in trade circles as reliable dealers.



No store in this section of the city is any better known than the establishment of Mr. Fred. Phile. He has been in this line for a number of years, and knows where to find the choicest of all the markets, and gives his customers the benefit of his knowledge in the carefully selected stock which he carries on hand.

The business was opened here by him in 1880, in the same building which he now occupies, the dimensions of which are about 25 x 100 feet. All kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats are kept. The thousand and one things that go to make a full stock are all to be found here — all qualities of Coffees, Teas, Sugars, Spices, etc. One specialty that is made is Butter and Eggs, the finest of which are always to be found here. Fresh Fish is also kept on ice all the time.

Mr. Phile is a native of Philadelphia, but has been identified with the best interests of Camden since Centennial year. Mr. Phile is an old sailor, having gone out in the Powhatan in 1861; he was on her for two years. Of late years he has been connected with that famous resort for veterans, Post 37, of which he is an active member.



This business has been established many years, the present owners having purchased the interest of a Miss Harrison in 1863.

The store occupied is about 18 x 30 feet in dimensions. The stock is large and varied; there may be found anything that pertains to the line — all kinds of Dry Goods, Trimmings, Notions, Hosiery, Underwear and Fancy Goods. Two assistants are employed.

Miss K. M. Heulings and Miss M. A. Gregory are the individual members of the firm. These two well-known ladies have been residents of the city for many years, winning the respect and esteem of all with whom they hold business relations.



The occupation of “bottler” has grown into especial prominence within a comparatively few years but is now an industry that keeps many establishments in active operation in all parts of the country.

The concern known as the Camden Bottling Company has its place of business at 21 Federal street, and occupies the time of eight men, besides the Manager, M. Hertz, who is also the sole owner. Three teams are employed to deliver the product, which includes drinks ”soft” and otherwise. The latest improved machinery is used, and the capacity of the works is about twenty-five barrels a day, produced by steam-power. The building is 20 feet in front by 100 feet in depth. The goods have high reputation.



Six years ago the cigar store and factory at 120 Federal street was started by its present proprietor, Manuel Vidal, known as the “Spanish Cigarmaker,” and has occupied its present location for the past two years.

The salesroom is 12 x 12 feet in dimensions, and the factory is in its rear. All the cigars sold here are made on the premises, of good stock, expressly for local trade — among the especial favorites is the brand known as La Candela.

The entire building, three stories, is used for the purposes of the business, which requires the services of six assistants.

Mr. Vidal was always a cigarmaker, and came to this country from Cuba in 1872. He also runs a branch store at 33 Market street.



This business has been established many years; the present proprietor having taken hold of it in 1867. A large shop, 120 x 150 feet in dimensions, is used; this is fitted with the newest and best machinery. Everything in the iron works line can be turned out by this establishment; among the many specialties are Wraught Iron Doors, Fire Escapes,. Fencing, Awnings, Roof Castings, Builders’ Iron Work, Steam Engines, Boilers, and all kind of work in this line. Mill and Steam Tow-Boat Repairs are also done with care and skill. Thirty skilled workmen are constantly employed.

Mr. Hollingshead is a native of Philadelphia but has been an esteemed resident of the city for some time past. He is prominently identified with various fraternal organizations, being Secretary of Royal Arch Chapter, Secretary of Cyrene Commandery, and Past Master of the Blue Lodge.



A THRIVING industry, employing many hands, is located at 318 Federal street. It was established in 1879, at 411 on the same street, but removed to this stand in 1889.

The premises occupied by this large business comprise the salesroom of 17 x 32 feet, a spacious workroom in the rear and others upon the upper floors of the building. The business is merchant and manufacturing tailoring. The first-named branch alone employs sixteen hands, while in the latter thirty-two bends are engaged in the manufacture of pantaloons by steam power. A large wholesale trade in this State and Pennsylvania is supplied by this house.

The proprietor, Jacob Schumacher, is a German by birth, but came to America in 1860. He is a tailor by trade and was formerly foreman for Blumenthal Bros., Philadelphia, before starting in business for himself. His son William is connected with the concern as cutter in the merchant tailoring department. Henry Schumacher is traveling salesman for this house.



For the past sixteen years this gentleman has been located here. He carries in stock a full line of the finest grades of Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Fresh and Dried Fruits, Butter, Eggs, all the Fresh Vegetables in season. He employs three efficient assistants and uses a team.

Mr. Carson has always been a prominent citizen of Camden, having served eight years, three of which as its President in the Board of Education. He is at present President of the North Camden Economy Building Association, also President of the Camden City and County Building Association League, two of the strongest associations here, and a prominent member of Post 5, G. A. R., having served three years in the 20th Illinois Infantry.



A NEATLY equipped and popular barber shop is an incalculable convenience in any neighborhood in which people live. Such an establishment is that of Andreas Beck, No. 116 Federal Street. It was established in the Fall of 1855, and is 11 x 28 feet in dimensions, and does a business requiring four chairs.

Mr. Beck, the proprietor, is a native of Germany and came here thirty-four years ago. He is a barber by trade; is now President of the Barbers’ Sunday Closing Association, the only organization of its kind ever made sufficiently effective to carry out the object for which it was formed.

Mr. Beck’s entire business career has been in this place, in which he learned his trade, and in 1860 purchased the business of his predecessor, John Jacob Somers, the founder of the shop.



The present proprietress has been located in the same building for over a score of years, and the experience and good judgment that is used in selecting the stock, may be seen upon looking carefully at it.

A full line of all sorts of Dry Goods is carried. All kinds of Underwear and Hosiery are carried from the finest to the cheapest grades. In this establishment may be found all the small wares, Notions and Fancy Goods that can well be imagined. The proprietress having had such a long experience in the line that she is enabled to know just what is needed. Two assistants are kept busy.

Mrs. Baker is a native of Bakersville, N. J., but has been so long a resident of Camden that she may almost be called a native.



The Dressing of Ladies’ Hair has always been justly regarded as an art of exceptional importance.

Mrs. C. Coleman, a lady who has an experience of eight years in this line, and is a practical hair dresser, is the proprietress of the very attractive parlors at No. 218 Federal Street, where all orders are promptly executed, and work done in the best style. She established herself in this place in 1889, in a store of 20 x 16 feet in dimensions. Shampooing, Bangs-Cutting and Dressing, and all other departments receive the personal attention of the proprietress.” Golden Hair Wash” and “Dollard’s Hair Tonic ” are kept in stock. Mrs. Coleman was born in Philadelphia where she learned her art.



This gentleman opened the business here about five years ago and has met with phenomenal success. The greenhouse in the city is large and handsome, besides this five other houses are used, these are located at Collingswood, N. J.

All kinds of Flowers and Plants are kept as well as a large variety of Cut Flowers.

Special attention is paid to orders in the way of Designs and Boquets. Flower Seeds are also sold extensively. Three capable assistants are kept busy and one team is employed.

Mr. White is a native of Collinswood, N. J., and has always been a well-known person in this city.



Among Camden’s leading business houses is the magnificent three-story structure on the N. W. corner of Front and Market Streets. The buildings occupied have a frontage of 78 and a depth of 100 feet. The entire three floors being occupied in the successful prosecution of the exceeding large business done by this house which employs over a dozen hands and uses three teams to facilitate its transaction.

Hardware of all grades, whether light or heavy, is to be found in ample assortment in its spacious salesrooms which occupy the whole of the entire building’s floor together with Builders’ Supplies, Paints, Oils, Glass, Pitch, and Oakum, in infinite variety, constitute the stock on hand. Mill-work, Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Mouldings, are also on the premises on the third floor and are offered to the patrons of this house at unusually advantageous prices.

Established in 1878 by the present proprietors. New ideas and progressive business methods have characterized the firm’s efforts at all times, and the large business done is the well merited reward of enterprise and push.

The members of the firm are both natives of Camden and are reckoned among its representative business men. The Senior member, Mr. S. F. Rudderow, during the year of 1860-61 was the local tax collector and acquitted himself creditably at a time when the holder of that office occupied anything but a sinecure. He is a bright and affable gentleman in the prime of life.

A large three-story warehouse is now in process of erection.


1131 and 1133 FEDERAL STREET

Originally established in 1880 by Charles Killinger, the establishment is now the property of Mr. Samuel Richman, and is the largest place of its kind in this section of Camden. The stock consists of Flour, Feed, Hay, Straw and all accessories to the business. Two assistants are regularly employed and two teams are used in the successful prosecution of the trade.

The salesrooms are 40 x 60 feet in dimensions, and commodious storage rooms are also at the disposal of this house. Hauling and Teaming is made a feature of especial interest, and teams are let out to hire.

Mr. Richman is a native of Camden, and is highly esteemed in the community, and was actively engaged in the service of hauling food and shelter for man and beast in the late rebellion. He is regarded as an energetic business man and citizen.



In the bakery business none stand higher in the esteem of Camden’s citizens than the subject of this brief sketch. Established in 1888 in the building he now occupies and which was built for his purpose. It has a salesroom 16 x 24 feet in dimensions, and the stock carried consists of everything in the baking line including Fancy and Plain Cakes, Pies, etc. A line of Candy being also carried.

Bread is served by two teams to all sections of Camden, including Liberty Park, Merchantville, Pavonia, etc., and five assistants are regularly employed. The capacity of the bakery being some 18 or 20 barrels of flour a week.

Mr. Kemmerer is a native of Germany and came to this country in 1869. He is highly regarded in the community.


420 and 422 S. FIFTH STREET

One of the oldest established houses in this line is that conducted by Mr. C. W. Sheldon at 420 and 422 S. Fifth Street. The present head of the firm succeeded Mr. Frank Whittaker about three years ago. The building occupied has a frontage on Fifth Street of 40 feet and a depth of about 100 feet.

A large stock of all kinds of Grain is carried, Baled and Loose Hay also form part of the stock. A specialty is made of Flour that is put up for family use in bags, as well as being sold in barrels.

Employment is given to three capable men who are ever on the alert looking out for the proprietor’s interests. One double team is also kept.

Mr. Sheldon is a native of Blackwood, N. J., but become a prominent citizen of the city in the past three years that he has resided here.



Possibly there is no better known and better liked gentleman in the neighborhood than Mr. Morris, the proprietor of the large store at 428 Broadway. Mr. Morris became the head of this house in 1886 when he succeeded Mr. A. S. Brewer, who had been there some time before selling out.

The store proper is about 25 x 30 feet in dimensions and finished with all the newest and most approved fittings. The stock consists of everything that can be imagined in the line of Groceries, —all kinds of Coffees, Teas, Sugars, Flours, Spices, and the many etceteras that are in the line. Besides this there is a full stock of all kinds of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Butter and Egg. A specialty is made of Canned Goods and these are kept with many varieties of all the standard and well-known brands.

Mr. Morris has in his constant employ four men that are efficient and are constantly on the lookout for his interests, and one team that is employed continually.

The proprietor is at present a resident of the city.



There is scarcely a better or more favorably known 1 establishment than that conducted by Mr. McGarvey. He has been there but a short time, but has already become known, because the goods that he handles are the best and cheapest. He purchased the store from Mr. Campbell about the first of the year. This is not a new venture for him, as he was formerly located at 4th and Mt. Vernon Streets. The store occupied is 25 x 70 feet in dimensions and fitted very handsomely. Mr McGarvey does not depend entirely on the retail business, but does a large wholesale business, in this way he is enabled to handle large quantities and can buy and sell cheaper than those with smaller facilities. Three capable men are employed constantly.

Mr. McGarvey is a native of Philadelphia but has been one of Camden’s most esteemed citizens for past five years.



This successful business is the outcome of many years of industry and hard work. The present owners succeed a no less known personage than the present Mayor of Camden (Mayor Pratt), who succeeded Mr. Willetts in 1876. The present proprietor was here nearly twenty years, and opened with James B. Boyer in 1870. The building is a one story on N. 3d street and runs back some distance.

Mr. Keown makes it his especial care to supply his customers with the finest Meats, both Fresh and Salt, that are obtainable. His porter-house steaks are well known by all who are fond of that toothsome dish. He gives employment to three assistants, and keeps one delivery wagon constantly on the move, delivering his large orders. They have the reputation of having the first and finest Truck and Vegetables in the market.

Mr. Keown is a native of Camden, and quite a prominent member of both the Odd Fellows and Red Men.



Messrs. William C. Scudder & Son, are conducting a very large and important business at No. 95 Federal Street, which is worthy of a much more extended notice than can be given it in this notice. It was established in 1867 by Scudder & Cook, and in 1874 came into the hands of Win. C. Scudder & Co. The firm was changed to William. C. Scudder & Son in 1883. It comprises a Sash and Blind Factory, Planing Mill, and Lumber Yard, and occupies about two acres, has well appointed offices, yards, etc. The main warehouse is 34 x 90 feet in size and is three stories high; the mill is 150 x 100 feet and is equipped with every modern appliance, machinery, So-horse steam-power, and employs seventy men. The annual trade amounts to 8,000,000 feet.

William C. Scudder and Reuben G. Scudder are the members of the firm, the former having been formerly a sea captain and had seventeen vessels. He is now Master Port Warden for this district, appointed by the Governorof New Jersey, and condemned Petty’s Island.

Besides the lumber business these gentlemen build from 75 to 100 houses of their own every year.



The well known store of Mr. J. Danenhower represents with great force the power of industry and thrift in carrying on a large business. He has been located here for the past thirty-five years, and put his life’s best labors into the business, but he is well repaid, having built up one of the largest trades in town.

His store is about 25 feet front by 75 in depth. He carries in stock a full line of everything that goes to make a complete store of this kind—Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Canned Goods of all kinds, and all the best fruit that the markets afford.

In the successful carrying on of his business he has three very efficient assistants and one team.

Mr. Danenhower was born in Pennsylvania, but almost might be called a Camdenite, having lived in this city for the past forty years.



There is no one in Camden whose name is better known in connection with the manufacture of wagons than is Mr. Jacob Rettberg. Establishing in 1864, for over a quarter of a century he has been identified with a high class of work in this important line, and has won for himself a reputation of which he has every reason to feel justly proud.

He occupies a salesroom 28 x 100 feet in dimensions, at the N. W. corner of Delaware avenue and Market street, where are displayed at all times the best products of modern skill in wagon building, in its every branch, except extremely light work, which is not handled at all.

Within a stone’s throw of the salesroom and office, directly up Market street, at Nos. 15-17, are the spacious workrooms, 100 x 35 feet in dimensions, where all the goods handled are manufactured, ten competent and skilled workmen being constantly employed.

Personally, Mr. Rettberg is an extremely popular gentleman, both in social and in business circles. He is still in the prime of life, and has apparently many years of useful citizenship before him.



There are but few firms in this city that have reached as near perfection in the respective lines of trade as Messrs. Hussong & Co. The firm had its inception in 1877, and has steadily grown since then. The premises occupied are about 150 x 40 feet in dimensions, and are divided off into the dying room, and office. In each department the best appliances being used; steam power being in operation.

Employment is given to as many as fourteen men during the season. Special care is used in the selection of dyestuffs, only the finest grades being used, as the yarn dyed is of the best grades. The yarn is brought here in the grey, then scoured and afterwards dyed any shade that is desired. A large quantity of stubbing is also dyed, that is the wool ready to be spun into yarn. The trade is very extensive, extending all over the Middle and Western States.

The members of the firm are Messrs. James Hussong, Henry Hussong and Frederick Hussong, all gentlemen who are fully acquainted with the many details of this business.



In noting the historical landmarks of commercial enterprise, the pages of this review would be incomplete without the lady whose name heads this article. Originally established in Camden nearly a quarter of a century ago, Mrs. Cook is one of the oldest and most highly respected business women in the city. Removing from her first and old stand at Broadway and Walnut, her present quarters are especially adapted for the dry goods business. The salesroom is 20 x 35 feet in dimensions, and the stock kept on hand consists of a fine line of Dry Goods of every description, Notions, Trimmings, Ribbons, Hosiery, Underwear, and all kinds of Furnishing Goods.

The proprietress is a lady of rare tact and business ability, regarded throughout her whole business career as a thoroughly conscientious dealer, well known in trade as well as social circles. Several competent assistants are employed to facilitate the progress of the establishment and a select trade is enjoyed.

After so long and successful a career, Mrs. Cook is about to retire from the arena of commerce, and space forbids us to eulogize at length the success and esteem that has attended an honorable and early effort in placing the City of Camden in the front ranks of commercial prosperity.



Among the oldest and best known houses in the city, the Collings Carriage Company takes a first place. This business was established by Mr. Jacob S. Collings in 1827, and passed through the various members of the family till 1887, when it was incorporated under the laws of New Jersey.

The building is about 160 x 170 feet in dimensions, and fitted with the best machinery in all details of the business. About fifty skilled workmen are constantly employed. The principal products of this firm are Buggies, Sulkies, One Man Wagons, and Buckboards, this last being made a specialty of. The firm have a patent spring, that is attached to the board in such a manner as to prevent the board from settling and obviate all foot jar. This spring accomplishes these most important features and still preserves the buckboard in its original simplicity.

These are shipped all over the country, and at present the house is very busy turning them out in great numbers.

All the many details of this business are looked after by Mr. J. Z. Collings and his son. Both gentlemen are among the most prominent and successful business men in the city.


The Review is the only Sunday paper printed in Camden, and as it is a purely local paper, the 65,000 people of the city are all more or less interested in its various departments. These cover the political, social, secret society, military, musical, club, sporting, personal and general news of Camden, much of which is not treated upon by any other paper in or out of the city. It will, therefore, be evident that The Review must be a valuable advertising medium among Camden people.

F. F. Patterson’s Sons are the publishers and the office is 123 Federal Street. It was established April 15th, 1889, and is an eight column folio, printed on excellent quality of paper and presents an artistic typographical appearance. Politically it is independent republican. The publishers are three enterprising and talented young men, Theodore N. Patterson, Frank F. Patterson, Jr., and Wolcott J. Patterson. The style of the firm is F. F. Patterson’s Sons, and their father is one of the most prominent newspapermen in the State of New Jersey, having been connected with the Newark Evening Courier and the Newark Sunday Call. He founded the Daily Courier here in 1882, the paper having previously been conducted as a weekly.



One of the distinctive industries of every commercial, manufacturing and agricultural center of the country, and which contributes not a little to its material prosperity, is the hardware and building material trade. The vast variety of implements, utensils and materials incidental to this line of trade are indispensable and almost illimitable. Among the houses engaged in this industry in Camden, and which have gained a wide reputation for reliable goods and honorable dealing, and worthy of deserving mention in the pages of this review, is the house this article purposes to sketch.

Mr. William J. Cooper is a native of Camden, and having acquired a thorough knowledge in this business by spending a life’s career in it, he inaugurated this present enterprise in 1888, after a successful connection with the old firm of Cooper, Stone & Co.

The salesroom occupied for business purposes is 20 x 65 feet in dimensions, heavily stocked with a comprehensive line of Builders’ and Shelf Hardware, Mechanics’ Tools of every description, Spades, Agricultural Implements, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Contractors’, Miners’ and Blacksmiths’ Supplies, Manufacturers’ Tools, Bar, Rod and other Merchant Iron, Cast Steel, etc., Tin, Copper, Zinc and Sheet Iron Ware, Paints, Brushes, and everything in the builder’s line, such as Sash, Doors, Blinds, Shutters, Window and Door Frames, etc., etc.

Extensive dealers in Coal, they are prepared to furnish fuel for family and manufacturing purposes, having facilities to fill the largest orders. The original founders of this enterprise were the first concern to deal in coal and wood in the city of Camden. Their yards are eligibly located at Front and Mechanic streets, the Philadelphia and Atlantic City Railroad having a side track running into their yard.

In the rear and side of the salesroom are three warehouses, running back 250 feet. Here is stored mill stock and every conceivable article for builders’ use, as well as heavy iron and steel goods.

Six assistants are employed in the prosecution of the affairs of the business and three teams used for hauling purposes. Every facility is at hand for the prompt fulfillment of orders, and no means spared that may in any way foster the interests of the patron.

The subject of this article is a courteous and responsible business man and a public-spirited citizen, universally esteemed by all with whom he forms business relations.



The rage for personal adornment continues with us the same as it did many years ago. One great difference is that so far as the ancients were concerned they had no such an establishment as that which Mr. J. H. Knerr conducts at 443 Kaighn’s avenue.

About eleven years ago he started as the pioneer in that line in this section, but, seeing his success, others have started in the neighborhood. The store occupied is 25 x 60 feet in size and fitted with the most improved appliances as regards safety from thieves. Mr. Knerr has two very large burglar proof safes in which he keeps all his valuable stock, when the day’s business is over. A full line of all Solid and Plated Silverware is kept on hand, as well as all kinds of Clocks, Watches and the newest designs in Jewelry. Mr. Knerr has in his employ three experts in this line.

Mr. Knerr is a native of Cumberland County, Maryland, but for some time past has been one of Camden’s esteemed citizens.



There is no line of business that requires a man’s attention more than this. He is liable to be called up at all hours during the day and night. He has no time that can be rightly called his own; in reality he is the people’s servant.

About five years ago, Dr. R. W. Richie purchased the business from the former owner, and ever since it has been one of the principal stores in this section of the city.

He has a very commodious store, on the corner of Fourth street and Kaighn’s avenue. The stock consists of a full line of all the freshest Drugs, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Soap and Fancy Toilet Articles. A specialty is also made of carefully filling physicians’ prescriptions.

Dr. Richie has been graduated from the Jefferson Medical College, and is a registered pharmacist. He has in his employ a very capable assistant. He is a native of the Quaker City, but has almost become a full-fledged Camdenite.



This gentleman succeeded A. Mersner in the above business in 1887, and occupies a neat and attractive salesroom, 14 by 18 feet in dimensions, with a workroom of same size in rear, which is devoted to the manufacture of Fine Cigars, including the celebrated brands known as Golden Veil, Spanish Gem, etc. His output of these and other goods aggregates 10,000 monthly. Ten competent and skilled assistants are regularly employed and his goods which he sells in Gloucester and Camden counties, are highly spoken of by consumers.

Mr. Fiedler is a native of Cincinnati, and is highly popular and esteemed in the community as a gentleman of uncommon business talent.


The paper is issued from the new stone building erected expressly for it at Front and Federal Streets, which is one of the most capacious and convenient printing offices in the State.

The post is Republican in politics as reflecting the sentiments of its projectors and present management, but was never so closely allied to party as to be destitute of a spirit of independence when necessary to exhibit it.

It has endeavored to establish a reputation, as it has the character, for reliability, circulating, as it does, among the best intelligence of the community, and keeping up with, if not leading, in the race for popular preferment.

Every year has brought increase to its prosperity, each year has added to its solidity. Known to the people for so many years, it prefers that they should judge of its performance, rather than indulge in the profuse promise and profession which too often amount to nothing else. Its office, books and accounts are open for the inspection of those who desire tangible evidence instead of printed assertions.

The first number of the post, with no heralding prospectus and but little preparation therefore, was issued October 1st, 1875, by H. I,. Bonsall & Son, Jacob C. Mayhew, W. C. Schock and Chas. Whitecar being temporarily interested in it for a short period. Although not the first daily in the city, the venture was the first to succeed and maintain continuous publication. Its proprietors believeing that there was enough local pride to sustain it, made it a two cent paper on the start, but could never reach a good circulation until they placed the price at one cent, a policy which has since been followed by other local issues. H.L. and B.L. Bonsall conducted the business for most of the fifteen years of its existence, until declining health caused the latter to relinquish it, and a company, capitalized at $30,000, was formed, of which the principals are H.L. Bonsall, president; Edward Furlong, treasurer and Joseph M. Engard, secretary.



The first building that would attract the attention on South Third Street is that owned and occupied by Mr. Hammond as his plumbing office. The building is old English in design, the first story built of limestone and the finishings being brick. The entrance reminds one of the old London houses built so many years ago. This building was built in 1888 for Mr. Hammond, and the only structure of the kind in the United States.

The business was started in 1875 by the present owner. The building occupied was just across the street, and finding that the business was getting too large for the store, the move was made. The property now occupied has a frontage of 35 feet on South Third Street and a depth of over a hundred with a large storage yard.

All kinds of plumbing are done by the firm. Many of the new houses that have just been put up in the city bear evidence to the ability and skill of Mr. Hammond, he having had the contract to do the sanitary work. All kinds of jobbing is attended too in the shortest possible time. When running, normally 15 to 35 hands are constantly employed and one team.

Mr. Hammond is a native of the City of Baltimore, but has been identified with Camden’s best interests since 1872. He has frequently had official honor thrust upon him by his admiring fellow-citizens, he now holding the position of President of the Board of Health and a member of the City Council.

Mr. Hammond is a member of the Order of Masons and Post 37, in this city, having been in the 33d Illinois Infantry for three years and four months.



This long and favorably known shoe house was established here twenty-four years ago by the father of the present proprietor, William H. Jeffries, who succeeded to the business about four years since. The size of the salesroom is 18 x 60 feet, and it is situated at 322 Federal Street.

The stock is large and the assortment includes everything belonging to the trade — Boots, Shoes, Slippers, and Rubbers, of the best known manufacturers, and all are sold at prices that satisfy the most economical.

A specialty is made of repairing, and another specialty is made in the sale of Burt’s Goods, which are made in the same manner and of the same materials as custom work. Two assistants are employed.

Mr. Jeffries was born at Salem, in this State, and has been all his life a shoe dealer.



One of the oldest and best known stores in the city is that of Mrs. A. Todd, it having been established by the present proprietress a score of years ago, and has continued in prosperity since the beginning.

The store is large and handsomely fitted, covering an area of 20 x 40 feet in dimensions.

Here is to be found one of the largest and most varied lines in the city. Embracing all the newest novelties and Parisian importations. All kinds of trimmed and untrimmed hats are sold, as well as the flowers, ribbons, velvets, etc., with which to trim them. A specialty is made of trimming hats and bonnets to order in which department an endless amount of taste is displayed. Three capable and experienced assistants are employed.

Mrs. Todd has always been a resident of the city.


One of the most prominent houses in this line is that of Mr. John Lecroy. This business has been established many years. It started about eighteen years ago in a much smaller place, and moved here about nine years ago. The salesroom is about 18 x 35 feet in dimensions, and several workrooms are also used.

The product of this concern is well known all over this and the adjoining counties, all kinds of Proprietary Medicines, Flavoring Extracts and Perfumery being turned out. In the store is also to be found a full line of Confectionery and Stationery. Seven capable assistants are employed, and five wagons are used in the delivery department.

Mr. Lecroy has always been a prominent resident of the city. He enlisted in Co. H, 2d N. J. Vols., and received an honorable discharge in 1865, after having seen a large part of the war.



Ever since the invention of movable type by Mr. Gutenberg, the printing business has been on the steady increase. Among the best and most favorably known in this city may be mentioned Mr. Edwin Morgan. This gentleman started business about fifteen years ago, and about two years ago he built the structure now occupied. It is two stories and about 18 x 50 feet dimensions. Book and Job Printing of all kinds is done. Employment is given to as many as ten capable men during the busy season.

Mr. Morgan is a thoroughly experienced man, having learned his trade with Messrs. J. B. Lippincott & Co. and Craig, Finley & Rowley, both of Philadelphia. He is a native of Camden.


513, 515 & 517 CHERRY STREET

Among the many houses in this line, none have been more successful than W. H. Wilkins & Co. These gentlemen opened here about five years ago, and have met with the greatest possible success.

One large mill is occupied, about 80×100 feet in dimensions; two floors are occupied. A large storage lot, 80 x 100 feet, is also used.

All the newest and most approved machinery is in use here, and all kinds of mill work can be turned out, Sashes, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, etc., being some of the productions. A specialty is the Flonda Moulding; while fully equal in appearance and durability to the usual mouldings, it can be produced at about half the expense. When running normally, forty skilled workmen are employed, and three teams are kept continually busy.

The individual members of the firm are W. H. Wilkins and his son, Frederick Wilkins. Both of these gentlemen are practical in this line, and esteemed residents of the city.

THE CAMDEN COURIER, (Daily and Weekly)

The Camden Courier is the leading Republican newspaper in the city, and enjoys the distinction of being the most largely circulated paper published in West Jersey. Established in 1882, its course has been one of continued prosperity, as its management has ever had in view the moral and material welfare of the people. While staunchly Republican in its political principles, it is not an organ, but is free at all times to denounce what is conceived to be impolitic or calculated to do public injury. It is the only daily paper published in Camden which gives the news by telegraph, having its own exclusive wire, which is connected with those of the United Press to every important news center of the United States and Continental Europe. The rapid growth of the circulation of the Courier necessitated this year the introduction of a Scott-Webb-perfecting press, with a capacity of 20,000 copies per hour, as well as other facilities to meet the demands of its growing constituency. When the present and prospective improvements to the Courier plant are finished, it will be the most complete newspaper establishment in South or West Jersey.

Its admittedly large circulation has established its reputation as one of the very best mediums for advertising in New Jersey.



Probably there is no place in Camden where lovers of a good cigar congregate than at the establishment of Messrs. Stratton & Ivins, at the corner of Broadway and Spruce streets.

The business has been established about a year, and with what success may be seen upon looking at the well-filled shelves and cases. All brands of the best known makers are handled, as well as those of their own manufacture.

A full line of all Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos are kept, as well as all Smokers’ Articles, such as Pipes, Cigar and Cigarette Holders, Match Safes, etc.

The individual members of the firm are Joseph T. Stratton and Charles Ivins, both industrious and well-known residents of the city.

They are both prominently connected with the Red Men. Mr. Stratton is also connected with the I. O. M. and the One Year Mutual Benefit Society.



The most prominent concern of this nature in this city is that of Mr. Charles W. Large. This business was opened here about five years ago and has met with the most flattering success. He formerly had a store of this kind in Philadelphia but has given it up.

The building is about 25 x 70 feet with the store in front and the manufactory occupying the upper floors, together with a factory in the rear. All kinds of Candies are turned out, specialties being made of all kinds of Plain and Fine Confectionery, but the most specialty is in the manufacturing of what is known as Penny Goods, in Toys carrying the biggest line of the articles of my manufacture in this city. This is the largest candy manufactory in Camden. A large wholesale business is carried on together with the retail department. The trade lies all over the city and neighboring towns. Eight capable assistants are constantly employed and two teams are used to deliver the large orders.

Mr. Large is a native of Ohio but has become prominently identified with the city’s best interest, having come here over five years ago.



There is, perhaps, no more widely known store in the city than that conducted by the above firm. The business was established under the same title which it now carries so well, about four years ago.

The store occupied is about 25×30 feet in dimensions and is furnished in the neatest possible manner. Two large bulk windows are constantly full of the many bargains offered.

Full lines of all Dry Goods may be found here, as well as full lines of Underwear, Hosiery, Notions, Trimmings, Perfumery, and a special department for Men’s Furnishing Goods, in which may be found the newest and most attractive styles.

The individual members of the firm are Miss L.V. Spencer and Miss L. Van Hart, two very estimable ladies that are very widely known as conducting one of the best stores in the city.



Among the many enterprises now opening in this section, none give promise of more success than that of Messrs. J. A. Young & Co. These gentlemen opened a yard here in February, having transferred the business from Moorestown, N. J., where it had been established about two years. The yard is large, the dimensions are about 150 feet square.

All kinds of Granite and Marble Work, both Monumental and Building, is done in the most prompt manner and at the very lowest figures. Estimates are cheerfully furnished.

The business here employs four skilled workmen constantly and sometimes many more extra hands.

The members of the firm are Mr. Young and a silent partner. Mr. Young resides in Moorestown, where they are well known socially, politically and commercially.



Among the many stores that have opened in this section, none have been more successful than that of Miss Belle Loughead. This lady is very practical and skillful with the needle. The store was established by herself about two years ago.

The store proper is about 20 x 30 feet in dimensions, and fitted in the most approved style. Here may be found all grades of Hosiery, Underwear, Fancy Goods, Notions, and Embroidery Materials. A specialty is made of making dresses to order, and among many of the best people in the city are to be seen some of this lady’s exquisite workmanship.

Embroidering is also done on special order; special designs are gotten up. Two skilled people are employed.

Miss Loughead is a native of Philadelphia, but has been a well liked resident of the city for the past twenty years.



One of the oldest and best known Grocery and Provision houses in this section is that of Mr. Henry Davis. This gentleman established business here about twenty-seven years ago, and has since met with all the success possible.

The store is about 30 x 25 feet in dimensions and fitted in the best manner. Here may be found a large and varied stock of all kinds of Teas, Coffees, Spices, Canned Goods and all the many small things in this line. Two assistants are constantly employed.

Mr. Davis has been a resident of this section for nearly half a century. He is well known politically and commercially. He formerly held the position of Fire Commissioner; was Freeholder for two terms in Newton Township before it became a part of Camden; was first School Director in this end of township, Assessor, Township Committee at the time this ward was annexed to Camden; is one of the largest property owners in this section of the town; does a large business, and is a specially polite man in all his acts.

When he first came here the place was a wilderness, only about five houses from the river to the cemetery.