1890 Review of Camden, New Jersey – Part 2

This page is part of the 1890 Historical and Industrial Review of Camden, New Jersey. Please also see the following pages which continue the publication:

Part 1 – Introduction
Part 2 – Businesses
Part 3 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 4 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 5 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 6 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 7 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 8 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 9 – Businesses (Cont’d)
Part 10 – Conclusion


This firm occupy a handsome building on the corner of Delaware avenue and Federal street. It is of mammoth proportions and is visible along the whole river front. Furniture of all descriptions, from the plain and substantial to the aesthetic, artistic and costly, are to be found in its spacious warerooms. A large trade is enjoyed, extending all over the State of New Jersey, as well as its sister States. A remarkable fact connected with the business is the circumstance that it entirely overshadows any enterprise of its kind in the city of Philadelphia, and by liberal and judicious advertising has succeeded in winning a large trade in its sister city.


The Camden Iron Works, the largest manufacturing plant in the city of Camden, known for many years as Starr’s Iron Works, the industry having first been established by the Messrs. Starr, whose names have for over 40 years been associated with the iron industry and with the growth and development of the city of Camden, are located on Cooper’s Creek. The acorn from which this large industrial plant has grown was first planted in 1845 when John F. Starr, Sr. built the Camden Iron Works on the north side of Bridge avenue above Third street, for the manufacturing of steam pipes and gas works machinery. He was, previous to that associated with his father, Moses Starr, and his brother, Jesse W. Starr, in steamboat building.

In 1847 Jesse W. Starr became associated in the business, and the firm erected additional shops on Bridge avenue, near Second street, and increased facilities affording employment for about 100 hands. In 1847 the business had grown so much that the plot of ground on Cooper’s creek was purchased, and the foundation was laid for what is now known as the Camden Iron Works, the most extensive iron industry in West Jersey. The works were enlarged from time to time from the date of establishment in 1847, and in the course of a few years the Messrs. Starr found themselves with more orders on hand than they could conveniently fill, although employing from 800 to 1000 men. The enlarged works gave a new impetus to the prosperity of Camden city, and the class of work for which the works had become famous was known an over the United States, and many large contracts for gas machinery were supplied to many of the large cities in the United States and Canada.

John F. Starr, Sr. did not sever his connection with the works until 1870, when he retired from active business.

In 1883 the plant was purchased by a stock company, known as R. D. Wood & Co., and they have since been in almost constant operation, there being on the pay roll at present about 700 hands.

Prior to the purchase of the works in 1883 by R. D. Wood & Co., they had not been in operation for about two years, put were put in full blast in 1884, after many needed improvements and alterations had been made. The plant includes an area of about 40 acres, about 20 of which are occupied by buildings and in use by the various manufacturing departments, while the other is used for storing material and manufactured products.

There are four large foundry buildings for the manufacture of cast-iron pipes, gas works machinery and water works plants, beside large machine shops, boiler houses, carpenter shop, blacksmith shops, pattern shop, store houses, offices and stables. The main machine building is 280 x 60 feet, and the foundry buildings range from 180 to 212 feet in length, and from 60 to 80 feet in width. The two boiler shops are 70 x 160 feet in size, and the new blacksmith shop 40 x 80 feet. The works have a capacity for melting 40,000 tons of pig iron annually, and pipe of all sizes, ranging from 2 inch to 60 inch, are turned out. A specialty of large gas holders and machinery is one of the features of the works, and many have been built for various cities, including Philadelphia, Chicago, Louisville and many other places. This year ten large holders of different sizes will be built for cities in the United States.

The works have a wharf frontage on Cooper’s creek of about 800 feet, on which are six hydraulic cranes of different capacities for transferring materials from lighters to the cars, or for handling pipes of any size, which are being shipped away. Most of the material is brought to the works by lighters, and the greater portion of the pipe is taken away on the lighters. The yards have a complete system of railroad tracks, extending through the various departments, the entire length being about five miles. The works have their awn cars and engine for motive purposes, and the tracks are connected with” spurs” from the Pennsylvania Railroad.

Walter Wood is President of the Company, and its Directors are as follows: George Wood, Walter Wood, Stuart Wood, James Whitaker, Josiah Bacon, Wm. H. Morris and Wm. J. Sewell.


The iron foundry of Johnson & Holt is located at the foot of Elm street, and was established in 1881 by Nelson W. Johnson and Benjamin Holt, at the foot of Pearl street, where their business of iron castings grew to such an extent as to require enlarged facilities, and the present shops were erected and fitted up with all the improved machinery and appliances for their special designs of work, which embraces everything in the line of general iron founders. The trade, which at first was principally local, is growing, and the firm now give employment to forty-six men, and report an encouraging state of business prosperity during past years, with promise of future activity at the firm’s works.



Probably the largest and oldest established house in this line is that of Messrs. Klostermann Brothers. This house is one of the most favorably known in the city, from its fair dealing and good work. The business was established under this name in 1877, and has been one of the most marked successes in the city.

The building has a frontage on Broadway of 20 feet and a depth of over 100 on Mt. Vernon street. The whole building is occupied, three floors and the cellar. All kinds of Ranges, Heaters and Heating Apparatus are their specialty. Many of the new houses in this section of New Jersey bear testimony to their good work. All kinds of Tin and Iron Roofing are done with the greatest possible care. A specialty is made of all kinds of Galvanized work, such as Cornices, Awnings, etc. Any special shapes of Tinware may be gotten here.

The workrooms are up-stairs and filled with all the best machinery. When running at fair business from 40 to 50 skilled workmen are employed and four teams are kept busy.

All the members of the firm are well known and respected business men of the city. There are three, John S., Frederick A. and Henry J., a specialty of this house is Torrid Steel Drum Furnaces.



AMONG the prominent houses in this line may be mentioned that of Mr. A. R. Dease. This business was established by Dease & Sloan, about five years ago, Mr. Sloan retiring after the first six months. in consequence of ill-health.

The store is about 20 x 30 feet in dimensions. A large stock of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Leads, Brushes. and Painters’ Materials is also kept. All kinds of House, Job and Sign Painting are attended to at the shortest notice. Mr. Dease is the owner of Excelsior Water-Proof Brick Coating, which is absolutely waterproof.

These Testimonials prove that Excelsior WaterProof Brick Coating is all that is claimed for it:

123 Cooper Street, CAMDEN,
April 14,1887.

To whom it may concern:

The Excelsior WaterProof Brick preparation applied by A. R. Dease, 416 Market Street, Camden. to exterior brick work, has given satisfaction wherever he has used it for me, and appears an effectual cure for the white effervescence on bricks.

John W. Wright

I have used in my business as a builder, bricks treated with the Excelsior Water-Proof preparation, as applied by A. R. Dease, of Camden, New Jersey. I found it an excellent preparation for hardening bricks and rendering them impervious to dampness, and I have no hesitation in recommending it to the use of builders and owners for the purpose of obviating damp, and alkali discolored walls.

WILLIAM H. COLE, May 3, 1887
Building Inspector, Camden, N. J.

Builders and Contractors,
No. 105 Market St.,

April 30, 1887

To whom it may concern:

We have used the E. W. P. B. C. on ten houses and it has given entire satisfaction, and we shall use it on all good houses that we will build hereafter.

Roberts & Cohn

Fifteen skilled workmen are constantly employed. Mr. Dease is a native of Reading, but has been here for the last nineteen years. He was in the 128th Reg’t Penna. Volunteers, for nine months, and on the S. S. Powhatan for two years. He is an active member of the G. A. R., and of the Masonic Fraternity.



There is not a more prominent establishment of this kind in the city than that of Mr. Henry Fredericks. This business is one of the oldest and best in the city. The business was started by the present owner in the year 1857. The store, proper, is 50 x 145 feet in dimensions and fitted with the most approved furnishings. A large warehouse is used that is located at the corner of Second and Bridge streets, which has an area of 40 x 140 feet. This is used for the storage of heavy building materials and mill work.

The stock consists of everything that can possibly be imagined that pertains to the line. All kinds of Building Materials are kept: Sash, Doors, Blinds, Shutters, Mouldings, Balustrades, and Hardware and Builders’ Materials in general.

Mr. W. H. Fredericks has been the manager of this establishment for the past eight years. When running normally the business employs about twenty capable and skillful assistants and two teams are kept busy.

Henry Fredericks is a native of Hackensack, N. J., but has resided here during the past forty-five years.

William H. Fredericks was born in Camden, in 1854, are has resided here ever since.

Mr. H. Fredericks is an ex-sheriff of the city, and at present a member of the State Board of Charities and Corrections.



Among the artistic trade avocations in Camden we mention in the pages of this review the millinery establishment of the lady whose name heads this article. Although established as recently as April, 1889, this representative house has readily sprang into. popular favor and is recognized as a leader in its line. The salesroom occupied is 18 x 32 feet in dimensions, finely appointed throughout in every detail, and carries. a comprehensive stock of Millinery Goods, Trimmed and Untrimmed Bonnets, Felt and Straw Goods, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, Bird’s Heads, etc.

A spacious room in the rear is stocked with every variety of Fancy Goods, such as Chenille, Embroidery, Silks, Satins, Laces, Linen, Floss, etc. A prominent feature of the establishment is in the.’ Trimming of Hats and Bonnets into the leading metropolitan fashions.

This is without a doubt one of the finest stores of its kind in this section and in the successful prosecution of business. Three competent assistants are employed. The Trimming Department is under the personal supervision of the proprietress herself, an adept in this artistic profession and a milliner of experience, who spares no pains, time nor expense in sustaining the well merited reputation of the establishment.

A native of Delaware, the subject of this article spent a portion of her business career in Chicago in her present pursuit. Since establishing here she has won the esteem of the community and proven herself a capable, interesting business woman, sustaining herself in commercial as well as social circles.



This gentleman was formerly connected with the firm of Green & Glover, of 5th and Benson Streets, has been in business for himself for the past four years. He occupies a neat place, 20 by 40 feet in dimensions, and his stock consists of all grades and qualities of Wall Paper. He has been in this business for over a quarter of a century, and is an artist in his line of paper-hanging who never fails to give satisfaction, and his services have frequently been called into requisition by our most fashionable families.

Mr. Glover is assisted by five capable and efficient employees. He is a native of Camden, and is extremely popular both in business and social circles; learned trade with Reed & Bro., has just admitted his brother H.A. Glover, into partnership.

James A. Delaney, Groceries, etc.,

725 Broadway

This well-known store was opened by Mr. Delaney about three years ago. The establishment is about 25 feet front by 40 feet in depth. He carries in stock a full line of the Finest Groceries, all kinds of the best makes of Canned goods, Sardines, Nuts Dried Fruits, etc. He also has a full line of Fresh and Salt Meats.

Mr. Delaney has been in business in Camden about fifteen years; is a native of Guribar, Nova Scotia. He has in his employ five capable assistants, and one team for the delivery of orders. He is also a member of several secret societies, notably the famous order of Iron Hall.



A VERY brilliant gentleman once said that a man should be happy when he has all he wants to eat and drink. Now if this famous poet were at any time to drift into the palatial establishment of Mr. Sanders and taste his Stewed Snapper and his elegant Wines, we have no doubt that he would say, “O, what a pleasure it is to eat and drink!”

Mr. Sanders succeeded Mr. Lewis Herbst about a year ago; he has made many improvements since taking hold of the place. His building has a frontage of 30 feet on Market street and a depth of over 100 on the side street; he has a dining-room capable of seating over fifty at one time, and a number of rooms that are always filled with permanent guests. In the rear he has two very handsome Pool and several Billiard Tables. Mr. Sanders gives constant employment to ten well-trained and efficient servants.

The proprietor has always been a citizen of Philadelphia until the last year or so, when he came to us to run the hotel which bears his name so well.



THE subject of this too brief sketch is, with one exception, the oldest business man in Camden, and for nearly half a century has been honorably and prominently identified with the city’s commercial prosperity. He established himself in his present line of business forty-four years ago, removing to the building which he now occupies, and which he built for the purpose for which it is used, thirty-four years ago. It is a four-story structure, with a frontage of 20 and a depth of 100 feet, the first floor being used as a salesroom, for the display of the magnificent stock of Heaters, Ranges, Tinware and Roofing materials, which are the products of the three large work-rooms upstairs. All goods sold are. manufactured on the premises, with the usual exception of Castings. Ten skilled workmen are constantly employed, and a team being used for the proper facilitation of business.

The appearance of the place betokens energy, enterprise and business tact on the part of the proprietor, who richly merits the large trade enjoyed.

Mr. Allen is a native of Monmouth county, New Jersey; he is extremely popular both in social and business circles, and is prominently identified both with the Masonic Fraternity and the Odd Fellows’ Society. Personally he is an affable and genial gentleman, and few of our citizens have such a wealth of information at their disposal regarding the early history of Camden as has this courteous gentleman.

The engraving which accompanies this sketch is one of Mr. Allen’s specialties, and is known as the Model Novelty Range, without brick-work, which costs less than brick-set ranges, and whose operation is not dependent on masons’ skill. All cooks and builders welcome it, it being the cheapest range to set made. Hot water and plenty of it can be had at all times, and it bakes every time.



A VERY noticeable feature of these days of tasteful attire is the marked improvement effected in male apparel. Not only are the garments made in a first class tailoring establishment to-day cut and designed upon exact scientific principles, but are fitted and finished with a degree of artistic skill scarcely dreamed of a generation ago. In this connection the writer of this review tenders a complimentary tribute to the establishment of William Kaminske, situated at No. 333 Kaighn’s Avenue. Occupying the commodious and neatly appointed store, the dimensions of which are 20 by 36 feet, is carried a comprehensive line of piece goods from the looms of Europe and America — all the latest novelties in fine goods, woolens, worsteds, serges, cheviots, cloths, cassimeres, mixed, striped and figured goods, and fashionable suitings in great variety.

The cutting department is under the personal supervision of the proprietor himself; this accurate fit and perfect satisfaction are assured, while every garment is subjected to close examination before being allowed to leave the premises — hence correct style, fit, finish and fabric are the leading features connected with this reliable house.

In the transaction of this enterprise twelve assistants are employed in and out of the building, and every are taken to guard the already highly won reputation of the establishment.

Mr. Kaminske is a native of Poland; apprenticed to this useful profession in the old country, he came with a life’s experience here and established himself in his present quarters in 1882, from which time he has won a liberal share of public favor, and merits the success which attends his efforts.

A. Cornell, Harness Manufactory

20 Market Street

The manufactory of harness constitutes an industry which can not justly be overlooked in a review of Camden’s business interests. The gentleman who is the subject of this sketch established the above business about four years ago, and in a well apportioned salesroom may be found everything in the harness line, from the finest and lightest carriage work, to the more ponderous working teams’ outfit, all of which are sold at prices graduated to the varied uses and excellencies of the stock.

In the spacious workrooms, assistants are constantly employed and the work turned out is all subjected to the careful supervision of the proprietor, Mr. Cornell who is a master of the business in every detail.

Mr. Cornell is a native of Pennsylvania, and highly respected in the community, as an energetic and progressive business man. He is prominently identified with the Odd Fellows, and the Knights of Golden Eagle, and is socially much esteemed.

Charles Kalt, General Upholsterer

29 Market Street

In the business of Fine Upholstering and house decorating, few stand so high in the esteem of Camden’s citizens as the modest, unassuming gentleman who is the subject of this sketch; he has been established in trade over thirty years, removing to his present neat and attractive place of business about five years ago. It consists of a well-lighted salesroom,. 12 by 18 feet in dimensions, amply stocked with Furniture, Furnishing Materials, Window Shades, Trimmings, etc., all of his own manufacture and design. Adjoining this is a commodious workroom, 24 by 12 feet, in which five assistants are constantly employed, a specialty being made of high class to order work, the product of this house, in many cases, finding its way into the parlors of our wealthiest families.

Mr. Kalt is a native of Germany, and is quite prominent in local societies, being connected with the Royal Arcanum, Iron Hall, Odd Fellows, Golden Eagle, etc. During the recent Civil War he was with the 44th Pennsylvania Volunteers and was actively and honorably in action in several of the leading battles, including that of Gettysburg; and he is a member of Post 5, G. A. R. Personally he is a genial, popular gentleman, who is highly esteemed by all.



The subject of this review is a native of England, and in 1867 migrated to this country, and after spending a life’s career in the shoe business, established himself in his present quarters in 1873, and has since become one of the leading factors in this mercantile field in this section, possessing the good-will and esteem of all with whom he holds business relations. The success of this establishment lies in the fact that Mr. Brooks knows his business thoroughly, attends to it personally and unceasingly, makes it his chief aim to handle only such goods as are sure to afford his customers the fullest satisfaction. Straightforward and honorable in his dealings, he is satisfied with fair and reasonable profits.

The sales-room is 18 by 28 feet in dimensions, attractively fitted up and stocked with every variety of foot-wear for fashionable street and indoor use. The leading feature of the establishment is the custom department, 18 by 16 feet in size, where three competent assistants are employed in making new and repairing old work. A store-room, 18 by 12 feet, in the rear is used for storing superfluous stock.

A gentleman of business capacity and uniform courtesy, he is highly regarded in commercial as well as social circles, and is a trustee of the Order of Sons of St. George, treasurer of Ancient Order Foresters of America, and other organizations, as well as vestryman in St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church here.



An establishment that has been familiar with the residents of this vicinity for a half decade of years is that of the gentleman whose name heads this review. Founded five years ago, at the number of 335 Kaighn’s Avenue may be seen an attractively arranged Oyster Parlor, fitted out with all the most approved appliances known to the caterer of the bivalve. The dining apartments are situated in the rear of the saloon, and capable of comfortably seating sixty people, and which at times present the appearance of theatre and oyster parties. Oysters are served in all styles — baked, roasted, panned, broiled, fried or stewed. This popular resort, first-class in every respect, and one of the finest saloons of its kind in this section, is open for the accommodation of transient and permanent guests, from 8 A.M. to 1 A.M. To facilitate the affairs of the place, from three to seven efficient assistants are employed, and no lack of attention is paid to a large and select patronage.

A native of Philadelphia, Mr. Snyder has spent nearly all his career in Camden, and in early life apprenticed himself to the cooper’s trade, in which he has proved himself an experienced mechanic; relinquishing this latter pursuit to follow the oyster business, in which he has steadily occupied a leading and front rank among his contemporary purveyors.



This gentleman has been established since 1850, and occupies a salesroom 40 x 20 feet in dimensions which is admirably adapted to the purpose for which it is used. Flour, feed and grain are the staple articles handled. In Flour, a specialty is made of bag trade in which form quite a large quantity is sold. Corn, oats, bran and cut feed are among the stock carried.

The proprietor, Mr. Parrey, is a native of Lancaster County, Pa., and has been a resident of Camden since 1850. He is regarded as a business man of uncommon sagacity and energy and the goods coming from his place can be relied upon to be as represented.



This gentleman established in,business here about three years ago, having bought out C. C. Maple, who formerly occupied this stand about that time. His store room is 25 by 75 feet in dimensions, and is fully equipped with every necessary appurtenance, and containing a fine stock of Cut Flowers, Plants. Seeds, etc.; a specialty being made of working special designs, Mr. Thoirs being agent for John Gardner & Co., of Philadelphia. Two able and expert assistants are employed.

The proprietor is a native of Scotland and came to this country in 1881. He lived in New York previous to his engaging in business here. Personally, he is very popular in the community, both in business and social circles.



This excellent Restaurant was established by the present proprietor in 1887. A spacious and inviting apartment, 25 by 50 feet in dimensions, is well equipped with every convenience, having a seating capacity of sixty. A specialty is made of 25 cent dinners, for which remarkably low price an excellent dinner is furnished; between 400 and 500 dinners being served daily. Able and expert employees are kept at work constantly. The proprietor is a native of Philadelphia, and has been in Camden for the past thirty years. He is highly respected, both in social and business circles, and is prominently identified with both the Odd Fellows’ and Red Men’s societies.



An extremely nice stock of goods is carried by this house, including Dry Goods, Ribbons, Trimmings Silks, etc. An attractively furnished store, 18 by 38 feet in dimensions, being fully stocked with the best brands of these goods obtainable in the market.

The place was established by Mr. E. C. Troth, whom the present proprietor succeeded in 1888.

The proprietor is a native of Morristown, N. J., and is admirably adapted, both by experience and excellent social qualities for a successful conduct of a business of this description.



This successful business was originally established by J. F. Eastlack’s brother, whom the present proprietors succeeded to its proprietorship in February 1882.

A well fitted up salesroom, 20 by 37 feet in dimensions, is fully stocked with a complete line of fine Groceries, Canned Goods, Dried Fruits, etc., all of excellent quality. A special feature is made of Butter and Flour, an exceptionably fine quality being disposed of at a very reasonable price. Three competent and efficient assistants are employed and a team is used in proper facilitation of business.

The proprietors are natives of Mantua, and are highly respected in both business and social circles.



This is one of the most inviting places of its kind in Camden, being characterized by an air of cleanliness and neatness that is very attractive. It was established by Mrs. R. Leng, in 1866, coming into the hands of the present proprietor in 1886.

The salesroom occupied is large and commodious and adjoining it is an Ice Cream Parlor in which Lunches, Oysters in every style and multitudes of good things are handled. A select and extensive patronage is enjoyed at all times

Mr. Leng is a native of Camden, and is highly respected in the community. He is a baker by trade and consequently understands his business in its every detail.



A FINE place of business of its kind is that of Andrew Casselman, of 515 Market Street which is devoted to the manufacture and sale of Fine Shoes.

A spacious salesroom, 18 by 36 feet in dimensions is at all times well stocked with Shoes, Rubbers, slippers, etc., of all grades and prices. A specialty is made of Custom Work and Repairing, the proprietor personally superintending this branch of the business in which a large trade is engaged. An able and efficient employee is kept constantly at work.

Mr. Casselman is a native of Germany, and has been in this country since 1840. He is highly esteemed in both business and social circles.


Among those who cater successfully to the inner man, we must not overlook J. F Shannon, of 5 and 7 Market Street, whose two places taken in combination furnish refreshment in either liquid or solid food; the premises No. 5 being used as a restaurant, while No. 7 contains a well equipped bar, admirably stocked with all the choicest and most approved brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars.

The rooms occupied for business purposes are 20 by 20 feet each in dimensions, being connected by two ornamental archways, and present an inviting appearance, an air of cleanliness and neatness characterizing them. Two energetic and obliging assistants are employed.

Originally established by John J. Willis, in 1880, the place came into the hands of the present affable and genial proprietor about six years ago, since which time it has won high favor as a well conducted and reputable resort.

Mr. Shannon is a native of New York city and a member of the G.A.R. Post in Philadelphia, an enterprising and progressive citizen and business man.



Here is not a better known or more favorably spoken of store in Camden, than that owned by Mr. W. S. Story. The business was originally established by Mr. Albert Story in 1876 at 204 South Fifth Street from where the business was removed to 453 Kaighn’s Avenue, and thence to the present building which was constructed for the purpose, and last year he was succeeded by the present proprietor.

The building occupied is in area about 30 x 100 feet the whole building being occupied. A full line of all manufactured furniture is carried. All kinds of the newest and most attractive designs in Parlor, Dining-room and Bedroom suits are shown, all qualities and prices from the finest to the cheapest grades.

A specialty is made of the manufacture of Parlor suits, lounges, couches and hair mattresses, in which line few houses equal and none excel. The manufacturing is all done on the third floor, the first and second being occupied as salesrooms. When running normally seven skilled and capable workmen are employed, and one team is kept.

Mr. Story has always been a well known and prominent resident of Camden.



RS. Schuyler has come to stay, she has opened one of the best stores in this line in this part of the city. She has a very pretty store about 25 feet front by about 35 feet in depth. She has in her employ four very capable assistants. She has a full stock of every thing that goes to make a complete store in this line. All sorts of fancy trimmings, notions, hosiery, underwear, perfumery, ribbons and small wares. She makes a specialty of dress making, in which line she is very proficient.

Mrs. Schuyler has always been a resident of Camden.



As useful an animal as has the horse proven himself to mankind, his strength, in these modern days of utilitarianism, would be of little avail, had we not some means for the protection of his hoof, thus providing him with an appliance whereby he can exert his strength and usefulness and be of service to his master. The avocation of making and fitting horseshoes is an important one indeed; no mere tape-line or rule can be used, and the success of the smith depends entirely upon a well trained, mechanical eye, to shape the shoe while it is yet sheening, glaring hot, and moreover an experienced shoer requires to know something of the anatomy of the hoof, as every horse requires distinct attention.

For the successful prosecution of this work, Mr. Daley comes along with fifteen years of practical experience in his useful avocation. Established here many years ago, the present proprietor succeeded to the control of the establishment in May, 1881. The shop occupied is 17 by 45 feet in dimensions, with a Wheelwright Department attached and orders are received for anything in this line. New and repair work, heavy and light Carriage and Wagon work, in fact everything in the blacksmith line, Horseshoeing, however, being the specialty. Four men and three fires are in operation and an immense amount of work is annually executed.

The subject of this article is a native of Camden county, and has won the confidence of horse owners as a reliable shoer. With every facility at hand, this is in every way a first-class establishment and its genial proprietor regarded as a first-class workman.


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