The Streets of Camden

Note: All numbered streets in Camden, NJ are “North” if above Federal Street and “South” if below Federal St. As an example, “North 4th Street” would mean that it’s north of Federal, while South 8th street would mean it is south of Federal.

Street NameAlso Known AsFirst AppearsLast AppearsNotes
2nd Street
3rd Street
4th Street
5th Street1850
6th Street
7th StreetBem StreetRenamed to 7th Street by 1878
8th StreetHooley Street Locust Street1878
9th StreetJones Street1878Renamed from Jones Street to 9th Street by 1904
10th Street1878
11th Street1878
12th StreetPaper Mill Row; Sassackon Street
13th Street1878
14th Street1878
15th Street
16th Street1878
17th Street1878
18th Street1878
19th Street1878
20th Street1887
21st StreetBrown Street1887
22nd Street1887
23rd Street1887
24th Street1887
25th StreetFulton Street1887Was Fulton Street prior to the 1899 annexation of Stockton
26th StreetUnion Street1887Was Union Street prior to the 1899 annexation of Stockton
27th Street1887
28th StreetHorner Street1887Was Horner Street prior to the 1899 annexation of Stockton
29th Street1887
30th Street1899
31st Street1899
32nd Street1899
33rd Street1899
34th Street1899
35th Street1899
36th Street1899
37th Street1899
38th Street1899
39th Street1899
40th Street
41st Street
42nd Street
Ablett Village
Ada Street18781970Construction of I-676
Adams Avenue1899
Admiral Wilson BoulevardBridge Boulevard1926
Alabama Road1915
Albert Court1878
Alder StreetKaighn Streetca
Ann Street
18781950Renamed Alder Street between 1878 and 1887 By 1947, only one house and a half-block, North of Sycamore
Allen’s Court18631947Only one house listed in 1890-1891 Directory. 6 houses in 1929.
Amber Street1878-18871924
Ambler Street1947
America Road1915
Arch StreetPlum Street
Argonne StreetArgonne Street disappeared when Campbell’s Soup Acquired the land on which it sat for parking for its corporate headquarters, some time after 1954
Argus Road1915
Arlington Street~18912004
Arnold Street
Arthur Avenue1878-1887
Atlanta Road1915
Atlantic Avenue1867Extended to Mr. Ephraim Pike in 1878
Auburn Alley
Auburn Street1878-18871990Seized by the city through eminent domain to build a park/playground
Avon Street1878-1887
Bailey Street1878
Baird Boulevard1906-1914
Baldwin’s Lane2002
Bank StreetPurnell’s Row1878There is a different Bank Street which became part of Camden in 1900 when Stockton Township was annexed
Bannard Alley
Baring Street1888-1889Only 6 houses listed in 1888-1889 Directory. Baring Street apparently was still under construction.
Bartlett Walk1924-1942
Barton Street1890-1891No houses by 1924
Bath StreetLiberty Alley18671906Renamed from Liberty Alley (1867) to Bath Street in 1906.
Baxter StreetNewton Street1887
Beach StreetBeech Street1878Referred to as Beach Street after 1905
Beacon AvenueBeacon Street1914-1924
Beckett Street1878
Beideman Avenue
Bella PlaceIvy Court1890Renamed Bella Place from Ivy Court by 1912
Belleview Avenue1878
Benson Street1878
Bergen Avenue1906
Berkley StreetHamilton Street1850Renamed to Berkley Street in 1882
Berwick Street1906
Birch Street1863-1864
Blaine Street1888-1889
Border StreetMount Ephraim AvenueRenamed Mt. Ephraim Avenue in the 2000’s
Borton Street1890-1891
Boyd StreetJefferson Avenue1904Renamed to Boyd Street by 1914
Boyer StreetBoyer’s Court1891-1906East from Taylor Street (formerly Master Street) to Newton Creek, South of Olive Street
Bradley Avenue1906
Branch StreetCommerce Street1878Renamed from Commerrce Street to Branch Street 1888-1890
Braxton Walk1924-1942
Bridge Avenue18501947
Brown Street19061924Note: There was another Brown Street in Stockton Twp, which eventually became 21st Street. This Brown Street was in what is now Morgan Village.
Browning StreetEvergreen Avenue1920-1924
Budd Street1878
Bulson Street1878
Buren AvenueVan Buren StreetRenamed from Van Buren Street to Buren Avenue between 1899-1904
Burns Street1890-1891Part of Poet’s Row. Destroyed by fire on August 23, 1972
Burwood Avenue
Butcher’s Alley1902Butcher’s Alley name first appears in 1903 City Directory. It was listed as “Unnamed Alley” as early as 1885
Byron Street1890-1891Part of Poet’s Row. The North side of the street was destroyed by fire on August 23, 1972, as were most houses on the south side of the street. The 300 Block was added 1923-1929.
Cambridge Street1890
Camden Terrace1918-19241964Razed when I-676 was built
Cammer’s CourtDudley Court18671923Was listed as Dudley Court in 1883 City Directory; Cammer’s Court by 1884
Campbell Place
Canterbury Circle
Carbon StreetCarbine Street1872-1887
Carl Miller BoulevardVan Hook StreetRenamed to Carl Miller Blvd in 1997
Carman StreetDover Street (partial)18671990Razed by redevelopment projects in the 1980s & 1990s- Walter Rand Transportation Center & Police Administration Building
Carpenter Street1867
Carroll Court1942-1947Crescent Gardens apartments
Carter’s PlaceCarter’s Alley1867
Carteret Street18781970
Cedar Street1871
Cemetery Lane1878
Centennial Avenue1878
Chambers Avenue1890
Channing Terrace1885-18871970Razed for Royal Court Townhomes
Charles Street1878
Chase Street1899-1906First houses were built in 1913
Chelton AvenueChelton Street1874-1878
Cherrier PlaceCherry Court1888-1890Renamed Cherry Court by 1947. Since renamed Cherrier Place
Cherry CourtCherrier Place1924-1947
Cherry Street1850
Chesapeake Road1915
Chester Street1878-1887
Chestnut AvenueWatson Street1914Renamed Watson Street by 1914
Chestnut Street1850
Chew Court18711924No houses in 1924
Church PlaceChapel Place1878-18851947Four houses still stood in 1947. One of the first residents was William L. Hurley, president of the Hurley Stores
Church Street
Civic Center Homes
Clare StreetPine Avenue1887-1890Renamed to Jesthroe Hunt Sr. Lane.
Clarion Street
Clark Walk
Clay Street
Clement T. Branch Village
Cleveland Avenue
Cleveland TerraceKent Place1885-18871970From October 1899 through mid-1920s known as Kent Place. Razed for Royal Court Townhomes
Clinton Street1850Renamed Clinton Street from Hartman Street in 1882
Clover Street
Clymer Walk
Coates AlleyWelch Street (1878) Coates Avenue (1904-1906)1863Renamed Welch Street by 1878; Renamed Coates Avenue between 1904 1906; Renamed Coates Alley
Coates AvenueDaubman Alley1890-1891Renamed from Daubman Alley 1947-1961. Referred as Coates Avenue on 1961 Sanborn Map
Coates Court1885Unnamed in City Directory and Sanborn Maps before 1891; Named in 1892 City Directory
Cohn Alley
Colburn Court
Cole Street18711947Razed by Rutgers University expansion
Collings Road
Colorado Road1924-1929
Colton StreetOld White Horse Pike Colt Venner Street
Columbia Avenue1867
Commerce StreetBranch Street1878Renamed from Commerce Street to Branch Street 1888-1890
Commerce Street1890-18911969Still exists as a driveway
Common Road1915
Concord Avenue1890-1906
Congress Road1915
Constitution Road1915
Cooper Street1850
Cooper’s Creek RoadNewton Ave Brace Street1850Renamed to Brace Road between 1863-1867
Cooper’s Point RoadPoint Street (1863)1850Renamed to Point Street by 1863
Cope Street1896
Copewood Street1914
Cottage Row18631878Does not appeear in 1878 City Directory
Cottage Street1878
Cox StreetSycamore Street1890Renamed in 1922
Cramer Street
Cramer’s Court
Creek Row1890
Creek Street1878
Crefeld StreetArion Avenue(?)19031947Appears to have been laid out as Arion Avenue when Perpetual Rosary Shrine was built.
Crescent Boulevard
Crescent Drive
Crescent Gardens Apartments
Cresson Street1886
Crestfair Drive
Crestmont Avenue1919
Culvert Street1878
Cushing Road1947Does not appear in 1947 City Directory
Dallas Road1915
Danehower StreetDanenhower Alley1863Renamed from Danenhower Alley to Danehower Street between 1871 and 1878
Daubman AlleyCoates Avenue1889Renamed from Daubman Alley to Coates Avenue between 1947 and 1961
Dauphin StreetKaighn Street1878-1887Street appears in 1863-1864 Directory as Kaighn Street. Renamed to Dauphin Street by 1879
Davis Street
Day Street1878-18871917-1947
Dayton Street1891-1906
Decatur Street1891-1906
Delaware Avenue1871Expanded by 1947 from Jefferson St. to Erie St.
Delaware Street1850
Denfield Street1950
Diamond Street1878-1887
Division StreetRamona Gonzalez Street1850
Douglass StreetLincoln Avenue1890Renamed from Lincoln Avenue to Douglass Street in 1899
Down Street1878
Dudley Street
Dudley’s CourtCammer’s Court18671923Was listed as Dudley Court in 1883 City Directory; Cammer’s Court by 1884
Dupont Street1890’s
Edmunds Street1887
Edwards Street1890
Ella Street1914-1924
Ellery Walk
Elm StreetRose Street1878Renamed from Elm Street to Rose Street between 1904 and 1912
Elm StreetMulford Street1878Renamed to Mulford Street between 1878 and 1904
Emerald Street1878
Emma Street1885
Empire Avenue1902
England Place18781980Now Rutgers-Camden Community Park
Erie Street1863
Essex Road1915
Euclid Avenue
Eutaw Avenue
Eva Street1914-1924
Evans Street1878
Everett Street1906
Evergreen AvenueBrowning Street1891-1906Renamed Browing Street between 1920 and 1924
Fairfax Drive
Fairmount Street
Fairview Court
Fairview Street1878
Farragut Avenue1890’s
Federal Street1850
Felton Street1884
Fenwick Road1915
Fern Street1878-1887
Ferry AvenueFerry Street Ferry Road1863
Fiering’s Court1871
Fillmore Street1878
Florence Street1878
Floyd Walk
Fogarty Avenue18781947Last appears in the 1947 Camden City Directory
Fountain Avenue
Francis Street1878-1887
Fremont AvenueFremont Street Central AvenueRenamed to Fremont Street between 1899 and 1904
French’s CourtFrench Street1850Renamed to French’s Court between 1863-1867
Friends Avenue1863Last houses on Street were razed by Rutgers University late 1980s-early 1990s. In 2005 a restaurant, Friends Cafe, was built at 319-321 Friends
Front Street1872
Fulton Place1878-1887
Gant Street1878-1887
Garden Avenue
Garfield Avenue
George Street1871
George StreetRand StreetRenamed Rand Street by 1906
Gerry Walk
Girard Place
Gold Street1888
Gordon Terrace
Grand Avenue
Grant Street1878
Green Street
Greenwood Avenue1924
Griffee PlaceGrifee Alley1871
Gwinnett Walk
Haddon AvenueHaddonfield Road1792Likely older than 1792. Pre-revolutionary war. Renamed from Haddonfield Road in 1871
Haines Street1884
Hale Street1895
Hallowell Lane
Hamilton StreetBerkley Street1850
Hammett Street1878
Hancock Walk
Harbour Boulevard
Hare’s Court1871
Harrison Avenue
Hart Walk
Hartford Road1915
Hayes Avenue
Hazelton Court
Hedley Street
Henrietta Terrace
Henry Street1850
High Street1885This street may go back into the 1870’s, or prior. It lay in Stockton Township and was not included in earlier directories
Highland Avenue
Hillside Avenue
Holcaine Street
Hope Street
Hornet Road1915
Howard Street1863The 800 block was North of State to York (1878)
Howe Street
Howell Street1887
Hudson PlaceThere were no houses in 1885
Hudson Street18632002For all intents and purposes, Hudson street was razed in 2002. It is less of a street and more of a way to get to a parking lot.
Hull Road1915
Hunter Street1878
Hyde Park Street1888
Ida Street
Idaho Road
Independence Road
Ionia Street1878
Ironsides Road
Isay Street1878
Ivins Street1890
Jackson Court1950
Jackson Street
James Court18601919Listed in the 1919 City Directory. Razed by 1920.
Jane Street1890
Jasper Street
Jefferson AvenueBoyd StreetRenamed Boyd Street by 1914
Jersey Avenue
Joint StreetJoint Alley1850
Jones Street9th Street1878Renamed to 9th Street by 1904
Jones’ Alley18501863
Jordan StreetChew Street18501863
Judson Place18901947
Kaighn AvenueKaighn’s Point Avenue Market Street
Kaighn StreetAlder Street18781950Renamed Alder Street between 1878 and 1887 By 1947 only 1 house and a half-block north of Sycamore
Kaighn’s AlleyKaighn’s Row Pavonia Street18631887Renamed Kaighn’s Alley by 1871. Later renamed to Pavonia Street
Kaighn’s RowKaighn’s Alley Pavonia Street18631887Renamed Kaighn’s Alley by 1871. Later renamed to Pavonia Street
Kansas Road1915
Kearsarge Road1915
Kenwood Avenue1899-1906
Kimber Street1878
Knight Street1878-1887
Kolo Street
Kossuth Street1871
Laet’s Lane
Lakeshore Drive1950
Langham Avenue
Lansdowne AvenueLemon Street1906Renamed Lansdowne Avenue in the late 1910’s
Larch Street1863
Laurel StreetMiller Street1878
Lawrence StreetMaple Street1850Renamed Lawrence Street between 1906 and 1912
Lee Walk
Lee’s Court1871
Lee’s CourtPotter’s Row1863Renamed Lee’s Court by 1867
Lemon StreetLansdowne Avenue18781919Renamed Lansdowne Avenue in the late 1910’s
Lemuel Avenue1924No houses in 1924; Two houses in 1929 Directory
Leonard Avenue
Lester Terrace
Lewis Street1878
Liberty Street1850
Lily Row18901924
Lincoln AvenueDouglass Street Douglass Avenue18841899Renamed to Douglass Street in 1899
Lincoln Avenue1898
Linden Street1867
Line StreetFranklin Street18501878Renamed to Franklin Street by 1878
Linwood Street1890-1905
Livingston Walk
Locust StreetOak Street1867
Lois Avenue
Louis Street1878
Lowell Street
Lowry Street1878
Macarthur Drive1850
Magnolia Avenue
Main Street1878
Maple Street18781904Renamed to Mulford Street by 1904
Maplewood Street
Marion Street1871
Market StreetKaighn Avenue Kaighn’s Point Avenue18501863
Markley PlaceBurr Alley1871
Marlton Avenue
Maryland Street1817
Master StreetTaylor Street1878-1904
Maurice StreetAnn Street Murice Street1890-1904First in City Directories in 1878, Ann Street was there as early as 1853. Ann Street is noted in the 1904-05 Camden City Directory as having been renamed Maurice Street. The 1947 City Directory shows it as Ann Street. Street signs since 1980 have been spelled both Murice and Maurice.
Mayo Street1878
McGuiggen’s Court1863
Meadow Row1878
Mechanic Street1850
Memorial Avenue1920Appears after 1920.
Merriel Avenue1905
North Merrimac Road1917Appears after 1917.
Merrimac Road – SouthNew Merrimac Road South Merrimac Road1917Appears after 1917. Renamed from New Merrimac Road to South Merrimac Road after 1947
Michael Street1916
Mickle alley
Mickle StreetDr. Martin Luther King Jr., Blvd.1850
Middleton Walk
Midvale Street
Milbank Avenue
Mill Row18631867
Miller StreetLaurel Street1878
Milton Street18901972-08-23 00:00:00Poets Row. The 1890-1891 Directory shows addresses at either end of block. Apparently middle of block hadn’t been finished when directory was compiled. Destroyed in the August 23, 1972 fire
Minnesota Road1917Appears after 1917.
Mitchell Street
Monitor Road1915Appears after 1915.
Moore Street18671960s
Morgan Boulevard1910
Morgan Street18781910
Morris Street1850
Morrison Street1887
Morse Street
Morton StreetSlingo Street1878-1904
Mount Ephraim AvenueBorder Street Mount Ephraim Turnpike1878Renamed from Border Street in the 2000’s.
Mount Vernon StreetJordan Street
Chew Street
Mulford StreetMaple Street1878
Mulford’s Alley18501867Does not appear in 1867 City Directory
Myrtle Avenue1883Appears in 1883 City Directory, but was not part of Camden until 1899. Appears in 1896 and later directories.
Nelson StreetNelson Court1890
Nettor Avenue1917Appears after 1917.
New Hampshire Road1917Appears after 1917.
New Jersey Road1917Appears after 1917.
New Merrimac Road1917Appears after 1917. Renamed from New Merrimac Road to South Merrimac Road after 1947
New Street1887
Newkirk PlaceBaxter Street18711906Renamed to Baxter Street between 1904 and 1906
Newport Street
Newton AvenueBrace Road Cooper’s Creek RoadRenamed to Newton Avenue in 1866
Niagara Road
Norris Street1871-1906
North Street1867
Oak Street1878
Octagon Road1915Appears after 1915.
Oil Cloth Lane1878
Olive Street1878
Olympia Road1915Appears after 1915.
Orchard Street1878
Ormond Avenue1899-1906Parkside
Palmer Street1878
Paper Mill Row12th Street1863Also referred to as 12th Street by 1871
Park Boulevard1902Appears after 1902.
Park Place1863
Patton Street1850
Pavonia StreetKaighn’s Alley Kaighn’s Row1887Formerly Kaighn’s Alley and Kaighn’s Row. Renamed Pavonia Street by 1887
Peach Street1878
Pear StreetWhitman Avenue1878
Pearl Street1867
Pelham Place
Penn Street1867
Pennsylvania Avenue18871947Only one occupied house in 1932, none by 1947
Perry Street
Pershing StreetGerman Street19061917Was renamed from German Street in ~1917
Pfeiffer Street1889-1906Summer of 2004
Philip Street1878
Pierce Avenue
Pine AvenueClare Street18631888Renamed to Clare Street in 1888
Pine Street
Pleasant Street1899Became part of Camden as a result of Stockton Township annexation
Plum StreetArch Street18501878Renamed to Arch Street by 1878
Point StreetPoynt Street Cooper’s Point Road
Polk Avenue
Porter Road1915Appears after 1915.
Post Avenue
Potter’s RowLee’s Court1863Renamed Lee’s Court by 1867
Powell Court
Princess Avenue
Princeton Avenue1902
Pulaski Street1916
Railroad Avenue18781969
Rand Street1899-19061924Appears in 1924 directory, but no houses or businesses were listed
Randolph Street1899-19061924Appears in 1924 directory, but no houses or businesses were listed
Raritan Street1899-19061924Appears in 1924 directory, but no houses or businesses were listed
Ray Street1890
Raymond Avenue1908
Read’s Alley1878
Read’s Court1871
Reese StreetRhus Street St. John StreetRenamed Rhus Street (1863) Renamed Reese Street (1867) Renamed St. John Street (1878-1891)
Reeves Avenue
Regnarol TerraceAppears in the 1947 City Directory
Remington Street
Republic Road1915Appears in the 1947 City Directory
Rex Place1887
Rhees StreetRhus Street St. John Street1850Renamed Rhus Street (1863) Renamed Reese Street (1867) Renamed St. John Street (1878-1891)
Rhus StreetReese Street St. John Street1850Renamed Rhus Street (1863) Renamed Reese Street (1867) Renamed St. John Street (1878-1891)
Richman Alley1885-1891
Riley StreetRiley Avenue1872-1875
Ringold Street1888
River AvenueRiver Road1899Became part of Camden as a result of Stockton Township annexation
Riverside Drive
Roanoke Road1915Appears after 1915
Roberts Court1876
Roberts Street1870Appears between 1870-1872
Robinson Place1885Appears between 1885-1891
Rodney Walk
Roman Street
Roosevelt Plaza1930Appears in the 1930’s
Rose StreetElm Street18781878-1912
Rosedale Avenue
Ross Street1891Appears between 1891-1906
Rowe Street
Roy Street
Royal Avenue
Royden Street1850
Rutledge Walk
Salem Street
Sassackon Street12th Street1878
Saunders Street1890
Sayers Avenue
Segal Street
Senate Street18671970200 Block was razed for the Royal Court Townhomes in 1970
Seward Street
Sewell Street1899
Sheridan Street1891-1906
Sherman Avenue
Shrives’ AlleyShreeve’s Alley (1867) Shreve’s Alley (1876) Welsh Street (1876)1863
Silver Street1888
Simmons Court18631891Last seen in 1880 Census 1891 Sanborn Map indicates a large empty lot
Sligo StreetMorton Street1878Renamed Morton Street by 1904
Smith Court1867
Smith’s Avenue18501867
Somerset Street
South Merrimac RoadNew Merrimac Road19171947Appears after 1917. Renamed from New Merrimac Road to South Merrimac Road after 1947
South Street1878
Spring Street1850
Spruce Street1850
St. John StreetRhees Street Rhus Street1863
St. Mihiel Street
Stanley Street1891-1906
Starr Avenue
State Street1863-64
Staten Street1878
Stevens Street1850
Stewart Street
Stone’s Row1878
Subaru DriveMount Ephraim Avenue2016Approximately 1 block long. Otherwise, Mt. Ephraim Ave. name remains.
Summit AvenueSummit Street
Sumter Road
Sycamore Street1850
Sycamore Terrace1885-1890
Sylvan Street1878
Taylor Avenue
Taylor StreetMaster Street18781904Renamed Master Street by 1904
Taylor’s AvenueTaylor Avenue18502003
Tennessee RoadAfter 1917
Terrace Avenue1926
Thompson StreetBy 1887
Thorn Street
Thorndyke Avenue1903First appears in 1904 Directory
Thurman Street
Tilghman Drive
Tioga Street1878-1880
Toombs’ Row1878
Trent RoadAfter 1915
Trenton Avenue
Tuckahoe RoadAfter 1915
Tulip Street1878
Tyler Avenue1887
Union Avenue1863-64
Union Street6th Street18501871
Union Street1871
Van Buren StreetBuren Avenue Buren Street1871Originally in Newton Township; Became part of Camden 3/7/1871. Renamed to Buren Ave between 1899-1904
Venango Street1878
Villiers Place1929First appears in 1931 Directory, still listed in 1947, no buildings ever listed.
Vine Street1867
Viola Street1872-1878
Wagner’s Court1896
Wainwright Street
Waldorf Avenue
Walnut Street1850
Ware Street2002
Warnock Place1890
Warren Avenue1899
Warsaw Street
Washington Avenue1878
Washington Street1867
Washington Street
Wasp Road1920
Water Street1863-64
Watson StreetChestnut Avenue Chestnut StreetWas Chestnut Street prior to the 1899 annexation of Stockton, renamed in 1906
Wayne Avenue
Weatherby AlleyWeatherby Alley1871
Weatherby CourtWeatherby Court18501871
Webster Street1878
Welsh StreetShrive’s Alley (1863) Shreeve’s Alley (1867) Shreve’s Alley (1876) Coates Alley1863
West Street1850
Westfield Avenue
Whipple Walk
White Horse TurnpikeWhite Horse Pike1878
White Street1885-1891
White’s Row1878
Whitman AvenuePear Street
Wildwood Avenue
Wildwood Avenue1906-1914
Willard Street1890-1905
William Street1850
Wilmot Avenue1906-1913First home listing in City Directories 1913
Wilson Street1878
Wind Street1863-64
Winner’s Row1878
Winslow Street1878
Winthrop Road1947
Wood Street1871
Woodland Avenue1878
Woolwich Avenue19031903First appears in 1904 Directory, never built. Right of way later used for Admiral Wilson Blvd project.
Wright Avenue1891-1906
Yeager’s Court1867
York Street1863
Yorkship Road
Yorkship Square


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